Chapter 13

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Maria was sitting on the couch. She still had Tate's blood all over her.
"Maria," she looked up at me. I sat next to her and we hugged each other.
"It's late. Go take a shower and try to sleep."
She smiled, got up, and headed towards the Staff Quarters.

I needed to sleep the rest of the day away. I made my way up the stairs and just stood there. If I went right, I would be sleeping in Luke's Room. If I went left, I'd be in my room. Away from everyone and Luke. The way he yelled at and fired Frank had me upset. Down the staircase I saw Shawn making his way towards me. I knew he would guard whichever door I chose. I turned to my left. I decided I'd sleep alone tonight. I would feel safe though. Shawn would be right outside the door.

The sky was so gloomy the next day. Rain hitting the window is what woke me up. I sat up and looked around the room. It really was fortunate that Maria and I didn't end up in the hospital. I started to ponder who that guy was from yesterday. Obviously his name wasn't Dean Summers. Then I started to think what if this had anything to do with Brad. Someone had been paying the Vice President Of Bower Tower to get a lot of information on Luke's Companies. Then it hit me. Dean, or whatever his name was, knew Luke. He had said he was from Erie, Indiana and knew his parents. Hugh and Michelle!

I threw my robe on and opened the door. No one was in the Hallway. I walked to Luke's room and peeked in. His bed was still made. I guess he didn't sleep in his room. He must be in his Office,  I thought to myself. I make my way downstairs. I was surprised to see there were new security posted in almost every room.

Luke's Office Door was closed. I knocked on the door.
"What is it?" He yelled.
I opened the door. His scowl softened once he saw me.
"Give me a minute John." I notice he wasn't alone in the room. The other guy nodded at me and I smiled at him. Lucas walked out and closed the door behind him. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs and arms around him. He began walking to the Kitchen. This is were I felt the safest. In is arms. He upset me yesterday with the whole 'Firing Frank thing' but I wasn't going to hold it against him any longer. It was a new day and I loved him so much.

Lucas placed me on the Kitchen counter but didn't let go. He nuzzled my neck. I grabbed his face so that he'd look at me. We just stared at each other. It felt like forever. We didn't need words to tell one another it was going to be fine. He smiled and I smiled back.

"Did you sleep?"
He couldn't have. He didn't look like my Polished, steam pressed, suit wearing Boss.
"How could I? I went to relieve Shawn and walked into your room. I laid with you but refused to close my eyes. I wanted to make sure you were as peaceful as possible. So I stayed up and watched you sleep."

He took a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. I grabbed his hand and made it cradle my head. 
"It's 7 am. Come take a nap with me."
"I would never deny you anything. But no." His started to look angry. "I need to find out what is going on."
He backed away and I jumped down the counter. He started to walk away, "I'll be in my Office if you-"
"Michelle and Hugh."
He froze. "What?"
"Michelle and Hugh. Baby, he knows you. He knew your parents. And he said he grew up in Erie, Indiana."
Lucas had a shocked looked on his face, followed by confusion and anger. He walked towards me and kissed my forehead and then on my lips. He started to pull me into him, wrapping his arms around my waste. Our lips didn't break the connection at all. I wanted this man so bad and I knew he wanted me. We had a huge problem and it had to be taken care of first. Was I being selfish to be thinking how horny I was, when I could've died last night? He pulled away from me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"I'm going to find this asshole, you hear me?"
I shook my head in agreement. 

He went back into the Office while I rummaged through the Fridge. I really wasn't hungry so I settled on a Yogurt. The sun started to peek in through the Kitchen window. "Looks like its going to be a nice day after all." I say out loud. I wanted to call my sister and tell her everything that happened yesterday. It suddenly dawned on me that my iPhone was sitting in the bottom of a bucket, in the closet. That was disappointing. I sighed and decided to go upstairs and get dressed.

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