Chapter 25

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It had been an hour since I arrived and I was clinging onto Lucas for dear life. He introduced me to a lot of important people. Some were of Royalty and a couple of Rock stars.
"I have go talk to someone upstairs," he says leaning into me. "Come with me. I don't want you alone."
"No, go ahead." I say looking around. There was security everywhere. I felt very safe. "I'll be fine."
"Alright, save me a dance. No more than 5 minutes."
He kissed me and left, with Shawn in toe.

I decided I'd find more champagne and make my way to an empty table. A lot of people had started making their way to the dance floor. I was hoping Lucas would be fast so we could join this crowd. Everyone was having a lot of fun. Finally spotting a server with a tray of Champagne, I make my way towards the dance floor. I kept bumping into people and apologizing. It was like the closer I got to him, someone would bump into me and he would get farther away. When I finally reached him, there were no flutes of Champagne left. Disappointed,
I turned and went to look for a table.
"May l have this dance?"
A voice from behind me said.
I smiled.
"Of course," I say turning around. "Thought you'd never-."
It was wasn't Lucas.

Before I have time to panic, he grabs me by waist and slams me against him. Then started to drag me deeper into the sea of people who are laughing and swaying to Lana del Rey's 'Beautiful.'

"I should warn you, I have eyes on Lucas. Don't cause a scene." He pulls away, looking at me from top to bottom, and exhales.
"You really look amazing."
Sam had a Black Tuxedo on and a Dark Wine Mask. Why was he wearing the same colors as me? He grabs me again.
"Save your compliments!" I say through gritted teeth and look away. We start to sway to the music.
"Don't be mean. I was extra nice to you the last time we were together."
I snap my neck at his direction.
"You did horrible things to me. And then you waited until I was unconscious to smack me around? You call that being nice?"
"Well," he looks up embarrassed. "Yeah, I did touch you. And it was inappropriate, but what can I say? I'm a man. With urges. And in case you didn't know, you are a beauty." He pulls me closer and whispers, "And I'm taste you again."
He put his two fingers to his mouth and sucked them.
Oh my god!
I try pushing away but he was much stronger. I felt nauseous. He takes my left hand, keeps his right hand on my hip and we spin around the Dance Floor.
"But! I'm not going to lie to you. I didn't exactly give you those bruises. Sorry. Wasn't me."
"So, you let your bodyguards have fun with me while you were away?"
"No. You're not a free for all. I don't like to share my food and if I was going to punch someone around, it would be Lucas. Wide awake of course."
I was so confused. If he didn't give me all those bruises, then who did?

"Please, Sam, leave us alone." He was ruining our lives and this was all just a game to him.
"Why? I'm just getting started. This has seriously been the most fun I've ever had. I get to sleep soundly, while the both of you...don't!" He shrugs his shoulders. "I see you in this beautiful gown and it's like Elizabeth is standing right in front of me." He closes his eyes, pulls me closer and rests his head on my head.
I move my head instantly.
"I'm not Elizabeth."
I quickly get mad.
"And let me remind you how she never loved you! She loved Lucas. This is the reason why you are doing all of this. Right? You're just like a baby. Throwing a tantrum. She never...loved you." He pulls me in tighter, hurting me.
"Who could love you?" I start again. "You're a Monster. She wanted away from you. Seems like everyone wants to get away from you. Elizabeth, this woman who you want blood for, yeah, she loved you so much, Sam. So much, that she put a bullet in her mouth. And swallowed it."

I may have giggled at that last part. He was a monster! How could anyone love him? She certainly didn't. I felt his nails dig into my side. So hard that I felt blood. I wanted to scream but stayed quiet.
"You are so fucking right! That tramp did not love me. And my life would've been a whole lot different right now if it wasn't for your lover boy. And he will pay. I promise you, he's going to die. Once I've had you," he says squeezing my cheeks, "you'll die. And then I'll live happily ever after. But let me tell you how much a Villain I am. Elizabeth didn't shoot herself. I did it for her."

He lets go of me and disappears into the crowd. I didn't bother to turn around and see where he went. I stood frozen.
He killed Elizabeth?
The woman he was doing all this for?
I hadn't realized I was able to move until I got off the Dance Floor. I look up the stairs and see Lucas.
I feel a hand touch my back and jump. Dayo!
"You are bleeding," he says concerned.
"Sam is here."

Dayo turns looking to see if he can see Sam, while getting on the walkie.
"Intruder 000." I remember that being the code specifically for Sam. He points me towards Lucas and tells me to go to him. Shawn must've heard Dayo through the radio. He quickly grabbed Lucas by the arm and whispered in his ear. A look of panic fills his face. He starts searching for me and sees me making my way up the stairs, holding my side.
"Are you okay!?" He said concerned noticing I was holding my side. I remove my hand. There was blood on it. Nothing serious but enough. He turned me around to examine my cut.
"Luke, I'm okay, really. We can't make a scene here."
He stop and looks me in the face. He knew I was right. We head into the Main Lobby and are ushered into a Meeting Room.

"How the FUCK did he get in here!?"
Lucas was yelling at the top of his lungs. He had the Venue Manager, Head Of Bower Security, and 4 Men from the Metropolitan Police in the Room. Someone had failed and he wanted to know who it was. "Explain to me how he got in here!"
Every guest had an invitation with a chip on it. The invitations also had the guests names on it. They had to bring ID.
"Baby." I started getting a headache and just wanted to go home.
"Hello??! Nobody here have any answers?"
"Baby!" I yell.
He turned and walked to me. He was out of breath.
I placed my hand on his face and his expression softened.
"I want to go home."
"Sure, Dayo-"
"No! Not without you." I say through gritted teeth.
"Babe, I can't leave here until I find out how he-"
I look down at my lap. He did need to be here but I needed him also.

I remove my mask and he sees how red my eyes were. Tears were spilling down my cheeks.
Just as he was reaching for my face, Shawn and one of the Venue Managers rushed back in.
Shawn approached us.
"One of the Chefs called out at the last minute. One guess as to who clocked in under his name?"
The Venue Manager handed Lucas the Chef's Time Sheet. The second page showed a picture of a man with a hoodie over his head. It was a little blurry, but it was definitely Sam.

"I found the video where he was dancing with Miss Jasmen. He headed back out through the Kitchen. This is a better photo." Shawn had a smug look and was looking directly at the camera. He knew Lucas would review the footage. Shawn passed the paper to Dayo.
"The team is surveying the area. With his record, I'm sure he's long gone."

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