Chapter 4

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The week went by really fast. Being Assistant to Lucas Bower was no walk in the park. The fact that I was one of his five Executive Assistants blew my mind. Cable Net London was only one of the Businesses he owned and they were all under Bower Tower. The other 4 Executive Assistants would basically call and/or email me regarding the Companies they were stationed at, and I'd relay everything to Mr. Bower. Why he didn't just have Managers at the other Companies made no sense to me. He really needed the help. And I swear he didn't leave the Building last night. When I walked in this morning he had the same suit on from the Day before.

His Office was the size of my Apartment. It had its own Bathroom with Walk-in shower, Walk-in closet, and Kitchen. How did I know this? Well, there was an emergency down on the 20th Floor the other day. I don't even know which Company it was. Might've been CNL. I have to ask him which Floor belongs to what when I see him. Anywho, I was sitting at my desk, right outside his Office, and of course I gave myself the Grand Tour.

Everything was Gold and White. You would think Queen Elizabeth stayed here or something. I envied the closet the most. So many suits and shoes. And everything smelled like him. A mixture of fruit and flower.
"So much Fortune and he lives in solitude."
I said out loud. Pretty sure he doesn't have a Wife or Children. Wasn't wearing a ring or anything. Not even a picture on his desk. I walked back to his desk and looked around. This place was fit for a King and Bower was definitely a King. Just a lonely one.

"Yes, Ms. Susan, I will let Mr. Bower know the moment he steps back into his Office."
This Woman has been calling him non stop yesterday and now today. I really wish she'd stop calling. She was becoming a nuisance. I started to think that maybe it was a girlfriend. No one calls that much unless you're in a relationship, or the person owes you money.

I forward all important emails to Mr. Bower and decided I'd go to this cute little café, around the corner from the Tower. I was so hungry. It was one hour until break and time wasn't moving fast enough. I got up from my desk and headed into Mr. Bower's Office to put his mail and messages on his desk. Something caught my eye outside the Window. It was the view. No wonder he never left the Building. The view was so majestic. I walk towards the window and put my head on the Glass.
"London, you really are home to me."

I don't even know how long I was standing there. I turn around to walk towards my desk and see Mr. Bower sitting on it, looking at me. I freeze. Oh god! How long was I standing here for? I swallow hard and make my way towards my desk.

"Enjoying the view?"
He didn't look upset at all. He was cool and calm. He handed me a bag from 'La Trompette.' It was one of the most expensive restaurants in London, and you have to make reservations to get in. I've only ever dreamed of eating there.
"I hope you are hungry. I had a meeting there and figured I'd get you something to eat since I can't let you go on break at 12. We have a meeting at 2 and I need to give you some information before we head out. You can eat in my Office while we go over some things. We leave in 30 minutes."
He stood up from my desk, walked over to his door and ushered me in. I was clutching the bag from La Trompette. I was starving and just wanted to eat. "You can sit near the window and eat. I have to go freshen up."

If it weren't for the heels I would've run to the window. Mr. Bower has disappeared making his way into his Private Quarters. I pulled the tray out of the bag and just inhaled the box. I don't know what was in it but it smelled heavenly. I opened it and stared. Okay the meat was definitely Chicken. I had no idea what anything else was and didn't care. The smell was calling my name. I take the fork and knife and cut into the Chicken. Placing the fork in my mouth, I closed my eyes and moaned. I don't think I'll ever forget that first bite. So good!!

Mr. Bower walked back into his Office 5 minutes later in a different suit. Instead of all Grey, he was in all Dark Blue.
"Do you like...?" He grinned at me.
"Um yes," did he seriously ask me that? "It brings out the Green color in your eyes."
I tried not to choke but failed miserably, not expecting the question.
"Jasmen," he laughs, "I was talking about the Food."

My mouth fell open. Please let the floor swallow me and if there was a God, take me out right this second. Okay, I think I died twice in that second.
"Oh." He saw how mortified I looked.
"Do you know what anything on that plate is?" he asks me. Of course not. I'm so embarrassed that I want to run out the room.
"Well," he walks over to my plate and begins pointing everything out, "It's Bresse Chicken, Creamed Potatoes, Grilled Calcite, Golden Turnips, and Marjoram. Good right?"
I shook my head to ashamed to say anything else. I did continue to eat when I remembered Susan left like 10 messages for him to call her.

"Oh, Ms. Susan Weinberg called a couple times today," I say after regaining composure. "Planning on returning her calls any time soon?" I blurt out.
He was looking through his desk for something and suddenly stopped. The lack of noise is what made me look up and put the Fork down. He stood tall and put his hands in his pockets. I knew I crossed the line and I was going to hear an ear full.

"Well, when I decide to call her I'll let you know. Would that make you feel better?" He glared at me. I stopped chewing and swallowed hard. I really think he wanted an answer because he just kept staring.
"Yes it actually would! So she can finally stop harassing me every hour, on the hour. It's not my fault your Girlfriend can't reach you and you choose to ignore her!" That really did come out my mouth! I seriously needed a filter between my mouth and brain. I turn my head and look out at beautiful London. This was most likely my last view from the Tower.
"What..." he seethed, "what makes you think you know-"
I cut him off because I could and I didn't really care about his personal life. Well that was a lie, but I could care less about Ms. Susan.
"I don't need to care about you or your personal life. The woman is obsessed with you...I guess. It shouldn't be my job to have to put with her and anyone else dying to speak to you."
Well, it kind of is my job to filter who gets to talk to him, but the woman wanted to speak to him badly. She called his home, cell phone and still couldn't get him on the phone; or so she said.

"Should I expect her to come by the Office while you're out? Because I'm pretty sure that step is coming right up."
He walked halfway over to me like a Tiger slowly creeping up on its dinner.
"You're mouth is going to get you fired. When the Building has your Last Name on it, then by all means, give me SHIT. Until then, you shut the fuck up about who I speak to and who I don't. And you will answer any and every call that comes by your desk with a smile. Am I clear on that?"

I shot up from my seat and I walked the rest of the way up to him. How dare he speak to me that way!? When I finally make my way up to him, we were so close that I felt his breath on my forehead again. I looked up at him and quietly said "you know what? I'm glad we don't share a last name. I'm glad we don't share ANYTHING. Your problem is that you don't like the TRUTH. Anyone would love to be in your shoes. I wouldn't." I tilted my head slightly to the left.
"Admit it, you hate that I don't bend the way you want me to."
A smile slowly crept on his face. He began walking even closer to me, which made me start walking backwards.
"Bending isn't the hard part, especially when I see how you gawk at me. Practically salivating. A handful of times I've caught you. It's not hard to deduce what things go through that head of yours." He started looking up and down at me, and kept walking towards me. I knew if he didn't stop I would be up against the Window.
"You're problem is that there is a gap between your fucking head and mouth and it's infuriating!" We both suddenly stopped our dance when I hit the Window, hard too. I winced. The back of my head started to hurt but I didn't want to show him an ounce of anything but hate.
He went to turn around when I blurted out, "then fire me..."

We were both shocked by my words. I put my head down. Of all the things to say, 'fire me' was the only thing I could come up with?
"Is that what you want?"
I could tell he was still fuming but his question softened his facial expression a little.
"Does it matter? My name isn't on the Building right?"
I looked down at my feet. I knew this dream of staying in London was over. I should go home and start packing. Give Jocelyn the good news. That I was coming back to Pennsylvania.

I started to walk out the Office, when I felt his hand around my arm.
"Why do you battle me with everything?!"
I was so confused. "Jasmen,  I didn't fire you and stop being dramatic. Go and finish your meal so I can tell you what this meeting is about."
I was unable to move. Didn't he just give me a piece of his mind? I could've sworn all of that was going to lead to my termination. He walked over to his desk, sat down and noticed I hadn't moved.
"For fuck sake Jasmen, are you going-"
"Sorry..." I put my hands up in defeat and began walking towards my food.

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