Chapter 40

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She was bleeding from her head and mouth.
"Was the plan to kill me in that accident? I'm still bleeding." She asks Sam.
Sam looked irritated.
"Pregnant woman here. Do you see her crying?"
She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
"It's always about her, huh?"
Sam walked over and kneeled next to Susan.
"Hello, Beautiful. I'm sorry to drag you into this. But I hear you're a pain in the ass, and my girl wants you dead, so..."
"No please," Susan yells. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll give you whatever you want. Please don't."
"Michael, you know what to do." Sam tells the Russian guy. Michael walks over. He yanks Susan from the floor and they disappear through the door. Sam follows behind them and looks at Cindy.
"Watch them."
I couldn't believe it. She was my best friend. Why was she doing this?

"Cindy, why?"
She snapped her head, points the gun at me and scowled.
"Because I am so SICK of his obsession with the two of you. He came out of nowhere and swept me off my feet. We did everything and anything together. I lost my virginity to him, Jasmen. And then one day he springs all of this on me. Tells me he's going to get his money back and then I'll have him all
to myself. That day that you were kidnapped, I walked into the room with Sam laying on top of you. Calling you Elizabeth. Touching you. Kissing you. He didn't even care that I had walked in on him. I left the room of course. Sick to my stomach. I waited til he was done, fondling you, and went back to the room.  I just stood there staring at you. I wanted to put my hands around your neck and kill you. End this entire game. But if I killed you, I knew Sam would leave me or worst."

She looked shocked and put her hand to her mouth. "So I did the only thing I could do, I started hitting and punching you. Over and over and over again. It felt so good. I even killed that Chef guy the morning of the Masquerade Ball. It was surprisingly easy. I just made myself believe it was you. I kept telling myself I had to wait a little longer. All this will stop, after the two of you are gone. He killed Elizabeth because she was an traitor. I hope he lets me kill you."

Cindy started to look crazy. She looked up at the ceiling and then at me.
"You know, at first I had no problem getting to know you, getting codes and information from the Tower. But then if I didn't do something right, he'd punished me. I wasn't allowed to talk to him, to make love to him. I worked so hard for him, and YOU and you're perfect life and your perfect marriage, and your perfect house where going to destroy that. I have always been the friend, the third wheel. I finally find my Prince and it's threatened by you!? I see how he stares at you. I know Sam wants you. Bad! But once you are gone, you won't be a threat anymore." She laughs. "Isn't it ironic? It's almost like the story of Lucas and Elizabeth. And I'm Sam. I'm crazy and I want revenge and you need to die, Jasmen...I need my Happily Ever After."

"Cindy," Lucas put his hands up slowly. "He uses people, what makes you think when this is all over, that he isn't going to kill you?"
"Because she loves and trusts me, " Sam says walking back in.
"I'm just happy that we are FINALLY going to be done with the two of you and we can leave this awful Country." She say turning and smiling at Sam.

Sam doesn't look or respond to her. He comes
straight towards me and grabs me.
"Now, Lucas, Cindy is going to give you some papers to sign. Be a buddy, and sign it."
"What is it?"
Sam gets mad. He turns me towards him.
"Open your mouth Jasmen!"
He puts the gun to my lips, trying to force it into my mouth.
"No!" I tried to fight him off.
He puts the gun in the air and fires. Both Lucas and I jump.
"Do I need to repeat myself? Want me to show you how I got Elizabeth to open her mouth?"
I slowly do as I'm told.
He puts the gun in my mouth.
"Now, you are in no position, Mr. Bower, to ask me anything. Sign your life away so we can all get on with our lives."
Sam winks at Cindy. She puts her gun in her back pocket and starts jumping up and down.

Michael gives Cindy a folder and a pen. She walks to Lucas and hands it to him. He opens the Folder and takes all the paperwork out.  Once he's done, he hands it back to Cindy.
Sam exhales and takes the gun out of my mouth. He pulls me closer to him.
"You are everything a woman should be, you know that? I wish my life was different, we probably would've crossed paths and we would be married right now."
He put his hand on my neck and starts to smell my hair.
I look towards Cindy and she was shaking. I could feel the blood boiling inside her.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Sam snapped his neck toward an angry Cindy and lets me go.
"I'm getting tired of your excessive nagging, Cin."
"So you're in love with her? After everything I've done for you?" She looked shocked and hurt.
"For me? I didn't put a gun to your head and ask you to help me. You did it on your own." He says while laughing.
"You never loved me did you? I was just being used?"
Cindy slowly backs up.
"Give me the envelope Cin. You know I love you. Stop making a scene." Sam would obviously say anything. Cindy looked like she was ready to tear apart the paperwork Lucas just signed.

Lucas got up, grabbed the gun from Cindy and held it to her head. Sam didn't even flinch. "Untie me or she dies!"
"Please, Lucas, don't hurt Cindy." Sam says stepping away from me slowly.
"I'm going to put the gun down now, Lucas."
Sam starts to bend slowly. Thank God this would all be over soon.
Cindy started to smile.
Sam, suddenly looks like he has a change of heart, walks toward Cindy and Lucas and shoots her in the leg. She falls. A surprised look on her face.
"Sorry, babe, and Thank you for giving me your life. Rather useless but whatever!"
He puts a bullet between her eyes. Lucas and I just watched as her body falls forward and hits the concrete.
I scream.
"I wanted to do that for so long! Fuck, she was so annoying!" Sam shouts.

Lucas doesn't waste any time. He shoots Sam, in the hand, making him drop the gun and then shoots him on the side of his neck. Sam grabs his neck and runs past Michael, out the door. Michael lunges toward Lucas, causing him to drop the gun. It slides underneath the Radiator. We hear a gunshot in the distance. They struggle. I run for the gun. The Radiator was big and hot. I turn and Lucas is getting punched and kicked. I stick my hand under the radiator and scream. It was burning my arm but I had to get the gun. I almost had it. I felt my skin start to sizzle. Almost there.
I got it!
Lucas was on the ground unconscious by the time I stand up. Michael was over him ready to stomp on his face.
"Yo!" I yell, my hands were shaking. I had the gun pointed at Michael. He looks up at me and starts laughing.
"You don't have the guts to kill me, little girl."
He walks over to me and I smile.
"Little girl?"
I shoot him in the twice, once in the chest and then the head.
He falls.
I've seen way to many movies to know he wasn't getting up again.
I drop the gun and run to Lucas.
"Lucas, baby, wake up, Lucas!!"
He starts to stir and jumps.
"Are you okay Jasmen?" I breath a sigh of relief.
"I am now."
Lucas stands and sees a dead Michael.
"Did you do that?"
I smile at him. He goes through Michael pockets and pulls his phone out and keys.
"Where did Sam go, Lucas?" I ask as he unlocks the chain.
"I don't know, but I think I shot him in the neck. Can't get that far. Hopefully."
Lucas calls the Police and then Dayo. He then picks up the gun and grabs my hand.
"Lets get out of here."

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