Chapter 11

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I got to Bower Tower precisely at 9 am. I was extremely happy today. I was in love and I had an entire day planned out. What more could a girl need? I got to the 90th Floor in record time. I then decided to do something that I'm sure Luke would find out about. I would email Cindy's Boss, Mrs. Kemp, and tell her Lucas needed extra help. To send Cindy up for the day.

10 minutes later, she walked into Luke's Office.
"God, help me survive 9 hours with Bower."
She sat and slumped into the chair in front of his desk. I was going through emails and finishing up.
"Where's Bower Power?" She looked confused.
"He's in a meeting. In a different country." I smirked. It took her a couple seconds to catch on.
"Wait, YOU sent for me?"
We both laughed. I winked at her.
"So where are your bags?" She had only come with a note pad, a pen, and her phone.
She got up. "I'll go get them."

The day went by so fast. Cindy and I took several breaks. We made sure to steer clear of Kemp. We didn't want her to suspect anything. Lucas texted me when he arrived at 11am. Every hour, on the hour, he texted me letting me know he was thinking of me.

4 o'clock rolled around. We were so happy it was time to leave. Tate was waiting for us in the front with a Black Cadillac Escalade; one of the many cars Lucas had in his fleet.
He helped us into the Truck, grabbing Cindy's bag to put in the trunk.
"I can't believe you get chauffeured around," she said excitedly.
"Yeah, it's okay."
"Well if you don't want to be chauffeured around why don't you get a car? I personally wouldn't mind it."
She was right. It sounded so easy. However, I'm sure Lucas would object to me driving around by myself.

I couldn't keep track of how many times I had to pick up Cindy's mouth from flying open. She couldn't believe how big the house was and all the servants inside. I let her give herself the tour, of the house, because my feet were killing me. Lucas did get me the Saint Laurent Heels I asked for if I had won that bet. But I actually lost. He got them from me in every color. They were beautiful to look at, rotten to wear. I also needed something to drink.

I stumbled into the Kitchen. Maria was already in there getting ready for tomorrow's Lunch and Dinner. I told her this morning we weren't leaving the house on Saturday, so she had my permission to make us fat. She turned and saw how exhausted I looked. She went into the wine fridge and pulled out a bottle of White Wine, served me a cup and handed it to me.
"I know you don't like the taste of dry wine. I want you to try this Pink Moscato though. Lucas bought a ton of different, sweet drinks to see if any struck a cord with you."
"What would I do without Lucas or you, Maria?"
"I try." She winked and went back to cutting up Chicken.

"Oh good, I found you! I thought I got lost...OH MY LORD, LOOK AT THIS KITCHEN!!"
I had to cover my left ear. She screamed into it. Once I was able to hear again, I introduced her.
"Cindy this is Maria, Maria this is Cindy."
They instantly started to talk about tomorrow's courses. I excused myself and went to change so we could go shopping. I looked at my phone and saw Luke had texted me a couple of times.

Hello, Beautiful.
I miss you.
Are you busy?

I decided to call him instead of texting him.

"You better have a great reason as to why you were ignoring my texts." He didn't sound too happy.
"I was not. We just got home. I'm heading up to my room now to change my clothes."
I had such a headache and on top of that I missed him.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
He clearly heard how sad I was.
"Well I'm exhausted and I'm missing you. Can't you come home tomorrow? Please?"
I knew his heart broke hearing me like this.
"I wish I could Baby. My last meeting is at 3 pm Sunday and I won't be able to fly out til 11 am on Monday."
I heard Martin whisper to him that his next meeting was in an hour. Since I didn't want to go with him, he brought along Martin, who was one of the other 4 assistants he had.
"-Alright Martin, thanks."
"I think I'll sleep in your room this weekend. When you come back I'll move my stuff to your room."
I heard him grin. "Really?!"

I was dressed in tights and a warm sweater. It was cold and I wanted to be as warm as possible. I threw on a thick scarf and grabbed my tan Ugg Boots. We were both ready to go when Tate brought the truck around. We got in and Cindy told him where we were headed. 2 hours later we did enough damage on our Credit Cards. I didn't buy any clothes for work. I did buy tons of matching panties, bras, lingerie, and sweaters for the cold months ahead.

We got home around 9pm. Maria had yanked Cindy into the Kitchen the moment we stepped in. Something about needing a taste tester. Cindy was happy to assist. I headed to my room and started to pull everything out the bags, when I noticed my closet light was on. I walked towards it and opened the door. Nothing but rows of clothes. For me? Business suits, cocktails dresses, brand new shoes. Gucci? Louis Vuitton? Balmain! I ran out back into the room, grabbed my cell phone and called Lucas.

"Oh my God Bower! All these clothes and shoes!?" I went back in and started touching all the fabrics.
"Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it!! Thank you so much!"
"My pleasure. I'm more excited that it gets moved into my room. I was thinking I knock the wall to the next room and expand the closet. What do you think?" I seriously wanted to cry. This man had me so spoiled and I could never repay him for any of this.
"It's sounds perfect, Babe. I love you."
"I love you too. Good night Baby."

"Thank you so much for an incredible weekend, Jas." I didn't want Cindy to leave but she had plans with her boyfriend tonight. She hugged me and then Maria. She even exchanged numbers with Maria. After our 3 course Lunch meal and 6 course Dinner yesterday, she wanted Maria to cater her parents 50th Anniversary party. Cindy doesn't know how happy she made her.

It was only 11 am. I was about to walks upstairs when the main gate phone rang.
"Miss Gibson, I'm sorry to bother you. I have a Dean Summers here to see Mr. Bower. I explained to him that Sir was away. He's not taking no for an answer. He's says he wants to say Hi to you. He's Mr Bower's friend from College."
"Oh, uh, is he alone?"
I didn't know the exact protocol with the Gate.
"Yes ma'am."
"It's fine Frank. Let him in."
I walked to the mirror near the Front Door to make sure I looked presentable.
The door bell rang about 10 minutes later. For a minute there I thought the guy got lost driving onto the Property. I walked towards the door and opened it.
"Hi, Jasmen right? I'm Dean!"
"Oh please, come in," I smiled and motioned for him to enter. He stepped in looking around. Dean was actually good looking. He looked exactly like Jensen Ackles, but much taller.

"Wow what a beautiful home you guys have here."
"Thank you so much! Please follow me to living room."
He followed me.
Maria walked in and offered Dean something to drink.
"Oh you're a Doll. No, thank you."
She smiled at him awkwardly and walked out. Dean sat and I followed, across from him.
"So was Luke expecting you? He didn't say anything to me."
He shook his head. "Well, I told him I wasn't sure. I had a couple of meetings and didn't know if I could make it to London."
"So what part of the States are you from?" Dean didn't have a English accent.
He began to laugh and said,  "Erie, Indiana."
Oh, it was were Luke grew up.
"Oh did you know his parents?"
Dean smiled and said yes. "Great folks. Michelle and Hugh. May they continue to Rest In Peace."

Dean got up and started to look around. He had an impressed look on his face and then went to the Window.
"Such beautiful property and so massive. It's in the middle of nowhere too. Private. Like Luke likes it. He always loved his privacy. I don't know whether you are lucky or unlucky."
He started laughing.
What an odd thing to say? I forced a laugh.
"Yeah, it's very quiet here. I don't mind it. Peaceful." I got up and stood next to him.
"So, how did you two meet?"
He says smiling and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Oh, work. I'm his Assistant."
"Ah, love at first sight?" He winks.
I started to blush and looked down.
"Actually, it was the opposite."
"Yeah, I believe that..." Dean says walking away. He started to walk away from me and went to the Hallway, looking around. "So, uh, what time are you expecting him?"
"Didn't he tell you-"

Maria had walked into the Living Room. "Miss Gibson, the sauce for the Chicken isn't coming out right, would you please help me?"
I looked towards her confused. It took me a second to figure out what she was doing.
"Oh, of course. Dean would you excuse me? Good cooks are hard to find nowadays." I threw my hands up and shook my head. I prayed it wasn't obvious that I was lying.
He smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes. "Of course!" He waved at Maria. She nodded.

Once we were in Kitchen she whispered, "Call Lucas now! I've been with him for more than 10 years and I've never seen or heard of this man. And I am always informed of Guests. This man is lying. Lucas was never expecting him!"
My heart sunk.

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