Chapter 31

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We headed to the Tower. I wanted to call the Police but Lucas said no. For all we know, it could've been nothing. Shawn, Dayo and 3 others on our Security Team accompanied us. I was so scared. Sherman decided to stay back. Im guessing Lucas didn't pay him enough to risk his life. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to not call for more back up.

"When we get there, stay in the car." Lucas was sitting in the back seat with me.
"Are you insane?! You are NOT going in there without the Police and I'm not staying in the car. What is if he's inside or outside watching?"
He grabs my hand and kisses it.
"We have all the security we need. And he's not stupid enough to hang out and get caught."
I rolled my eyes and look out the Window. Was he really walking into that Building blindly?

As soon as Lucas, Shawn, and Dayo disappear into the Tower, I start looking around. I don't think Sam would be stupid enough to just be standing out in the corner, but I was so scared. And I wasn't going to sit in the car and wait for something to happen to my Husband. Was I really left in the car with one bodyguard? The other two were in the SUV behind us. I decided I couldn't sit by and do nothing. I unlock the door slowly. As soon as the guard turns his head toward the street, I open the door, climb out, and run into the Building. I didn't bother to check to see if they were on my tail, I just ran like my life depended on it. Once I enter the Building, the Guard in the Reception Desk saw me running and yelled for me to stop.
"Please, help! Those men outside are trying to kidnap me."
It was the only thing I could think of. The Tower Guard looks from me to my Security team, who were just about to come into the Lobby. I run to the Elevator and hit the button.
I was so relieved I didn't have to wait.
The door opens and I get in.
"Close, close, come on!" I yell to myself hitting the Close button repeatedly. The Guards are yelling and coming closer.
It closes!
I lean against the wall and breathe a sigh of relief.

Once I reach the 90th Floor I start panicking. It was so quiet you can hear a pin drop. I then hear talking in the distance.  I round the corner and reach Luke's Office. The window fog tint is up so I can't see what they are doing. I do hear Shawn is on the phone.

"Yeah, no more than a day. You guys need to get here now. No, we haven't touched anything."
I stand in the door way of his Office. Shawn and  Lucas have their backs to me, they are standing near the Desk. Dayo is in front of them and he sees me. It causes Lucas to turn around.
"I told you to stay in the car! Go back downstairs NOW! Wait, where are the Guards?"
I put my head down.
I walk towards him and he motions for me to stop. "Lucas, I just wanted to make sure you were fine. And you know I suck when it comes to-"
I stop. There it was. Our gift. It was the Maid, Giselle, wearing a Wedding dress, sitting in Luke's chair with a gun shot wound to her head.
I scream.

The Police had arrived 10 minutes later. I really didn't get to hear much of anything. Everything was a blur, almost dream-like. I do remember Lucas carrying me to Reception area and sitting me down. But anything after that, was lost to me.

"Mrs. Bower!" The Detective Sergeant was snapping his fingers in front of my face. I looked up at him confused. The whole area was crowded with Police Officers.
"So, did you know the deceased?"
"Shouldn't you be referring all questions to Mr. Bower? She is clearly in no position to speak."
Dayo had been walking towards us. The Detective Sergeant turned around. He opened his mouth and closed it, once he saw how big the man before him was.
"I got his Testimony. I need hers. Especially since she ran in here claiming someone was after her."
Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I had never seen a dead body. Giselle, was never my favorite person, but the only thing I wanted was for her firing, not her Death.

"It's okay, Dayo. She worked for us." I wipe my face with the sleeve of shirt.
"When was the last time you saw her?" The Detective pulls out a pad and pen from his breast pocket.
"Uh, a week and a half ago. I had fired her for stealing."
His eye brow went up.
"She was stealing?"
"Yes, I have footage of her in my closet."
"Where were you yesterday and today?"
I looked at him. Was he insinuating that I had something to do with her death?
"Getting married."
He continues writing and puts his pad and pen back in his pocket.
"Alright, that's it for now. We'll be in touch."
He looks back at Dayo. Dayo looks at him and gruffs.

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