Chapter 5

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It was Saturday morning and I was so glad to sleep in. Mr. Bower had me in the meeting til about 10 pm. We were meeting with a man who was finalizing everything to expand Mr. Bower's Companies to the States. During his talks I learned that another one of his companies was a Cell Phone Company. Bower Mobile. He had just bought out T-Mobile and was going to break ground in Los Angeles, California. The man at that meeting was going to oversee those daily operations in L.A.

I just wanted to forget everything about work and relax this weekend. How pathetic that I had been here two years and made no friends. After my break-up, I just always kept to myself. Now I'm wishing I hadn't.

My MacBook pinged. I got an email from the man himself:

Subject: Tower Meetings for Next Week

Good Morning Miss Gibson. I know today is your day off and sorry for imposing. I was wondering if you could change your plans for the day and we could go over everything that's happening Next week. Preferably this Afternoon. If you agree I will pay for lunch all next week. We may even take a trip to La Trompette if you'd like. We can meet at my place or yours.

Thank you,
Luke Bowers
CEO, Bower Enterprises

Didn't I say I was happy to be away from this man? I scratch my chin.  I literally have nothing better to do.  Why not?

Subject: Tower Meetings for Next Week

Sure. 11 am. You can come by my place.

Thank you,
Jasmen Gibson
190 Sussex Garden, London

As soon as I closed my MacBook I realized I was in PJs and looked a mess.
"Oh my God, I haven't even bathed!"
I ran out the bedroom and into the shower.

The buzzard rang at 1 pm exactly. I examined myself in the mirror I had in the Living Room and then opened the door. When I open the door my mouth falls. Why was I so shocked to find him in a suit?
"Do you own a pair of Jeans and a t-shirt?"
He looked down at himself confused.
"No, what are those?" He smirked and walked into the Apartment.
I close the door behind him.

"So, this is my place. Not much to show you. I get its smaller than your Office but I love it. It's home." He looked around uncomfortable. I'm sure he was counting down the hours until he left. Coming from a palace of an Office to a tiny matchbox would make anyone cringe. He smiled at me and started giving himself a tour of my place.
The nerve of that guy. I felt myself getting hot.
"Umm excuse me? Where are you going?" He turned to look at me. "Giving myself a look-see. It's only fair. You walked through my entire Office without asking me. Why can't I do the same here?"
He saw that? My mouth fell open.

I offered him Coffee, which he happily took. We went over a lot for next week. I was so happy we did this. We would've been stuck in the Office after hours trying to get through everything all week. Which had its pros and cons. Public Transportation is no joke. Having to catch the Tube late at night was scary. The weirdos always wanted to come out and play. I had a man follow me Home. Scared the crap out of me. Turns out, he lived right across the Street from me. Of course I told my Boss about how uncomfortable late nights were. The plus side about working late was that I always got and ride home.

This man's life was chaotic. Watching him explain everything and massage his temples once in a while showed me a clearer picture of him. Anyone could see how stressed he was. In the Office, you would never see him do this. I guess he had portray Strength and Power at Office. Here he could relax. Somewhat. I was starting to understand him a little better now. He fills the void with work. Too busy to ever care about anything, or anyone.

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