Chapter 18

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Warning: This chapter contains crude, sexual behavior. Readers discretion advised.

It felt like we were driving forever. So many turns and we hit a dirt road that lasted forever. I kept playing over and over in my head how stupid I was. He was never going to hurt Lucas. Sam had to get close in order to hurt him. And that would be impossible with the armed bodyguards following him wherever he went. Then it dawned on me, it wasn't my fault, if it were the other way around Lucas would be in my shoes right now.

We make a sharp right off the dirt road and continued straight up for about a mile. The driver then makes a left. It sounded like gates were opening and he drove through.
"Honey, we're home!"
I could feel Sam's breath on my face as he said it. But I don't say a word. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

The Limo suddenly stops and my door opens. Someone grabs my arm, helping me out.
I'm still blind folded but I hear footsteps, coming towards me, and automatically know it was Sam.  "Take her inside. I have a few phone calls to make."

I'm led inside and up the stairs. We walk straight down the hallway and we make a stop. The door opens to my right, and I am ushered inside. The person let's me go and the door quickly closes as they leave.

I pull the blindfold off slowly. I am terrified at what I'm going to see when I open my eyes. It was a big Bed Room. The walls where bare and in the middle, lay a Bed. I turned to grab the doorknob, but there wasn't one. I kicked the door and screamed. Looking around I noticed the curtains.
Curtains meant windows!
I run to the other side of the room and pull the curtains back, and what I see makes my heart drop.
Cement blocks.
"Oh god!"
I felt like I couldn't breath. I had to sit down. What was he going to do with me? All I kept thinking about was pieces of me being sent to Lucas, every week, until I was back home. Dead of course.
I started crying. I leaned against the wall and started to fall. It felt like forever. I didn't hear any sounds or anyone talking. I wait...and wait...eventually sleep taking over. Taking me momentarily away from this nightmare.

The sound of keys jingling and the door opening woke me up.  Sam and two other guys walk in. He had changed into jeans and a blue shirt and was holding a Bottle of Beer.
"Wait outside," he tells the other two.
He takes a drink and starts walking towards me.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Injuring your guards, kidnapping you. Its not the real me. I'm actually a pretty decent guy. It's just that Lucas has been a horrible friend to me and it's something I'll never forgive him for. Guys will be guys, you know. Then again, I do have a thirst for vengeance but you can't blame a guy right?"

As he walks closer, I pray the wall swallows me. Getting away from this man was all I wanted.
"Cat got your tongue? Nothing to say?"
He gives me saddened look. "I've got to say Jasmen, as your host I think you are being quite rude!"
Sam gives me a moment and I say nothing. He gets mad and throws his Bottle at the wall. It was thrown so close to be that I feel the liquid hit my skin.
I scream!
"Please, just let me go!"
It's the only thing I can say. "I don't know what you want from me."

He inches closer to me and starts to grab at me, playfully. I push his hands away and he keeps grabbing at me. Taunting me.
"Its okay, shhhhh, Everything will be fine. Come here!" He yells and pulls me towards him. I start to scream and throw my head back.
"Shhh, I don't want you screaming, unless I'm the one causing the pain."

He drags me to the bed and throws me. I try and climb off through the other side but he grabs my legs, spreads them apart and lays between them. I start to punch him but to no avail. He had my hands
pinned above my head.
"Please," I cry, "let me go!"
He starts to laugh.
"I think it's a perfect time to call Lucas. Don't you want to hear how distraught he is over you? Yeah, let's do that."

He sits up straddling me. Pulls out his phone from his back pocket and starts to dial.
I sob quietly. All I want is for Lucas to find me.
"Hello!" I hear Lucas loudly. Sam had him on speaker.
"Hey, Bud, how the hell are you?" Sam taunts Lucas and laughs.
"Where is she, is she okay!?"
"Jas, Lucas wants to know if you're okay, tell him how you're feeling."
He grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks me towards him. Hard.
I began to scream. My head felt like it was on fire. He lets me go and I grab my head, trying to turn away.
"Stop please!" Lucas yells over the phone. "Whatever you are doing, please stop. Leave her alone. She doesn't deserve this."
Sam smirks and says, "I think she's doing great." He lays back down on top of me.
"And what do you think she deserves huh? I think an eye for an eye at this point Lucas. What do you think? Let's see if I can make her moan."
"Don't you fucking dare!! I will kill you! You hear me!? Touch her again and I will fucking kill you!"
Sam starts laughing at Luke's threat and places the phone on the bed.
I feel his hand going up my skirt. I try to move his hand away but he takes both of my arms and pins them above my head. He yanks my skirt above my hips and I start screaming and crying uncontrollably.

"Jasmen, baby, are you okay?! Oh God, I am so sorry!" I hear the horror and panic in Luke's voice.
"No!" I scream and kick, "Lucas help me, please!"
I hear glass shatter over the phone.
"Sam, I beg you, I'll do whatever you want. Leave her alone."
"Red panties! Let me see if she has the matching bra shall we?"
He yanks my shirt up. "Bingo!" He yells.
I start to get hoarse and it became hard to yell anymore. On top of that, I started to feel very dizzy. All I thought about was Lucas, Maria, Jocelyn, and even Dayo. God what I wouldn't do for that non-speaking Tower to be here right now.
"Lucas," I whisper.  My throat started to burn.
"Baby, talk to me. What's wrong? Why is it quiet?" Lucas thought Sam's terror was over. But it wasn't. I felt his cold hand pull my panties to the side and I start crying again, but no sound was coming out. Everything around me started to spin. I was fighting to stay awake. I refused to faint.
"Tell me Lucas," Sam began again, "when you were touching MY girlfriend, what did she sound like?" Lucas stayed quiet.
"Did she sound like this?" I felt Sams fingers enter me and I let out a moan. I try to scream "NO" but nothing came out. Everywhere he touched felt like it's was on fire.
I hear Lucas scream and something else crashes through the phone.
Sam laughs.
"I am going to have so much fun with her. I probably will never let her go at this rate."
The room suddenly starts fading out. I feel myself fainting.
But I can't.
Please god, no.
Don't let me black out right now. Please...don't...let..."

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