Chapter 39

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Lucas Point-of-View

"What time is the last Meeting Diana?"
I hadn't been sleeping good lately and was tired. There was so much to do with hardly any help. Martin was missing and I didn't want Jasmen leaving the House. I was frustrated and concerned. Martin just fell off the face of the Earth. The last time he was seen was exiting Bower Tower and nothing. We were able to track his phone. It showed he headed away from the Tower to the Airport around 12:15pm. Then from the Airport traveling North. Then it hit a dead end. I gave Shawn and Dayo a different assignment today. I sent them to Martin's Home. We needed to find out where he went. This wasn't like him at all.

My last meeting went smoothly and it's was finally time to head back home. Back to the love of my life and our growing child.
"Alright Phil, time to go home."
Phil opens the Porsche door for me.
"Yes, Sir!"
Once I get in, I call Jasmen to let her know I was on my way.
"Hey Baby!"
"Hey. I just finished my meeting. I'm on my way back now."
I was so exhausted. I just wanted to curl in bed with her and not wake up until next year.
"Have you eaten? Want me to prepare you something?"
"Yeah, sure. Sounds great."
That put a smile on my face.

"Uh, sir..."
I look up from my phone.
There was a man waving our Car down. Looked like his car over-heated, right in the middle of the road.
I sigh.
It was only right to help him or at least give him a ride.
"Go check it out, Phil."
I look down at my phone. I had gotten a text
from Shawn saying there were no leads regarding Martin. My headache turned into a migraine. A person doesn't just disappear. Someone had to have seen him or heard from him.
This made me angry.

I suddenly hear two gunshots and look up. Phil's body hits the front of my car and falls. The man that waved the us down walked over to my door with a gun drawn.
"Hand me your phone and get the fuck out the car!"
He was a big guy with a Russian accent. I hand him the phone and I exit the vehicle with my hands up. Once I'm standing in front of him, he closes the door and pushes me towards the front of my car. I look down at Phil's body. He was shot once in the heart and head.
I shut my eyes.
My heart was in my throat. What the hell was going on? The Driver side door opens and I see my worst nightmare get out. He turns around and puts his hands on the car and laughs.
"Hey Bud! Long time, no see. How are you?"
It was Sam.

Sam walked over to me with a gun in his hand.
"Just kill me now. I don't want to hear anything you have to say!"
He stood in front of me with a serious face. He looked me up and down and then put the gun to my forehead.
"Yeah you're right. I wouldn't want to bore you, now would I?"
He scowled and tilted his head to the left. He then grinned and clicked his tongue, "unless, you want to see what happens. Trust me, I think you would want to stay alive for that."
He puts the gun down and walks away. Someone hit me from behind and I black out.

The back of my head was hurting so bad. I open my eyes and the light blinded me for a second. I was on the floor.
"Where am I?"
The pounding in my head wouldn't stop. It felt like someone was drilling into it. My eyes start to digest everything around me. I was in an abandoned Warehouse. Making myself stand, I noticed my right leg was chained to a large pipe. I tried pulling on the chain and nothing.
"Hello!!!" I yell. I couldn't see anything past the lamp over my head. Was that a table a couple feet from me?
"Shhh...You don't have to yell."
Sam was standing against the wall about 10 feet away.
"Why am I here?"
He looked towards the darkness and the lights cut on.
My heart stopped beating. Jasmen was laying on the table. She had a wound to her forehead and was unconscious. I started to yell and pull on the chain.
"Motherfucker!! What the?! Jasmen!!" I couldn't stop yelling. I ran towards Sam. I wanted to strangle the very breath out of him. The chain stopped me and I fell to the floor. Pain radiated up my leg.
"Careful, don't want to break your leg. And if you must know. She was in a car accident. Rear-ended. Some crazy ass person. Hit her head right on the dashboard. Airbag didn't deploy. But seriously, what good are Seatbelts?"
He walked towards her and continued, "she's a fighter. She woke up afterwards. What I am more worried about is if her pregnancy will hold up. See...she was actually on her way to the Hospital."
He stood behind the table and put his hand on her stomach.
"Get your fucking hand off her! You sick fuck!! Why can't you leave her alone? Kill me!"
"No Lucas. I already explained to you that nothing I do to you, physically, will hurt you. I need to hit you where it'll inflict the most damage."
He leans on the table and moves the hair from her face.
"...and this little number is that ticket. Shall we wake her up?"
"Don't touch her! Leave her alone!" I got up and walked towards them. Again, the chain caught. I was about 5 feet away from her.

"Mrs. Bower, wake up!" He whispers to her.
Jasmen started to stir.
"Alright, time to get up Mrs. Bower! Wakey wakey!" He started poking at her stomach.
Her eyes opened and then shut. She moved her head and raised her hand to her forehead.
She moans. "Where am I?"
"You're here. With Lucas over there!"
She turns her head towards Sam and starts to scream. She tried to get up but he grabbed her by the neck and held her down on the table.
"Wait, wait a second Mrs. Bower. You were just in an accident. Do you feel fine? Does your head hurt?"
He puts one hand around her neck and uses the fingers on the other hand, to put it in her forehead wound. She started screaming and kicking. It was so quick, if I blinked I would've missed it. She punches him in the mouth.
He yells and turns, walking away.
She gets up disorientated and tries to walk towards me. Another man comes out of nowhere and stand between us. It was the Russian guy. She stops and turns around to where Sam was. He started to laugh and made his way to her.
"I see why you married her. Good arm!" Sam's lip was bleeding and he wiped it with the back of his hand. He pulled her towards him by her hair. She screamed in pain and the Russian guy turned towards me. He smirked and started to walk away slowly. Eyeing me the entire time.

"Now, where was I?" He turned Jasmen towards me, still holding onto her hair. She kept screaming and trying to fight him off. He suddenly got pissed and hit her right in the stomach.
"No!!" I yell.
He knocked the wind from her. She fell to the floor gasping for air and clutching her stomach.
"Oh, now I remember! Sorry, I can't think with all that yelling and screaming. It's not good you know? Gives me anxiety and I have really bad nerves."
"What do you want, Sam, please don't hurt her anymore. She's pregnant. You didn't have-"
"No. I had to! You don't deserve ANYTHING that you have right now! I'm supposed to feel bad that she's pregnant? Huh? I detest you, and anything that you love. Even what it growing inside of her."
"All of this because of Elizabeth? You're getting revenge on someone who cheated on you?"
"No, Best Friend, I'm getting revenge on the guy that claimed to have my back no matter. The guy I saw as a Brother. THE GUY THAT HAD NOTHING BEFORE I HANDED HIM EVERYTHING!"
I looked toward Jasmen. She was still lying on the floor, clutching her stomach and quietly sobbing. This guy was going to kill our baby.

"Hey, look at me!" He pulled a gun from his back pocket and pointed at me.
"Listen I'm sorry. I can't apologize enough for Elizabeth and your Dad."
He laughed.
"My Father? You remind me of him Lucas. You know that?" He started walking back and forth. "A good guy. Head was always in the books. Strong, brave, went after EVERYTHING he wanted. Poor Sap begged me to go to London. I said no. Nope nope nope! You know I told that selfish pig about you and Elizabeth? He said I deserved it for being such a weak minded individual. That my head should've been in the Company, not chasing worthless pussy."

"He knew what she meant to me and he stood in front of me trash talking her. Alas, I'm not stupid, I KNOW she was a whore. I knew the second she told me about the two of you, that I was done with her. What enraged me was that you did it, and you didn't care. Once the business was a success here in London, I figured what the hell, I'll dip my toe into the Company and once he dies he will leave me everything and I'd fire you."
He stopped pacing and looked at me.
"He told me no. Everything that you and him worked for would not be given to me. I didn't deserve it. I was a bum. Can you believe that? My own father. Calling his baby a bum. So when I found out he had Prostate Cancer, I rejoiced. My only regret is that I didn't kill him. Cancer beat me to it." He sigh.

Jasmen's Point-of-View

I lay there motionless. My stomach felt numb. I didn't want to believe it but I felt like we lost our Baby. Moving my leg proved impossible. My entire body was hurting, except my stomach. We were in so much Danger, I had to push myself to get up. Sam was still talking to Lucas. I turn onto my stomach and pushed myself up.
"Sir," I hear the Russian guy say to Sam. He turns to look at me.
"I'm telling you, you're a strong one. I like that!"
"How did you do it?" I hear Lucas say to Sam.
"You knew every step we took. How?"
Sam scratched his head with the gun and grinned.
"Inside man, or should I say women. See, Gissele was supposed to be my eyes and ears in your home. She proved useless. So, I got rid of her. You were actually supposed to be put away for her murder, but someone didn't do a good job, making sure the video from your house was deleted. And on top of that she gets fired, by your wife here." He points the gun at me without looking at me.
I wanted to know who the bitch was. I was going to pull her hair from her scalp. Who else was helping him?
"Who was it?" I say shaking.
There was a knock on the door. Sam gestured for the Russian guy to open it.
He starts to sing.
"I wonder who is behind door #1?"
Susan walked in. I knew it. I wanted to run towards her and choke her but I was paralyzed. Lucas and I didn't seem shocked at all.
"Please," she starts to beg, "don't kill me."
She's suddenly gets pushed to the ground. My blood runs cold when I see who is standing behind her, holding a gun.

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