Chapter 12

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"Maria, call Tate!" I whispered.
I pulled my cell phone out my back pocket and dialed Lucas. It kept ringing and ringing.
"Oh my God. Lucas pick up, pick up!"
It kept going to voicemail. I scrolled through my phone and found Martins number. It rang.
"Martin here."
"Martin, it's Jasmen!"
"Oh, hey how are-"
I cut him off, "Martin put Lucas on the phone."
"Jas, he's in a meeting right now."
"Listen to me Martin, it's an emergency, please get him. Hurry please!"
I had my hand over my mouth, trying to make sure I was quiet as possible.

I saw the look of panic when Maria couldn't get a hold of a Tate or Frank, at the Front Gate. I whispered for her to keep trying.
Maria peeked out into the Hallway and she paled. "Dean isn't there!"
My hands started to shake.
"Jasmen,what's wrong?" Lucas finally grabbed the phone.
"Baby, there's a guy in the house. He says he's Dean Summers and we can't get a hold of Tate or Frank. He was just in the Living Room and he isn't there now. "
"Where's Maria?"
I grab onto her shirt. "She's with me. We're in the Kitchen."
"Get into the storage closet and lock the door. Go now!"
Lucas was practically yelling at the point.
I motioned for Maria to follow me. I grab the biggest knife I could find and we got into the closet. She locked the door behind her.
"Lucas we're in the closet, but-" I started to shake uncontrollably, "we still can't get a hold of anyone."
There was silence for a couple of seconds. I had to look at the phone to make sure we weren't disconnected."
"FUCK!!" He yelled. I jumped. "Martin call 911!! Shawn call Simon, I want that Jet ready! We're leaving now!"

There was a noise coming from the Kitchen. It sounded like a struggle. Then we heard Glass shatter. Maria and I looked at one another.
"There's someone in the Kitchen," I whisper on the phone.
"What?" Lucas said. "Who is it?"
Maria started sobbing and I put my hand over her mouth. I signal for her to be as quiet as possible and she shuts her eyes.
Something hit the door with a lot of force. We jumped back and I dropped my phone into the bucket of water that was sitting there. I'm still covering Maria's mouth. I place the Knife on a shelf and use my other hand to cover my mouth. I guide Maria as far back as I can into closet.

Whatever hit the door was now slumping to the ground. It took about a minute and it still just sat there.
"Miss Jasmen, Miss Maria..."
It was Tate. We both breathed an sigh of relief. He sounded weak but it was him. I started hearing the Sirens. Far away but they were coming. Maria and I. had to push open the door with all our force. Tate was on the floor leaning against the Door. He was badly injured. He was hit over the head and lost a lot of blood.

"Maria," I whispered. I didn't know if Dean was still in the house. "It's okay Maria. Come here. Give me your apron."
She hesitates but takes it off. I tell her to hold it on his head and talk to him. I grab the knife and check the Kitchen and the adjacent Dining Room. No one was there.  I stood behind Maria watching both sides. Making sure no one jumped out and surprised us.

"Miss Gibson, Miss Sambidi. It's the Police. Where coming in!"
I started to cry.
"We're back here in the Kitchen!" I yell.
The Police walk in with their guns drawn. I pulled on Maria to get her away from Tate. The paramedics were here and ready to help him. She must've been in shock because she wouldn't let go. She started to cry and I had to force her away from Tate. She got up and we embraced one another.

The Police did an entire sweep of the Property. Twice. They took our statements and I felt a little better that they stuck around until Lucas got back. I didn't want to leave Maria's side, but I started to feel dizzy and there were so many people asking me questions that I started getting anxiety. I decided to go upstairs and lay on Luke's bed.

A couple hours passed and I was just laying in the dark staring at the ceiling. Every breath I took without Lucas hurt me.  I needed him to tell me that everything was fine. That I was okay because I didn't feel okay. That man could've hurt us. Or worse. He should be home any second now, I kept telling myself.

I stopped breathing when I heard the Front Door bang open.
"Maria, Maria, are you okay?! Are you hurt?! No!!Where's Jasmen?!"
I heard him running up the stairs and then away from me. He was headed towards my room.
"No..." I whisper. I was in his room. I got up and ran to the door and threw it open.
"Jasmen!! Baby?!" He yelled.
"Luke!!" I started running down the Hallway towards my room.
"Jasmen!" He ran back into the Hallway and saw me. We ran towards each other like our lives depended on it.
I jumped in his arms and wrapped myself around him. He began kissing me all over my face.
"You're home! Please don't ever leave me Lucas. Don't!" I yelled.
"Never, never again." He put me down and began looking all over my face. Making sure I wasn't hurt. He looked scared, confused, and pissed.

"I thought," he was out of breath, "I heard something crash over the phone and the line went dead Jas. I thought I lost you. I thought I lost Maria!"
"I dropped my phone into a Bucket of Water. I'm so sorry." I started to cry uncontrollably. He wrapped his arms around me and led me to his bedroom. He held onto me so tight. Anyone else would've felt suffocated but I felt the safest I had ever been. This is exactly where I wanted and needed to be.

Lucas walked me towards the bed and I sat down. He knelt down in front of me.
"Listen to me. Go take a shower. Ill be back. I'll have Shawn stand right outside the door. I'll be right downstairs trying to figure what happened. Okay?"
"No, please. I don't want to be alone. Stay with me." A tear started rolling down my face. He wiped it away and pulled me towards him.
"I am always with you." He says as I hold onto him for dear life. He pulls me away.
"Nothings going to happen to you. Okay? I promise. I'm here."
He takes my hand and places it over his heart.
I smile and let go of him.

He pulls his cell phone out and called Shawn to watch the door. He turned to me.
"I'll be downstairs."
I nodded.
I started to feel a little better until I saw myself in the Bathroom Mirror. I had Tate's blood all over me. I ripped the clothes off of me and got into the shower. I knew Lucas would go see him and I had to go.

After my shower, I felt much better and wanted to go downstairs. Shawn moved aside when he saw me opening the door.
"Everything okay?"
"Yes," I lied.
"Mr. Bower is in his Office."
I give him a quick smile and started to walk downstairs. The Police were still in the living room. I suddenly hear Lucas screaming. When I walk closer to his Office and see him, there was pure rage all over his face.

"How the fuck, with all the cameras on this property, do we not have a face to this daring prick? And you!" he turned to Frank, who was in charge of guarding the Front Gate, "you mean to tell me a man walked to the Front Gate? No car, no bike and THAT didn't make think something was wrong!? You were instructed to not let anyone in here. So you decide to call Jasmen, instead of Tate, and ask if it's alright to let the guy in? Oh because he kept insisting?"
Lucas began to laugh.
"Sir, I'm so sorry-"
"Don't you fucking say it!" He stalked towards Frank.
"Maria, who you've known for years, my WOMAN you piece of shit, your friend Tate! If it wasn't for Maria, I could've walked into a blood bath. And that would have been tomorrow, when I was supposed to come back! Don't fucking say you're sorry. If Tate dies, I'm pressing charges on you. You hear me?!" Lucas was already in his face, "Shawn grab his gun. You're fired!"

Frank put his head down and handed his gun to Shawn. He walked out the Office followed by Shawn and a Detective. He paled and stopped when he saw me.
"I am so sorry Miss Jasmen. I didn't-"
"Don't you fucking talk to her, and get off my property!!"
I couldn't believe how Lucas was talking to him. After I had given Frank the okay to let Dean in, the guy hit him from behind. Knocking him out. Frank has been careless, but no one deserved to talk down to another person.

I walked into his Office and looked at him shocked. "Why is all this Frank's fault? I told him to let the guy up."
"Jasmen no, I told him not to let a single soul in. I didn't give a fuck if it was the Queen herself. No one was allowed onto this property."
"So why didn't you tell me this?"
He looked at me surprised and shook his head. "Don't turn this around. I told you-"
"You told me NOT to leave but you never said no one was allowed in. Did you not trust me?"
He looked down, put his fists on the desk, and then at me. "When it comes to your safety? No. I trust no one. Today was a good example of why."
"Well then," I walked by him and stopped at the door way, "seems like Frank didn't drop the ball. You did."

Falling TowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora