Chapter 27

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"So the only person that can actually keep you safe-" He stops mid-sentence. "Oh, I understand now! I get it. See because I keep failing to protect you, you just figured, hey!!! Why not roll the dice and see what happens when I'm far away from him!! Right?!"
I start to sob.
Lucas gets closer to me. I am paralyzed with shock. Why did I decide to leave the House without him or security? I was so stupid.
His cold hands wrap around my neck. I am pulled towards him. Lucas turns my head so that his lips are on my ear.
"He's going to die, then you'll die. And then I'll live happily ever after."

I jump up! My heart was racing. Cold sweat. I realized I was sitting upright on my bed. It was only a nightmare. 

I slowly lie back down and stare at the dark ceiling. Turning to my left I see the Alarm Clock. 3:45 am. It had been two days since the Ball. Since I last saw Lucas. Was he done with me? Is that why he reacted so harshly to me? Because he was done protecting me?
I turn and sob into my pillow. If he left me I don't know what I would do. I couldn't live without him. He was my reason.
My heart.
My entire life.
I shouldn't be blamed for wanting to do something as simple as breathing. I loved him and he needed to understand that. If he loved me, he would. Sam said that he was going to make me so miserable, that I would end up killing myself. I think I may have started going down that road.

Later that Night, I take a shower. I didn't bother leaving our Bedroom for the second day in a row. He didn't come to check on me or change clothes either. However,he was going to work so I guess he took care of his hygiene at the Tower. I realized the longer away from Lucas I was, the angrier I got. His reaction to my 7 hour disappearance was a side of him I'd never thought I see. Some would say he had every right to react that way. Was I the only one who disagreed? What if he struck me? God only knows what would've happened if Dayo didn't come and drag him off me.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when someone knocked on my Bedroom door. I waited for Maria to walk in with my Dinner but she didn't.
"Come in!"
It was Cindy. Holding a Box of Pizza, Chips, and two DVDs.
"Would you like some company? I think we are both hurting and could use each other's company."
Tears pool in my eyes. I say yes and run to her. She sets everything down and hugged me.
"Tell me everything. Maria said it was bad but didn't give me any details."

"...and Dayo pulled him out the Room."
Cindy's mouth was wide open. Chewed Pizza falling from her mouth.
"I can't believe that. Lucas wouldn't...he's obsessed with you. He would never hurt you. Wait, has he ever-"
"What? No, of course not!"
"Did he hurt you?"
I showed her my arms where Lucas grabbed me tightly. A little black and blue.
"I'm so sorry. He had to be out of it. He's stressing about that creep, your disappearing act, then you tell him you wanted space? Oh and mix all of that with Alcohol? bad combo that was bound to explode."

Cindy was right. I wasn't going to hold Lucas accountable for hurting me. Yes it was his fault, but so many other factors made this happen.
I put my slice of Pizza down.
"Is he here? Did you see him?"
She stopped chewing.
"Yeah. He's downstairs in his Office. Your Guardian Brute and some creepy looking guy where in there talking and Lucas had his head on the desk."
"Have you guys talked?"
"No, I think it's best if we just give each other some space." I tell her.
"Well isn't that the reason for this mess?"
I nodded and took another bite of my Pizza.

"So," I decided to leave the Subject of Lucas and I alone. Cindy had a lot of explaining to do also. I turned my body towards her.
"What's up with you and this Trevor guy?"
She freezes.
"What do you mean?" She looked uncomfortable.
"Stop. You know what I mean."
"Yeah." She swallows hard and throws her slice back into the box. She stands up and crosses her arms against her chest. "I've never been so in love, Jas. In the beginning, he did everything for me. We spent every waking moment together. This guy makes me see Heaven when we make love. And just like that, it stops."
Yeah, he was definitely cheating on her.
"Well, what do you think it is?"
She shrugs her shoulders. "Another woman, I guess."
"God, Cindy. Let him go then. You are young and beautiful. You don't need the aggravation!"
She looks at me like I've just spit in her food.
"Are you going to leave Lucas just like that after he put his hands on you?"
I put my head down. "No."
"It's the same for me."
She's smiles and sits right back next to me on the Floor. She grabs my hand.
"One of us will get our Happily ever, Jas."

It was 6 am the next day. I was tip toeing down the Hallway trying not to make any noise. Cindy had left hours ago. I wanted to go into the Kitchen and get a Yogurt. Making it to the Staircase, I get on all fours so that I could see or hear any movement coming from Luke's Office. It was still dark outside and the light was off in his Office. Good, he wasn't there. I make my way downstairs and not a soul. I look out the window next to the Front Door and see security stationed all over the place. Something I had just gotten used to. I sigh and start walking into the Kitchen. I round the corner and Lucas is sitting on the counter laughing with a maid I've seen a couple times before. She smacks him on the leg and they both laugh. Once he sees me, his smile disappears and he puts his head down. The Maid looks up at me. Her eyes go from my head all the way down to my feet. She had a look on her face like I'd interrupted something she didn't want to end.

She puts her hand on her hip and continues to say something to Lucas.
"Like I was saying..."
"Excuse me," I say.
She rolls her eyes towards me and smiles. "Yes, ma'am?"
"Be a doll, I think I saw trash in the Foyer. Go pick it up."
She looks at Lucas for confirmation.

My blood started to boil. Was she really waiting for him to disagree with my command? He doesn't look at either of us and continues to stare at down at his lap.
I fold my arms and smile. "If you're waiting for Mr. Bower to disagree with me, you'll be waiting a long time."
She sucks her teeth and starts to walk past me.
"Yes, ma'am."
Did she just suck her teeth? I grab her by the arm. "And when you are done, please clean every inch of the Glass Room."
I let go.
"Of course," she says through gritted teeth.

I walk past Lucas and open the Fridge. Maria had fully stocked one row with nothing but Yogurt.
I grab a Raspberry flavor and a bottle of Water.  I turn around and Lucas is standing right behind me. Awkwardly trying to close the door, without touching him, I drop my water. He bends down and picks it up. I reach for it and he notices the bruises in the middle of my forearm.
"Did I do this?" He says alarmed touching my arm. He pulls back the sleeve to the other arm and sees the same bruise.
"It's fine. I've had worst."
I push past him.  He spins me around and puts me on the counter.
"Please," he whispers. "Talk to me. I-I can't bear the silence between us . And I know what I did was wrong! It's just that you didn't come in after me. I walk back outside and you're gone. I thought the worst. Then I see you on camera taking a car and leaving as if nothing. To know you powered off your phone. It broke my heart because I knew you wanted to get away. From me. You know? And...I understand that I'm suffocating you, and I'm sure you hate me, and this place-"

He stops taking.
"Well, Yeah, I did need some alone time. Sam set out to make me miserable and it's working." I start laughing. "Do you know where I went when I left?"
He shakes his head no.
"I went to my Apartment. And I saw the beautiful things you had done there and for all the Tenants. I loved it. It felt like home. So homey. But it wasn't my Home. So I started packing my stuff up, and I loaded the truck. I admit I did take a nap. I also got lost on my way back. I was only supposed to be gone for an hour or two. But it turned out to be longer."

"I left wanting space. But once I had it, I knew it wasn't what I wanted. What I wanted was you. I am miserable, I won't lie. But I'll die if I'm not with you."
I place the Yogurt and Bottle on the counter. He comes closer to me and carefully puts his hands around the back of my head, and pulls me slowly so out foreheads are touching.
"I'm sorry I scared you. I'm sorry I hurt you. That wasn't me. You have to know that. I would never-"
"I believe you."
And I did.
"I love you, Jasmen."
"I love you, Lucas."
He looks up at me. Runs a finger down my face and smiles.
"Marry me."

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