Chapter 38

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We had an argument after that. I didn't want to go see the Doctor. I was completely fine. He needed to make sure Martin was okay and find out why he didn't deliver those papers.
"You and our Baby are the only things that matter to me. You can't sit there and tell me you don't want to get checked!"
I walked out of the Office and headed upstairs. I wasn't going to argue with him. We were both stubborn. No one would win and I didn't want my Blood Pressure sky rocketing for no reason.

I laid in Bed and turned the TV on. I wanted far as possible from Luke. Maybe I should've hid in one of the unoccupied rooms?
"So you're just going to lay their and make sure our Baby isn't okay? That you aren't okay?"
God, I just wanted to watch the News in peace.
"No, I'm not. Martin has disappeared and you don't care? How does that many any sense?"
I snatched the remote from the Bed and turned the TV off.
"I do care. That's why I sent Diana to investigate. You were there when I told her. Get up so we can see the Doctor. I'm not going to repeat myself."
How dare he!?
"Leave me alone, Lucas!"
I get up from the Bed and go to the Bathroom. I just needed a Hot bath. Maybe that would help.
"What are you doing? Where are you going?"
He followed me.
"To take a hot Bath! Go away!"
I slam the door behind me and wait to hear the sound but it doesn't come. Lucas caught the door before it slammed.
"Pregnancy 101. You can't take Hot baths while pregnant. Especially for more than 10 minutes."
I turn to him shocked. Why did he know this and not me?
I begin to cry.
Why was I crying? I have no idea. It just started to happen. Might've been all the stress I was under. Sam, Martin, and now my Husband was annoying and he knew more about Pregnancies than I did.
"Oh Baby, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I didn't mean to upset you."
He took my hand and had me sit on my vanity chair. He knelt in front of me.
The sobbing wouldn't stop. Why was I this emotional? I saw a smile flash in the corner his mouth.
"No, of course not. Do you need anything? Tell me." I didn't have to think that hard.
"The you have in your End-table and a bath."
I was still sobbing.
"Alright," he says trying not to laugh. He runs me a warm bath and walks into the Bedroom. He comes back with two Snicker Bars seconds later.
"Okay, I'll be downstairs if you need me." He wipes the tears from my face, kisses me and leaves me alone opening the wrapper.

My cramps seemed to be getting worst as the days went by. Nothing I did alleviated the discomfort. I had even taken 2 baths yesterday and nothing. I called the Nurse and she told me to come in. Calling Lucas was not an option. No one could find Martin, Lucas was in a bad mood and that afternoon he had an important meeting. They had to start from scratch with the L.A. Tower.

It was Lunch time and I decided to see what Maria was making.
"Oh, I thought I'd walk into a spread."
I walk into the Kitchen and Maria was cutting carrots. No Food in sight. Sort of disappointing.
"Yeah right," she turns to me. "You have the stomach of a Chipmunk. I'm not wasting food."
I laugh.
"But I DID make you a sandwich and cut some fruit."
She walked to the Refrigerator and pulled out a plate covered in Plastic wrap.
"Of course I have to make sure you both are properly fed." She turns towards me and removes the plastic. Egg Salad. My mouth started to water. She made the best Egg Salad ever.
"How is Mr. Bower holding up?"
"Well.." I take a bite of my Sandwich, "there's a maniac running around, he's going to be a Father, and his Right hand disappeared off the face of the Earth, not to mention pushing the LA Tower back a couple of months."
"That bad huh?"
"Yeah. He won't stop nagging me either. I am cramping but it's normal. I don't need to run to the Hospital for every scratch. It's annoying. He's annoying."
Maria laughed.
"You both are fighting like you've been married for years. You have to be a little more understanding on his side. He's going through a lot now and his top priorities are you and the Baby. And on top of that there's all those other issues."
She was right. I needed to be more accepting of my Husbands craziness.
"Could I have another sandwich?"
She laughed again and went to the Refrigerator.
"With Ice Cream on the side, please."

I take a shower and get dressed. My Cramps started bothering me again. If they got any worst, I'd tell Lucas, and I would be ready to go.
My phone rings.
"Hey Baby!"
"Hey. I just finished my meeting. I'm on my way back now."
He sounded tired.
"Have you eaten? Want me to prepare you something?"
"Yeah, sure. Sounds great."

I go back downstairs and open the Refrigerator.
"Are you still hungry?"
Maria asks walking out of Pantry.
"No, it's for Lucas. Is there anymore Egg Salad?"
"Yeah, second row, left side. Fruit is in a bowl next to it. If you need anything else, I'll be in the Laundry Room."
She walks up to me, rubs my belly smiling, and walks away.

I prepare Lucas a Sandwich and a bowl of Fruit. He was extremely stressed this past couple of day, telling him about my cramps would  probably send him over the edge, but I had to tell him. I didn't want something happening and I knew seeing an Ultrasound would make him happy.

I sat on a chair in the Foyer reading a Magazine. I was shocked to see I was on the page "What Not to Wear!" I was walking towards Bower Tower in sweat pants and a hoodie. Cap and Sunglasses on. No makeup. I was so embarrassed! Where do paparazzi hide that they get these photos? And how did they know it was me? I started reading the article:


Can someone tell Jasmen Bower she is married to a Billionaire? The Newlywed stepped out, in what looks like Pajamas she used to paint her new home. And does she even own a brush? We can see that tangled mess underneath her hood. Lucas Bower must be keeping her up late at night because we can see bags under those eyes. Someone is in need of a vacation or a quick trip to the Beauty Salon.

I think I threw up in my mouth.
Lucas told me not to read Magazines anymore because of the trash talking they do. Safe to say, he was right.

I get up and look through the window. Lucas should've been home by now. I call his phone and it goes straight to Voicemail.
I called two more times and nothing. I then call Dayo and he picks up on the first ring.
"Mrs. Bower."
"Dayo, are you guys near?"
"Excuse me? What do you mean?"
"Lucas said he was on his way home, that was an hour ago."
My heart started racing. Was he not with Lucas?
"No, Mr. Bower sent Shawn and myself to speak with Martin's brother at their home. We are actually on our way to you right now."
"Ok, his phone is going to voicemail. I don't like this, he should've been home 30 minutes ago."
"It's probably nothing. We will go to the Tower now and take our usual route to see if they got a flat or something."
"Yes please. Thank you."

I stay in the Foyer. It felt like an eternity waiting to hear from anybody. The cramps where starting to come back, this time a little more painful. I inhale deeply and rub my stomach.
"It's okay. Just relax."
Then I exhale. A horrible stabbing pain hit me in my lower stomach. It hurt so bad I had to lay on the floor. This was serious. I had to go to to Emergency Room. This pain had gotten suddenly unbearable. I stand from the Floor and find a chair.
"I'm going to call Cindy."
My hands started to shake and tears where building in my eyes. I dial Cindy.
"Hello?" She said cheerfully.
"Hey. Cindy. Can you do me a favor?"
"Sure what's up?"
"I need you to take me to the Emergency Room. I'm not feeling well."

She rushed over in 10 minutes.
"Are you okay?" I greeted her at the Door.
"No, I'm pregnant and I feel horrible. Im in pain. It hurts so bad."
I started to cry.
"Oh God! Okay okay, ummm...alright. Never mind why you didn't tell me, let's go!"
She helps me down the stairs and into a car.
I turn and see Maria.
"Im going to the Emergency Room. Please wait for Lucas. Tell him to meet me when he gets back okay?"
She had a look a panic but she agreed.

"How far along are you?"
Cindy was driving me to Royal London Hospital.
"Ummm... First trimester." The pain suddenly went away.
"Alright keep breathing in and out, you'll be fine. Were almost there."
We stop at a Red Light.
"Why didn't you tell me? This is best thing that has ever happened to you. You should be shouting this from Bower Tower. "
She laughed and I started to feel bad.
"I wanted to make sure my pregnancy was far along before I said anything. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, you're right!" She puts her hand on my stomach. "Anything can-"

I wake up seeing spots. I was going in and out of consciousness. I feel someone lift me away from the car. I turn my head slightly and see the back of the Cindy's car was squeezed in. Where we just hit from behind? Oh, please be okay Cindy. Everything starts to look foggy and play in slow motion. The person carrying me continues walking towards a White Van. Was that an Ambulance? Oh God, my Baby! The door slides open.
"That a girl! I knew you'd be okay!"
It was Sam. I scream!!

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