Chapter 10

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The next couple of weeks went by fast. We were so busy that I wasn't able to take hardly any breaks whatsoever. Lucas had meetings left and right. Friday he was going away for the entire weekend, and he wanted me to go with him. I had promised Cindy, the receptionist from HR, that we'd go shopping. I needed new work clothes anyways.

"Listen, the fact that she's still working here amazes me."
Cindy was a Beautiful Blonde. Born and bred in London. She never traveled to the U.S. and hoped one day she could.
"Barbara reached over the counter and smacked her right in the face. I was sitting there when it happened. I got up and moved out the way! I didn't care to have front row tickets to that."
I had laughed so hard.
"And they both still have jobs?"
"That's what I'm saying!"
She had been sitting on my desk, filing her names, giving me all the juicy information about the fight that occurred. It was the talk of the Tower. Everyone knew about it.

"Shouldn't you be downstairs, Cindy?" Luke said passing by us and then walked into his Office. We both followed him in.
"I am allowed to visit my friend to give her all the gossip."
I let Cindy in before me so that I could close the Office door.
"She doesn't need to gossip. She has a lot on her plate right now." Lucas stated as he made his way to his desk to sit.
"I bet she does have a lot on her plate."
Cindy said smirking at me and clicked her tongue.
She was the only person in the Building that new about our relationship.
"You both realize I'm in the room right?" I say making my way to Lucas. I sit on his lap and he nuzzles my neck.
"Get a room." She pretended to hurl.
"Guess what Cindy?" He looks up from my neck and scowls at her. "This Tower is my room. Now go away!"
He takes a pen from his desk and throws it at her. It hit her on the leg and she jumped.
"Hey!! I'm only leaving because that pen signs my checks!"
She blows me a kiss and walks out.

For the past couple of weeks he's left the tint on the Glass walls up. He didn't want anyone seeing us through the glass. The only time he would take it down is when I was hard at work at my desk. He didn't think I noticed when he was watching me.
"Be nice to Cindy baby," I say standing up.
"She's annoying and I'd wish you'd reconsider going with me on this trip. It's four days away from you." He shakes his head.
"No, she is not. Cindy just has a bubbly personality. You need someone like that greeting clients and answering phones. "
I sit on his desk.
"And I promised Cindy we would go shopping. I have never done anything like this in my Adult life and I'm looking forward to this. Next time there's a trip, I promise I'll go with you okay?"
He pretended to not hear me and started going through paperwork. I glared at him and made my way to my desk.

Friday rolled around and Lucas woke up in a bad mood. I knew it was because I still hadn't changed my mind about going with him. It was 6 am and I was helping him make sure he had everything packed.

He walked out his closet holding an envelope.
"I have two surprises for you. One I'll give you now and the other you'll get when you get back from your girls night out."
"Really?" I skipped over to him and he handed me and envelope. I tear it open and it was a Black AMEX Credit Card.
"It doesn't have a limit. And your name is on the back."
I was surprised. Ever since I became his girlfriend, my checks went from £2000 a week to £10,000 a week. I wasn't even allowed to pay rent for my apartment, not that I had been staying there. We went back once and it was to collect more of my clothes.
"You really shouldn't have. It's bad enough that I feel weird that my bank account is large and now this?"
Was I being ungrateful?

"Up until a month ago, I was supporting myself. I have you now, and what's mine is yours. You deserve the World, please let me give it to you." He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I love you Lucas." We we're both stunned by my admission.
"Really?" He instantly got happy.
"Ive wanted to hear you say that. I love you too."
He picked me up and spun me around. "Now I am excited to leave. I get to count down coming back to you."
That made my heart flutter.

"Okay, you have your phone and laptop right?" I asked. He checked his pocket for his phone and grabbed his laptop case. "Got it. Oh and I know Cindy is going to be here all weekend. Jas, please don't let her enter this Bedroom. She's weird. And you don't have anything really to do at the Office today. I left a voicemail that I was away until Tuesday. You can do the same at your desk. Just go through the emails. Anything important, just send it to me. I'll be back by 1 or 2pm Monday. I told Maria she will be cooking all weekend. She's excited. What else? Oh, please don't leave the house. Tate will drive you to work as usual, and he will be your chauffeur tonight. Please don't give him no shit. I told him to follow you guys around while shopping. At a safe distance."
I rolled my eyes. He hated when I did that, but I didn't like the idea of a tail. However, my safety meant everything to Luke.
"Okay. I won't give him any grief."

We made it downstairs while he rambled on about making sure everything was locked and to make sure the alarm was 'Armed' at night.
"Baby!" I shouted, catching him off guard. "Stop it. I'm not a Child. I will hold down the Fort and I swear I'll be fine. Okay? The house will still be standing when you come back."
He smiled and put his bags down. "I know I'm sorry.  I love you and please keep your phone on you."
Shawn, from security grabbed his bags and took it to the Porsche.
"Wait do you have your Plane ticket, Lucas?" He looked at me and smiled putting his arms around me. "I own a jet."
"Oh," Well, thats normal. My Boyfriend owns a

He kissed me, said his Goodbye and left me standing there. I began to wish I was going with him. I felt it was more important to make friendships. He would be fine without me. And there wasn't anything wrong with a little space between us.

Right when I was about to close the door I heard him yell, "LUNCH IN PARIS, NEXT WEEKEND, WELL TAKE THE JET! WHAT DO YOU SAY?"
I smile and threw open the door. I ran down the steps and jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately.
"Come back to me." I whisper to him.

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