Through Time.

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Through Time

I can honestly say that French people from the sixteen-hundreds are some of the most outrageous unreasonable people out there. Turning my head, I could clearly see the French mob of peasants gaining on me.

My feet burned from the ugly heels, and the long dress I wore slowed me down immensely. The intricate bun my hair was once decorated in had long since fallen back to the familiar mass of huge messy curls.

My eyes were narrowed down to slits as I could hear the people's footfalls getting closer to me by the second. Without a thought, my hands went behind me—the middle finger being stuck out. Obviously, no one would understand the offensive gesture, but it still made me feel good inside.

I growled, quickly bundling the top of the sixteen-hundreds dress—allowing for myself to move better. God, did I hate medieval times. I really needed to stop visiting here.

From behind came the French voices of the peasant's talking among each other, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they were cursing me.

"What the fuck, man!" I yelled as a halberd went flying over my head embedding itself into a nearby tree.

The only reply I got was the sound of cheers, causing me to groan in distaste. These people sucked, all I wanted was a piece of bread—but no, I can't have any bread. Of course, as soon as you tell me 'no', it makes me want it more. Long story short, I ate the bread anyway, and apparently, the punishment for that is death.

Death. Seriously? A bit extreme, don't you think.

Arrows began whizzing past me, and just for the fun of it, I started screaming like some lunatic. I made it a point to let go of my dress and bring my arms above my head waving them about as I ran.

Unfortunately, because of my ridiculousness; an arrow had managed to stick itself right in the center of my thigh. Immediately my screaming ceased, a huff of frustration taking its place. Not to say I didn't feel the pain—because I did. I mean it's a frigging arrow in my thigh. Who wouldn't feel that? Actually, don't answer that question.

Back to the point, the pain I felt was different than what the average person would feel. It was a bearable pinch versus the blinding pain most people say they feel. To be fair, if an angel was stuck with an arrow they wouldn't feel it at all—so I guess the pain I felt was a perfect mix of the two.

Being completely done with this situation, I let out a breath of focus. In a mere blink of an eye, my entire form disappeared. Now, here's the issue with just jumping through time the way I just did; with no focus and in a hurry. I was easily able to make a mistake in where I landed, which much to my horror I just did.

"Ow," I said lamely, from where I lay on the dirt ground.

With a small huff, my body teleported from its place on the ground into a standing position. Glaring at the arrow stuck in my bleeding thigh, I wasted no hesitation in ripping it out.

"OW!" I said louder, with much more force—even though it didn't hurt that much.

As soon as the arrow was out, the wound began closing up any pain going away. I threw the arrow far away cursing it as it soared. Once the wound was completely healed, my head turned around taking a look at where I had ended up. It still didn't cease to amaze me, that even if I had been time traveling for four years—I still was very capable of making mistakes as to where exactly I landed.

Take now, for example, my intentions were to land in the loft of the upper-class Manhattan apartment Balthazar and I shared. After my dad was killed, Balthazar had decided to move in with me considering he was the only other person at the time to know I even existed.

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