The Gaunt Lineage.

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F I F T E E NThe Gaunt lineage

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The Gaunt lineage

I jolted awake with a loud gasp, one young man's name burned into the recess of my mind.

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

I swallowed—my throat dry, looking around my surroundings with wide eyes. I remembered everything, but was confused as to how long I was out. The sound of heels clicking met my ears, and I quickly turned my head seeing the matron making her way to me.

She gave of huge breath of relief upon seeing me.

"Thank Merlin you are awake!" She exclaimed, stopping just by the bed. "Gave us all a mighty scare." She shook her head, fumbling around with potions placed inside the pockets of her apron.

I looked around once more, noticing that nothing had really changed—leading me to believe I hadn't been out for that long. Finally, the sweet old matron pulled out a small purple vial, handing it to me with a smile.

"Drink this, it'll help with any pain." Carelessly I uncorked the lid, downing the contents—knowing it would do nothing for me.

It tasted blank; like I swallowed water.

I wiped my mouth with the end of my sleeve, taking the time to notice my clothing had been changed. I was no longer in my school robes, but instead dressed in a forties styled sleeping gown. Slowly, I looked up from my outfit and handed the empty bottle back to the matron.

"How long have I been asleep?" I croaked out, grabbing my throat at how dry my voice sounded.

"Oh, poor girl—drink some water." She fussed, using her wand to conjure a glass of water; handing it to me. "To answer your question four days, it's Wednesday morning." I nearly choked on my water, at that. "I haven't the slightest clue why you were affected so horribly. Usually anyone who takes too much Felix Felicis is fine straight after the antidote, but not you." She sighed; frazzled, taking my empty glass.

"Once you fainted, Tom came to me panicked. He held your mouth open, while I forced the antidote down your throat. I was certain you would wake up soon after; however, when you still didn't wake up after four hours I knew something was off. I wanted to get you to St. Mungo's, but Dumbledore convinced us all you would be fine." The matron paced about my bed, waving her hands as she vividly explained.

"What was odd was that lovely boy; Tom Riddle, was very bothered by Dumbledore's choice of action. He even went as far as to argue with him on the matter, something Tom has never done." She laughed a bit, "He's been in here as much as he possibly could, even skipped a few classes in order to stay by your side. I have never in the five years that Tom's been here, seen him that distraught. I had to force him out this morning, and make him go to his class—Merlin's beard if I didn't know any better I would say the boy's in love with you." She ended looking to me with a smile.

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