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F O R T Y - S I X

Tom sat reading the Daily Prophet on his reading chair eating an apple when I woke up. Moving his gaze to my form, he smirked standing up. I noticed the expensive black suit he was wearing right away, it made him look hot.

"Where are you going?" I asked suspiciously, Tom smirking in reply moving and kissing me on the lips hungrily.

"I'll be back later, keep working on potions with Severus until I get back." He apparated before I could reply.

I snickered, shaking my head. "Idiot," I muttered, jumping to my feet.

With a raised brow, I slowly made my way to the bookshelf. Shaking my head, I pushed the bookshelf out of the way revealing a wall coated with blood. Snickering at the source of Tom's spell, I turned toward the restroom.

On the wall, some sort of ritual was painted in blood, a ward to keep my grace blocked. After being in Riddle Manor for a few days, I was able to trace the spot to where my grace felt the most blocked.

Grabbing a washcloth and bucket of soapy water from the bathroom, I went to work in scrubbing the wall clean. It took a few minutes, but eventually, it was gone. The second the last spot of red was gone, I gasped feeling the strength I was used to filling me whole once more.

Irises glowing a bright gold, I felt like I could take on the world. Oh, well, first thing is first. Immediately, I teleported away from Riddle Manor to the streets of muggle London.

Time for a shopping trip.


Strutting down the sidewalk of London in my new converse, mini-skirt, band t-shirt, and sunglasses, I felt like a badass. I wasn't going to lie, I was holding about seven different bags each filled with new things, and I had paid for none of it.

Yep, I stole everything in my grasp. Knowing Tom was going to be furious when I got back, I decided to buy him an expensive watch. Hopefully, that would make him less angry, but I was doubtful.

Who cares? I had my grace back. And even if he put the spell back up, it didn't matter my grace was now used to it. It would no longer affect me.

Waltzing downtown London, I bopped my head up and down with a smirk.

"Shopping?" I turned my head seeing Alexius next to me wearing dark wash jeans and a t-shirt. "The first thing you do after you get your grace back is go shopping, not coming to me to say you're okay. No, you go prancing downtown London stealing stuff!" He threw his arms up.

"Yep." I said nonchalantly. "Where's Lavender?"

"In 2018, on the Royal Carribean; Mariner. I took her there for a vacation..." We walked across the streets, a few cars beeping at us for J-walking.

"You two sound like you're having a blast, make sure I'm the bridesmaid at the wedding." Alexius blushed at my words.

"How'd you–?" He trailed off.

"How'd I know? You're protectively clutching you're pocket which has the outline of a ring box in it. If it's not an engagement ring then you've officially gone mad." Alexius chuckled at my words, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"How's changing Riddle going?" He questioned, myself shrugging.

"I'm not doing it anymore." Alexius gaped at me, looking confused.

"What! Why not?" I pursed my lips, the both of us walking into a shoe store.

"Because Tom needs to realize it on his own. I'm sticking to my original plan, I'll let the battle of Hogwarts play out, Tom will die, and I'll bring him back. If him dying doesn't discourage him, then nothing will. The only thing I'm changing about that battle other than bringing Tom back secretly is Fred not dying."

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