Back to School.

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Back to School

Usually when a person wants to talk to someone, they do. Now, Tom for example wanted to talk to me. I don't know why I panicked so bad, but as soon as the feast was over—I was the first one out of my seat literally flying to the common room.

I hadn't even waited for Alexius before I was asleep in the dorm room—I had no plans of speaking with Tom last night. However, I suppose it was a good thing I went to bed early last night considering Lavender was currently jumping on my bed, screaming at me to get up.

"Both Alexius and you already missed breakfast, I am not letting you be late to class too." Lavender was tugging me out of bed, myself finally accepting that summer was officially over and I wouldn't be sleeping in anytime soon.

"Jesus Christ, fine." I sat up much to Lavender's approval, yawning I looked at her questionably. "How do you even know what Alexius is doing, he's in the boy's dormitory." I looked to her suspiciously, a small smile tugging at my lips.

Lavender's face flushed at she glared to me. No words were spoke as she moved her eyes to the right side of the floor by my bed. Raising a brow I looked over to my right side, scoffing at what I found.

Alexius slept soundlessly on a makeshift bed, just to the right of me. Lavender tapped her foot impatiently, looking to the Antichrist with a small scowl.

"I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I wake up and nearly step on his head." Lavender pulled her hair up in a tight ponytail while saying this. "How did he even get up here, the stairs are hexed for any males."

Shrugging, I knew the answer right away. "He teleported." I couldn't keep the smile off my face when I looked to Alexius, Lavender only shaking her head exhaling a deep breath. "Did any of the other girls notice him?" I eyed the two empty beds which normally held our roommates across from us.

"No," Lavender waved her wand at me proudly. "It took a very strong disillusionment charm on my part, especially considering he seems to have some sort of natural repel against spells." Lavender laughed shaking her head. "But I managed to do it."

I gave Lavender a thankful look, before standing out of my bed. Gazing upon Alexius who slept like a baby not disturbed by Lavender's yells, I dramatically sighed at his over excessive protectiveness.

Kicking him upside the head; not too gently might I add, he jumped awake looking around wildly. When he realized it was only me who kicked him, he gave me a look of mock betrayal. "Wow, I break the rules to sleep with my best friend, and she kicks me." He pouted, sarcasm already making its way around. "How hurtful."

Rolling my eyes, I gave him a look. "That sounds wrong on so many levels, Alexius." He grinned stupidly at that, giving me a mock suggestive look.

Playfully I winked at him, over exaggerating licking my lips—Lavender watching us mouth agape. Lavender's gaze suddenly traveled down my body, eyes widening upon what she saw. "You just wore a shirt to bed?" She exclaimed, seeing as I just wore one of Alexius's shirts with no pants.

Alexius saw this too, scowling looking to me accusingly. "That's my shirt."

Ignoring him, I gave Lavender a flippant smile. "I can't do nightgowns anymore." I shivered remembering how uncomfortable they were last school year. "Those things are so uncomfortable to sleep in, I refuse to go through that again." Lavender shook her head at my over exaggerant nature.

The brunette's eyes lit up as she remembered something, Lavender pulled two parchment pieces from her pocket. Smiling she handed them to us. "These are your schedules this year, Dumbledore asked me to give them to you at breakfast earlier." I rose a brow, reading the schedule over approvingly. I had the exact same classes as last year, the only difference being they were sixth year classes.

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