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Staring with a blank expression to the painting of his father, Tom's hands were buried in the confines of his slacks.

Fiddling with the cross and locket around my neck, I bit my lip nervously. Both magical pendants gleamed against the light shining through the open windows of our home.

"Do you like it? Because if you don't, I can always take it down." I rambled, Tom ignoring me as he slowly brought his left hand out trailing over the lines of the expensive oil painting.

The world moved leisurely as a lazy smirked carved its way onto the mouth of my soul-bounder.

"No, no," Tom waved me away, examining the painting with a sigh. "I truly do like it, let's keep it hanging." His words were slow as his ice irises suddenly met mine. "Even if I was the one to murder him." I rolled my eyes at the twisted smile spreading across his face mouth.

"Yeah, no more murdering." I wagged my finger, Tom pursing his lips in disappointment.

"What if I don't kill them with Avada Kedavra? Does it still count?"

My face reflected horror as I looked to Tom. "Tom! That's still murder, so yes! It definitely counts!" I snapped, Tom only laughing while placing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me against him.

"I know, I was only joking." I rose my brows at his words, Tom Riddle playing a joke?

Never would I have guessed something like that in a million years.

"I am not; however, kidding about this." The wizard suddenly pulled his right hand from the depths of his pocket revealing a simple golden ring with a huge oval diamond in the center.

My eyes widened as I looked at the huge ring in shock, this was no doubt an engagement ring. Everything about it screamed marriage.

I was certainly not expecting this of all things. Was that diamond even real, I had a feeling it wasn't.

Maybe Tom and Alexius teamed up against me, because Tom hadn't ever even mentioned marriage in the slightest.

Despite my slap, Alexius still refused to name his daughter after me. Instead going with a more modest name handpicked by Lavender.

Harper Daisy Rowle-MacLeod, was my niece's name. It may have not been no Pandora, but it was still good.

And dear lord was that baby-girl adorable. She was practically a carbon copy of Lavender, but she had Alexius's dark tufts of hair. Even Tom held the baby a few times, he tried saying he wasn't touched by the little girl at all, but we all knew he had a soft spot for her.

Balthazar who wasn't lying when he said he'd move in; much to Tom's dismay, also enjoyed spending time with Harper.

My thoughts rushed back to me at the feeling of Tom gently slipping the ring on my finger. Admiring the way it fit with ease, I realized that Tom was not playing a joke on me. My soul-bounder was utterly serious.

"Marry me." He whispered while I looked into his eyes, and I knew everything would be alright.

Our future together was forever, and it was pulsing with a golden hue. This was where it all started.


Celestial Soul | Tom Riddle ✔Where stories live. Discover now