Tom's Theme.

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Tom's Theme

"One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do

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"One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do. Two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one."


I yawned, rubbing my eye lids sleepily as I trudged into the common room. Both Walter and Lavender were meeting with Dippet about the recent pranks Gryffindor students had been pulling.

Apparently, he was scolding the two on not doing anything about it and making Tom discipline our houses students instead. It was quite obvious Tom was Dippet's favorite student alike to most other teachers here, so it came as no surprise that he was frazzled at the thought of Tom doing extra prefect work.

My tie simply hung loose around my neck, considering even after two weeks—I still didn't know how to tie it. I didn't even know where my robe was, not that I wanted to either. I perked up; however, at the sight of Tom himself leaning against a wall just outside of the common room.

My eyebrows furrowed when I caught sight of a book he was reading, well not reading but writing in. It was plain black leather, but what caught my attention was the small golden letters adorning the back.

'Tom Marvolo Riddle'

Was this a diary?

Shaking it off, I looked around catching sight of no one near him. It looked as if he were waiting for someone.

"One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do." I said in sing-song voice, bounding a bit closer toward Tom.

His head snapped up, our eyes quickly locking. His jaw clenched as he shut his book—placing it in the pocket of his robes. I then remembered my little get away from him last night. Crap, he had been waiting for me.

"Two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one." I sang, taking a few steps back as he came closer.

He tilted his head, looking at me through narrowed eyes. "What in Merlin's name is that God-awful racket you are singing." He asked, walking closer.

I kept taking backwards steps away from him, putting on an innocent smile. "I call it, Tom's Theme." I snickered at the look on his face.

"Do not talk to me that way." He snarled, nostrils flaring.

"Like what way, I was just saying the new name of my song. I like it, I can see it on the billboards now. Tom's Theme." I motioned with jazz fingers, as if it was the next big thing.

It wasn't really a song I made up, it was actually a song titled 'One Is the Loneliest Number' set to be released in 1968. So about twenty-five years away.

He glared, still approaching me even as I turned the corner into an abandoned corridor. God damn it, what is wrong with me? Why do I keep trapping myself in abandoned corridors!

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