What the hell is this?

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F O R T Y - F I V E
What the hell is this?

"What the hell is this?" I stomped out of the bathroom covered in nothing but a towel, seeing a pair of female wizarding robes on the bed. "I know you did not just get me these to wear!"

Tom was snickering from his spot in his reading chair, as he read through a huge ancient looking book. I rolled my eyes seeing as it was lore on angels and such.

"What's the problem? I quite like them." I narrowed my eyes at his cocky tone, seeing as Tom wasn't even looking to me as he spoke.

No words were spoken as I blankly picked up the robes walking over to the burning fireplace. Tom's mouth fell agape, his eyes finally moving to look at me, daring me to do it.

"You better not-" I cut him off by throwing the robes in the fire, watching with satisfaction as they burned.

"I am expecting a shopping trip to a muggle mall tomorrow. I refuse to wear ugly wizarding robes or any fancy dresses-" I yelped when Tom suddenly had me forced between himself and the wall.

A feral snarl painted his lips, his hand holding me tightly against the wall. His eyes were dark, my own mouth begging to tug up into a smirk. Winding him up was fun.

"I don't know if there was a mix up between messages, but just because you're my soul-bounder doesn't mean you can walk all over me, I will not stand for this disre–" I rolled my eyes, cutting the dark wizard off by pressing my lips forcefully upon his.

Tom's words were swallowed by our lips, and much to my shock, Tom wasted no time in kissing me back. His hands had wandered up, tugging my hair harshly while my own hands simply stroked his cheek.

Pulling away much to Tom's dismay, I rested my forehead against his. "I meant what I said all those years ago." We were breathing heavily. "I love you, and you can ask me any questions you want on angelic nature."

Everything in me told me Tom was not going to say it back, that's why I was so astonished when he did. "I love you too," He nuzzled his face in my neck, leaving a single kiss there before pulling away with a smirk, having no shame in running his eyes down my form only covered by a towel.

"First of all..." I watched as he made his way to his desk, flashing me my home photos. "Who are these people?"

He was having too much fun in finally getting everything out of me.

I smiled, motioning for him to hold on just a second. Turning so my back was to him, I crouched down pulling out the oversized sweater from my backpack. Not bothering to go to the restroom, I simply dropped the towel with my back to Tom.

His gaze bore holes into my back, a small laugh leaving me as I could practically feel his eyes drilling into my ass.

"It's wise not to reel me up like that, Pandora." Once again the sound of my name on his lips sent shivers traveling down my spine.

Shrugging, I threw the oversized sweater over my form watching as it ended mid-thigh. "I'm not reeling anyone up," I muttered, cringing as I put the underwear I had previously used back on.

Oh well, better than going commando.

Fluffing out my drying pink hair, I whirled around to face Tom seeing his dark gaze. Smirking, I bounced over to him, motioning to the different photos. Humming as he shamelessly placed his hands on my hips, I pointed to the picture of my newborn self and father.

"This would be me a few days after I was born and my dad, this one is my favorite it's of my mother; she really was beautiful, that's me when I was eleven and my uncle Balthazar, and finally, as you can tell, Alexius and I about a year before I met you actually," I explained, seeing Tom studying the pictures as if they were the most interesting story ever.

We stayed silent for a moment before Tom spun me around to face him. "Tell me about your past..." He demanded, myself sighing deciding I may as well be honest with him for once.

Grabbing his hands, I led him over to the big bed. Together, we fell on top of it. Getting under the warm covers, I smiled playing with Tom's fingers before starting on my story.

"My father is Gabriel, the youngest and most deceptive of all the archangels. There were only four; Michael, the oldest, Lucifer; who was God's favorite before he got jealous of humanity and was banished to hell, Raphael; the loyal, and Gabriel; the troublemaker. Gabriel skipped out on Heaven and went to Earth to live among the mortal. In his own words, mortals were far more fun than the stuffy angels."

"Of course, when he met my mom at some club, they pretty much went at it in the bathroom..." I rolled my eyes at Tom's snickering, unable to hold a few laughs myself. "Well, dad forgot to use protection, and boom, my mother's knocked up with some powerful Nephilim child. Considering an archangel had never knocked up a human before, no one knew how powerful I was meant to be. My mother had no chance of surviving childbirth with me, so inevitably she died the second I popped out of her."

"My dad raised me well though until he died from Lucifer. After that, my uncle Balthazar took care of me, he still takes care of me. I met Alexius who is an antichrist and we sort of traveled through time together." Tom was nodding at my words, keeping up with everything.

A small yawn escaped me as I smiled at him. "And boom," I smiled softly. "You have my story."

"I think you're the only thing in this world that I give a damn about, other than Nagini, of course." I nodded at his words, Tom softly drawing shapes on my hip. "You left, but I never stopped searching, loving." He muttered against my ear, before whispering. "Sleep, now."

Unable to fight it, I slept peacefully in the bed.


It was the next morning that I was bored sitting next to Tom in the Death Eater's meeting. This was unbelievably alike to the Order's meetings, like it was the exact same things they all spoke about.

Sitting next to Tom, I met eyes with Draco Malfoy who when he wasn't looking at his hands was gazing at me with an unreadable expression.

"This, as you all know, is Pandora Claire. I expect you all to treat with the utmost respect, or you will be answering to me, is that clear?" Tom's voice was deadly serious as spoke, no one daring making any sort of argument. "Good, in which case; Severus." I followed Tom's eyes landing on Severus Snape, to who Tom believed killed Dumbledore for him. "As you have a history in teaching potions, I am leaving it up to you to teach Pandora here the proper techniques-" I immediately scowled, crossing my arms while narrowing my eyes.

Snape didn't look very excited either but didn't dare cause a ruckus only nodding his head.

"Good," Tom smirked, dismissing everyone before asking Severus to stay behind.

I sat next to him, Tom affectionately rubbing my hair. "I am leaving for the remainder of the day, and I would like for you to begin teaching Pandora about potions..." I grunted at Tom's words, glaring at the Dark Lord while he only smirked down at me.

"No use in arguing, since your grace isn't currently active, all you can do is learn to brew potions. Might as well learn how, I expect for you to be able to brew a Confusing Concoction by the time I get back." I only rolled his eyes, Tom letting out a dark chuckle before apparating away.

"Fair warning..." I was looking to Severus Snape. "I'll probably kill you by brewing potions."

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