A Nightly Stroll.

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the youngest archangel was titled GABRIEL.

E I G H T  A Nightly Stroll

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E I G H T 
A Nightly Stroll

"Daddy!" The four-year-old voice of Pandora Claire squealed as she ran about the apartment looking for her father.

Hide-n-seek was no doubt her favorite game to play with him, even if he was the one to always win. Running up to the curtain on the window she pushed it to the side expecting to see him standing behind it. She let out a disappointed huff when he was not there.

Scratching her head, Pandora began walking toward the hallway thinking he was hiding behind the shower curtain. Just as her small self passed the mirror leading into the hallway, her kinder gaze caught sight of something unusual.

Turning to face the mirror her eyes went wide at what she witnessed. On her back was a pair a prodigious feathery white wings; somehow, they seemed to just go through her clothing not ripping it in the slightest. Her lips trembled as Pandora slowly placed a small hand on the mirror unable to look away from the wings.

The feathers ruffled as she moved, causing her to jump. Unfortunately, in her upset state Pandora's eyes began glowing a bright golden color shining—as if she had been provoked. Objects around the apartment began shaking wildly, a loud sob racking through the little girl's body.

"Pandora!" Her father screamed in fright for his daughter, before he appeared in front of her.

He looked over her, his vessel's cream eyes widening when they caught sight of the wings.

The archangel Gabriel took the vessel of man in his early thirties, he was relatively good-looking with dark blonde hair and sharp jaw line.

"Daddy!" Pandora screeched, objects flying around violently. "Make them go away." She pulled harshly at the wings on her back, yelling in pain as her finger nails pulled the soft feathers.

"No, no, no!" He panicked, picking up her small frame holding the young girl tight against his body preventing anymore damage from being done. "Ssshhh, calm down my little girl." He whispered soothingly, her screams ceasing as small cries simply left her.

The room stopped shaking and objects dropped from their place in the air. With a snap of Gabriel's fingers, the room was back to how it looked previously as if nothing had ever touched it.

Gently, he sat them down on the couch as Pandora began sucking her thumb, small sniffles coming from her. He pushed her back far enough so that they could look into each other's eyes. He gaze roamed from her eyes to the wings on her back, a gentle smile formed on his face while he tutted.

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