The Lunatic Lightly's.

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T W E N T Y - N I N E
The Lunatic Lightly's

"Dear Godric Gryffindor." Lavender gaped, her head tilting forward at the sight which met our gaze.

Out in the open front yard of Hogwarts was two huge dragons in the middle of what looked to be the midst of a brawl with each other. However, if you studied the brawl close enough you would be able to see that it was obvious neither party wanted to hurt the other, it just a petty fight.

Paying no mind to the brawling dragons was Alexius floating in the air in a horizontal position, so that it appeared he was lying down. His hands supported the behind of his head, while he sang a familiar tune in the most god-awful tone.

"I just wanted you to know!" Alexius dramatically cried, pointing to the heavens which was slowly shifting into the night. "That baby you're the best!" I watched the idiot with a blank look, shocked that he decided to start levitating like that in the wide open—where anyone could see him.

"I GOT MY RED DRESS ON TONIGHT!" He shouted suddenly at the top of his lungs, fluttering his eyes closed. "Dancing in the dark and the pale moonlight. Done my hair up real big beauty-queen style, high heels off, I'M FEELING ALIVE!"

Lavender nudged me, bringing her lips close to my ear to whisper. "Please tell me this is Alexius and not some random stranger."

"It's Alexius." I confirmed, shaking my head as he sang.

"Oh my god, I feel it in the air; telephone wires above, sizzling like sun—nothing scares me anymore!" I was officially at a loss for words.

"Is he okay." Lavender whispered in a slightly scared tone, making my eyebrows furrowed.

"Unfortunately," I turned to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Yes, this is his normal behavior." Lavender let out a disgruntled puff.

"HEY!" The thunder in my voice caught Alexius's attention, causing him to stop singing. "Do you mind shutting up? We're not exactly looking for the attention." I crossed my arms scowling, Alexius completely ignoring me, his gaze fixated on Lavender.

"And who are you with your brown hair and sapphire eyes?" Alexius questioned, levitating his body toward us.

"Um..." Lavender shifted uncomfortably under Alexius's stare. "Lavender Rowle." She gained her confidence back, looking him straight in the eye.

"Oh my!" Alexius fawned, fanning himself as if he were hot. "Your the one who knows the truth, but of course!" He cried, levitating so he was mere inches from Lavender's face, Lavender looking slightly wary of him.

"Bro, stop creeping my friend out!" I reprimanded Alexius, hitting his arm as he floated. "And come down from there! What if someone see's you?" Rolling his eyes, Alexius floated back to his feet.

Wearing a flippant smirk, he held out his hand to Lavender. "Alexius, but while we're here at Hogwarts I'm Alexius Lightly." Alexius smiled, as Lavender hesitantly placed her hand in his own.

He winked at her as they let go, causing her to blush fiercely. It was no secret that Alexius was a rather good-looking guy. I; however, tended to overlook that most of the time making me forget.

Casually looking back to the brawling dragons, I flicked Alexius on the head.

"OW." He glared, rubbing his head.

"Why are you letting them brawl like that?"

He scoffed, crossing his arms. "I didn't see you trying to pull them apart when you came out here, so you're also letting them fight." Knowing he was right, I groaned turning to face the dragons.

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