Guess Who's Back.

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T W E N T Y - E I G H T
Guess Who's Back

IT was cold, like freeze your balls off cold

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IT was cold, like freeze your balls off cold. With a glare I looked to Alexius who only gave a cocky grin in return. In a haste, I used my grace to pinpoint an exact location and time we were in.

Santa Cruz, Argentina.

I was already cold enough, considering it was Alexius who transported us, and god knows when he transports it's like being dropped into the Arctic Ocean. Now, I need to deal with that plus being in cold Argentina? No thank you.

Looking around, I noticed a large forest covered in snow behind where we stood, and in front of us a small quaint village of sorts. It was apparent that the village was by no means wealthy as people lived in huts and were cooking their meals outside with tiny campfires.

"Alexius..." I trailed off slowly, eyeing the obviously religious people who cooked by the campfires. Each person was dressed in fur clothing, and their hygiene was not top-notch. "Why are we here?" The question rolled off my tongue, as I caught the sight of little kids running around singing to each other in Spanish.

Alexius flapped the collar of his jacket, placing his hands on his hip in an overly-excited fashion. "To get a wand, of course!" He began trudging forward through the little town.

"And we couldn't go to Ollivanders, why?" I deadpanned walking with him, pulling my leather jacket closer—boots crunching in the snow.

"Do you actually think Ollivanders will have a wand for an Antichrist?" He rhetorically snickered.

I scowled looking at him. "Chances are they won't have one here either, I bet they don't even make wands for Antichrist! They sure as hell don't for Nephilim." We walked some more, the snow cold on our shoulders.

Alexius turned to me with a 'really' expression. "Okay, that's non-comparable; Nephilim are much more powerful and rare than Antichrist. Especially a Nephilim like you." He accusingly pointed to me, making me give him an offended look.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I questioned, ready to hit him for his insolent comments.

"It means," Alexius turned to me in a sassy manner, lips pursed. "That there has only ever been one Nephilim of an archangel to exist, and that's you. Even if they did make Nephilim wands, it certainly wouldn't work for you; considering your powers are at such a high-caliber." I understood what he was saying, and only crossed my arms pouting at the cold.

"Why don't you just let me transfer a sword into a wand for you?" I asked in a slightly whiny voice, ready to leave.

Alexius sarcastically laughed. "Not everyone wants a fake wand, Pandora. Besides you can get away with it, because you can do all the spells with your head and point your wand to make it look as if it's the wand. I can't do that." Alexius reasoned, making me shut up knowing it to be true.

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