Chapter 6: Time to Scare

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A monster was mopping up the floor, but once finished and he left, he made another trail of slime behind him. Mike passed him.

"Chalooby! Baby!" he greeted.

He got to Roz, who was reading a magazine.

"Good morning, Roz, my succulent little garden snail. And who would we be scaring today?" Mike asked sweetly, getting his folder.

Roz slapped the folder down, put the magazine down, and said, "Wazowski, you didn't file your paperwork last night."

"Oh, that darn paperwork. Wouldn't it be easier if it all just blew away?" Mike wondered.

Roz leaned forward and warned, "Don't let it happen again."

"Yes, well, I'll, uh...I'll try to be less careless," Mike assured, getting his folder and walking away.

"I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching. Always!" Roz remarked.

"Whoo! She's nuts," Mike commented.

He put his helmet on and Celia's voice sounded over the intercom.

"All scare floors are now active. Assistants, please report to your stations," she instructed.

Mike got a can and hooked it up beside the station. Then he got a card for the first door and slid the card. It came along then down and locked into place. The other assistants did the same for their stations. Then a map appeared on the screen with a red line over the areas the Scarers would go to scare children.

"Okay, people, eastern seaboard coming on-line. We got scarers coming out!" Jerry stated.

The assistants got in position as the Scarers entered in. Each of the male Scarers also had a girl Scarer partnered with them and they would rotate with every door that comes in.

"Ooh, they're so awesome," Needleman commented.

All the monsters went to their stations and turned toward them. Their assistants came and got them prepared to scare the kids and collect their screams.

"Hey...may the best monsters win," Sulley told Randall with his paw out.

"We plan to," Randall retorted, indicating to himself and G/E/N.

Sulley was taken back, but turned around when he felt Y/N hug his arm.

"Don't let them bother you, Blue Boy. You got this," she whispered.

He smiled, kissed her forehead, then said, "No. We got this."

The bell rang and all the Scarers' assistants turned the doors on.

"We are on in seven...six...five...four...three...two..." Jerry counted down.

The horn blared and the first Scarers were off.



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