Chapter 12: A Human in the Monster World Part 2

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Sulley and Y/N made it to the entrance of the men's locker room.

"Hurry and get that off you and if you scream, I'm coming in," Y/N instructed.

"Okay, I'll be back," Sulley assured in a panic.

He ran in and made it to one of the stalls. He shoved all the stuff into the toilet with disgust then flushed it. It was starting to go down, making him sigh in relief, but screamed when it started coming back up. So he ran with the soaked stuff in his hands until he found an open locker. He rushed to it and stuffed it in there. It took a minute, but he finally got it shut.

"Whew," Sulley sighed.

He walked away, not realizing the little girl was on his back. Five seconds later, he realized and screamed.

Y/N immediately heard this and ran inside.

"Sulley!" she yelled until she saw him running and went after him.

"Kitty! Birdie!" the girl exclaimed to both of them as she ran after them.

She continued to speak baby talk while Y/N and Sulley struggled to get away from her.

"No, no-- stay back," Sulley begged.

She ran up to them and they got as close to the wall as they could on the bench.

"Sulley," Y/N panicked as they held each other.

Sulley looked around until he spotted a Monsters Inc. bag. He got it as the little girl found an assistant helmet.

"I'm Tigger!" she exclaimed, putting it on her head.

Sulley then scooped her up in the bag, zipped it up, and held it away at an arm's length.

"We need to put it back," Sulley told her.

They ran to the Scare Floor at the door, but when they reached for the nob, it moved, so they hid.

Randall and G/E/N came out, confused.

"It wasn't there. That's odd," G/E/N said.

"Maybe it slept with its parents tonight. We'll get it tomorrow," Randall assured.

They sent the door back up and Sulley and Y/N couldn't believe what they were hearing. Then the little girl popped her hand out, pretending it was a puppet. Y/N quietly put her hand back, but the little girl squealed a little, making Randall and G/E/N stop. Y/N and Sulley froze until Randall sneezed.

"Bless you," G/E/N said.

"Thanks," Randall sniffled then they kept going.

Once they left, Y/N and Sulley felt like they could breathe again.

"Sulley, what are we going to do? If this gets out, it'll cause a massive panic," she pointed out.

"We got to find Mike and warn him. He should know what to do," he answered.

She nodded and they ran for Harryhausen's.


A/N This is really crazy!

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