Chapter 13: Child Loose at Harryhausen's

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At Harryhausen's, everyone was just enjoying their evening. Especially Mike and Celia.

"Oh, Michael, I've had a lot of birthday-- well, not a lot of birthdays but this is the best birthday ever," Celia told him.

"Hmm," Mike sighed dreamily as he looked at her.

"What are you looking at?" she asked with a chuckle.

"I was just thinking about the first time I laid eye on you-- how pretty you looked," he answered.

"Stop it!" Celia said, lightly slapping his arm.

"Your hair was shorter then," Mike commented.

"Mm-hmm. I'm thinking about getting it cut," she said.

Her tentacles squealed slightly in fear.

"No, no, I like it this length," he assured, making her hair sigh in relief, then continued, "I like everything about you. Just the other day someone asked me who I thought the most beautiful monster was in all of Monstropolis. You know what I said?"

"What did you say?" Celia asked.

"I said..." Mike started, saw Sulley and Y/N, who were in a panic, in the window, and questioned, "Sulley? Y/N?"

"Sulley? Y/N?" she asked in confusion.

"No! No, no. That's not what I was going to say," he said.

"Mike, you're not making sense," Celia told him.

"Hi, guys! What a coincidence, running into you here!" Y/N greeted awkwardly.

"Yeah. We're just going to order something for us to go," Sulley told them, putting the bag beside him.

"Michael..." Celia said.

"Sulley! Y/N!" Mike scolded his friends.

"I wonder what's good here," Sulley remarked, holding the menu and used it to talk with Mike about what happened.

Y/N sighed and said, "Sorry, Celia. I guess we decided to do that double date a little late."

"It's fine, but next time, I'd like to know ahead of time," Celia told her.

"Deal," Y/N agreed.

While they talked a little, Sulley told Mike what was going on.

"Get out of here. You both are ruining everything," Mike whispered.

"We went back to get your paperwork and there was a door," Sulley informed.

"What?" Mike asked in shock.

Mike gave Celia the "one minute" signal as he continued to talk to Sulley, which made Celia upset and her hair hiss.

"Celia, it's okay," Y/N assured.

"A door?!" Mike replied.

"Randall and G/E/N were in it," Sulley said.

"Wait a minute. Randall and G/E/N? Those cheaters! They're trying to boost their numbers!" Mike stated.

"There's something else," Sulley informed nervously.

"What?!" Mike questioned.

"Ook-lay in the ag-bay," Sulley said in pig Latin.

"What?!" Mike asked, not understanding.

"Look in the bag," Sulley clarified.

Mike looked under the table and wondered, "What bag?"

Sulley looked down to see the bag gone. Y/N gasped, tapped Sulley's hand, and pointed to the bag, walking and giggling.

"Oh!" Sulley freaked then said as he left and knocked over the table, "They don't have anything we like here. So take care, Celia! Come on, Y/N!"

"Coming, honey!" Y/N yelled.

"Excuse me, sir. Ma'am," a waiter exclaimed when Sulley tripped after running into him and Y/N did the same, landing on Sulley.

"What's going on?" Celia asked.

"Celia, please try to understand," Mike said, saw Boo take the bag off then shouted, "I have to do something!"

"Michael?" Celia called.

A monster was preparing to take a picture of two other monsters.

"On three. One... two...." the photographer signaled.

Boo jumped on the photographer, making the two scream. The photographer did the same as he flailed about.

"A kid!" the photographer yelled, taking a picture of the girl.

The girl jumped on the table and squealed, "Boo!"

Everyone screamed and ran everywhere.

"A kid!" a monster screamed.

"There's a kid here-- a human kid!" the chef yelled into the phone.

The child ran around, exclaiming in baby talk.

"Oh!" Mike exclaimed after running into a stack of To-Go boxes.

"Googley Bear!" Celia shouted as the running monsters pushed her out of the restaurant.

The girl ran around Sulley and Y/N, who were freaking out until Mike got her in one of the To-Go boxes. She blew a raspberry in Sulley's face, but he put her back in and closed it.

"Come on!" Sulley urged, giving the box to Y/N.

The boys ran while Y/N flew, accidentally leaving the bag.

Then they made into the streets where it was utter chaos. Helicopters and vans coming in and monsters running everywhere.

"Let's get out of here!" Mike said.

"Please remain calm. This is not a drill," a CDA agent informed.

"Just keep running, guys!" Y/N instructed.

The CDA agents came out and started taking monsters.

"We have an 835 in progress. Please advise," another CDA agent stated.

"Michael? Michael?" Celia called.

"Oh, Celia," Mike responded, making all three of them stop.

"Please come with me," a CDA instructed, grabbing Celia and leading her away.

"Ow. Stop pushing," Celia demanded.

"Hey, get your hands off my Schmoopsie-poo!" Mike commanded until Sulley pulled him away.

"Building clear. Ready for decontamination," a CDA agent informed in the wallow he had.

"Well, I don't think that date could have gone any worse!" Mike commented.

An explosion happened and they turned around to see a huge force field over Harryhausen's.

"I think it could've," Y/N corrected.


A/N Holy crap! This is really crazy!

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