Chapter 39: A New Idea

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Sulley and Y/N watched with heavy hearts as Boo's door was shredded.

"None of this ever happened, gentlemen," Roz said then told Mike, "And I don't want to see any paperwork on this."

She and the CDA agents left them in there. Mike found two pieces of Boo's door and gave one to Sulley and the other to Y/N. They knew they would hold them dear to their hearts for the girl that changed their lives.

The CDA agents put Waternoose in the back of the van and shut the back doors.

"Take him away," a CDA agent said.

All the employees watched as the van drove off.

"I bet we get the rest of the day off," Smitty commented.

"You idiot! They're going to shut down the factory!" Needleman stated while slapping Smitty upside the head, making everyone gasp.

Mike, Sulley, and Y/N exited Monsters Inc. and headed home.

"I'm telling you, guys, when that wall went up you should have seen the look on Waternoose's face. Whoo-hoo! I hope we get a copy of that tape," Mike commented, noticed the sad couple, then asked, "Hey, you two all right?"

"Yeah, Mike. We're okay," Y/N answered while Sulley nodded.

"Come on, guys, cheer up, we did it! We got Boo home. Ah, sure, we put the factory in the toilet, and...gee, hundreds of people will be out of work now. Not to mention the angry mob that'll come after us when there's no more power, but, least we had some laughs, right?" Mike pointed out.

That made the couple stop for a minute as the same idea formed in their heads and smiled formed on their faces.

"Laughs," Sulley whispered.

"Blue Boy, you just read my mind," Y/N smirked.


A/N You guys may not see Boo again, but because of her, you two have an idea to help the company. Now time for a special surprise.

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