Chapter 28: Banishment

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Waternoose went to the door in the Scare Training area and started to replace the door.

"Oh, I never thought things would come to this...not in my factory. I'm sorry you three got mixed up in this. Especially you, James and Y/N. But now we can set everything straight again for the good of the company," Waternoose explained while Boo covered her face from the couple.

That broke their hearts. Y/N hung her head in shame, but all their thoughts were interrupted when they heard a door land. They looked to see it was really wide and silver.

"Uh, sir, that's not her door," Mike stated.

"I know, I know," Waternoose answered.

That's when G/E/N and Randall appeared and opened the door to reveal a blizzard.

"It's yours," Waternoose growled.

The three monsters gasped at this new information then Waternoose shoved them into the snow. Sulley looked back to see Waternoose glaring at them.

"No!" he yelled as he got up.

Waternoose shut the door and when Sulley opened it, there was nothing except snow. Both him and Y/N gasped at this.

"Boo!" their voices echoed through the area.

He then started opening and closing it over and over again.

"No! No! No! No! No! No! No!" he yelled as he did.

He opened it and tried to look for a way back through.

"Sulley, I don't think it works that way!" Y/N insisted while shivering, but he kept going, so she tried to help.

"It's too late! We're banished, geniuses. We're in the human world! Oh, what a great idea, going to your old pal Waternoose! Too bad he was in on the whole thing! All you had to do was listen to me--just once! But you didn't, did you?" Mike shouted, they didn't respond, then yelled angrily, "You're still not listening!"

He then tackled Sulley and they went tumbling down the mountain.

"Guys!" Y/N yelled, flying after them.

"Take that!" Mike growled.

They kept going until Sulley had Mike pinned and they were ready to punch each other.

"GUYS! STOP!" Y/N demanded, getting in between them.

Mike looked behind them and gasped in horror. The couple looked to see a looming figure above them and they were terrified.

"Welcome to the Himalayas!" the Abominable Snowman greeted nicely.

The three monsters looked at each other in confusion then went with him to his home.


A/N Waternoose was behind this as well?! Now you guys are banished and Boo is kidnapped. Now what?

P.S. I'm done for the day. I will post more, but I can't promise I will tomorrow since I have school, work, then church back to back. But I will do more on Thursday definitely. I hope you guys are liking it and love you all!

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