Chapter 20: Something's Up

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"Ready or not, here I come! I'm getting warmer. Any second now. Fee fi fo--" Y/N started.

She was interrupted by a chuckle. She looked around the corner to see Sulley at the entrance of the women's locker room.

"You really are great with kids, Princess," he commented.

"Thanks. But you are too, Blue Boy," she smirked then she continued looking for the girl.

Sulley smirked while shaking his head.

"What are you doing?!" Mike asked, making Sulley jump.

"Y-Y/N's looking for the kid," Sulley answered as they walked back in the men's locker room.

"She lost it?!" Mike exclaimed.

"No, no, she was just--" Sulley defended.

"I already told your buddies I haven't seen anything," they heard Randall say around the corner.

"All right. Carry on," a CDA agent responded.

Sulley and Mike freaked out and quickly hid in a stall, getting on top of the toilet, as Randall appeared. He went to wash his hands when he heard a splash, which was Mike's foot falling in the toilet. Before he could investigate, Fungus came around the corner.

"Randall! Thank goodness!" Fungus exclaimed, scaring Randall, then asked "What are we going to do about the child?"

"Shh! Shh, shh, shh," Randall shushed, covering Fungus's mouth then went invisible.

He then started slamming open the stall doors, becoming visible, which made Sulley and Mike nervous. When Randall got to theirs, Fungus ran to him with a newspaper.

"The front page! It's on the front page. The child-- the one you guys were after," he informed in a panic.

"Will you be quiet?! Don't you think we're aware of the situation? G/E/N and I were up all night trying to find it," Randall said.

"I did a simple calculation factoring in the size of the sushi restaurant. The child may have escaped!" Fungus yelled.

"Yeah, well, until we know for sure we're going to act like nothing happened, understand? You just get the machine up and running. G/E/N and I'll take care of the kid. And when we find whoever let it out, they're dead!" Randall stated, punching the door, but luckily not seeing Sulley and Mike.

"Oh!" Fungus exclaimed.

"Why are you still here? Come on, go! Move! Now!" Randall commanded, snatching the newspaper and shooing Fungus away.

"Ow, ow! I'm not here," Fungus yelled as they both laughed.

"They're gone," Sulley whispered.

That was when Mike fell in the toilet.

Meanwhile, Y/N was still looking for the girl when she came out of nowhere and leapt on her back with a squeal.

"There you are," Y/N smiled as she got her off her back and held her.

But the girl was crying in her shoulder.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Y/N asked.

That's when she heard someone come around the corner. She quickly hid in the stall and stood on the toilet while trying to comfort the girl. Then G/E/N's phone rang and she answered it.

"Hey Randy. What's up?...The kid was on the front page? What are we going to do?...You got to be kidding me. Is Fungus getting the machine ready?...Okay. We'll question everyone who was at the restaurant then we'll regroup when we figure something out...Alright. Bye babe," she said over the phone.

She hung up the phone and left then Y/N got out with the girl in her arms.

"Machine? What do you think that means--? What do we call you?" she asked.

The girl covered her eyes then took her hands away, saying, "Boo!"

"Boo sounds good," Y/N chuckled then asked, "You want to talk with Kitty and Mike?"

"Kitty! Birdie!" Boo shouted.

Y/N laughed and they left the locker room to see Sulley and Mike in the hall. Mike's legs were sucked from toilet water with a piece of toilet paper stuck to his foot.

"Ew," Boo said when she saw Mike.

"'Ew' is right," Y/N agreed.

"Shut up. Let's just get to the Scare Floor," Mike grumbled.

As they walked, Y/N handed Boo to Sulley.

"What happened in there?" Y/N asked, pointing to Mike.

"We hid in a stall to hide from Randall and we heard him and Fungus talk about her being on the front page of the paper and a machine," Sulley answered.

"That's what we heard from a stall when G/E/N was on the phone. They're going to question everyone who was at the restaurant last night," she informed.

"Well, we better get the kid home soon," he said.

They nodded and continued for the Scare Floor.


A/N New info! Randall and G/EN are acting really suspicious. What are you guys gonna find out more about your enemies?

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