Not Emblem3

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Save Me

I recommend listening to War by Former Vandal while reading.

Water dripped in the silent room. The house was old and beaten down, not much different than your body, not much different than you. You were beat and torn to pieces half your life just about. Everyone took a little bit of you everyday and you struggled to move on. You could faintly start to hear the small drops of rain hitting the roof. The lightening lit up the small room, thunder following soon after. You hurt. Your heart hurt. Your body hurt. Everything of you was pulsing deeply to your heart. The pain rocked your body and the hurt stabbed your heart. You gasp for air as your cries became sobs. You needed to leave and get out of here. Now was your time and time only.

You thought more on it as your head fell back to the wall, knees to chest and arms wrapped around yourself. You heaved for air as a panic attack took over. Your blood races through your veins, pumping your heart at an abnormal rate. Your arms fell from around you and your body falls forward. You moan out in pain as your bandage hand makes hard contact with the floor. Your chest heaves in and out, visible to the eye. Your breathing becomes loud and ragged. Your vision became blurred and your arms shook as they held up your weak body. You ribs ached with every intake and outtake. It was becoming unbearable.

These weren't new to you and you knew how to take care of them but everything was so hard and you didn't know what to do anymore. Your mind raced as you thought of your mother. The way her hair flowed down her back to the way her eyes shined bright with every word she spoke. How caring she was, was beyond you because these past year all you seen was envy, jealousy, pain, evil, and everything worth hating. You lost all faith of caring people anymore. You lost faith in this world of there being anything worth living for or loving. Everything had changed and nothing was the same after. You need to get away from it. If it meant you had to run on your own, then be it.

After your mother died from an unknown reason, your father became cold hearted. He became a drunk. He threw bottles and plates at you, demanding you to clean it. He'd beat you. He hit you everywhere and anywhere to make you feel pain because in his eyes, it was your fault for her death. It was you for everything. If he felt pain, you felt pain.

Hours before you forgot to make dinner. It was a simple mistake but there's a set time for dinner. It must be done at seven p.m. exact or hell was to come. You took a nap after school and slept longer than you thought or wanted. By the time you finally woken up, you had ten minutes for dinner. You hurried down to the kitchen to start making the food but by the time everything was in the pans, the door slammed open and in came your dad. The second he seen no food on the table, the abuse came.

'Worthless' loosely fell from his mouth without a thought. It felt as though you were worthless. You couldn't even simply make dinner without messing it up. He picked up pans with the food in and threw them at the wall. You watch in horror and he comes more aggressive. Before you had time to run, your father grabs your hand and yanks you to him. You try getting away, twisting and turning in his hold but nothing worked. He pushed you to the stove and you caught yourself by catching the counter. Your other hand still worked on trying to get out of his hold, yanking and turning. He moves your hand over the heated element, the heart radiating and seeping through your hand. You plea and try getting away, knowing what was to come.

"Stop. Stop, please," tears run down your face in fear. He may hit and kick you but he never did this before and if you were being honest to yourself, you rather get a few kicks and slaps than getting your whole hand practically burned off.

"I'm sorry. Please," you slowly start losing your breath and your whole body shakes. More tears rush down your red face and you jerk. Your father starts yelling at you, calling you whatever he felt the need to call you.

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