Chapter XIII - Cried apologies (Part one)

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Can I call you?

Kurt looked at his phone and chewed on his lower lip. Should he? The others could come in any time and- What was he worrying about? If they came in, he could say something like it's his dad on the other side and hang up. Barry would understand that immediately.

So he called him. Why writing "yes" if he could just do it himself?

"Hey." "Hi."

"Sooo... How is it there in... Chicago, right?" "Right. Yeah, it's a bit stressful here. Mercedes got ill and she has a lead, the choreography is still a big deal. Some of us have really big problems with that." "You don't?" "Of course not!"

Kurt heard laughing from the other side, then suddenly Barry muted himself. Kurt looked at his phone in confusion and just waited until the other noticed the (Kurt assumed) mistake.

"Sorry. Had to talk someone for a moment.", said Barry, when he finally unmuted himself again.

"It's okay." Kurt sighed. "Ugh, I wished you were here. I am so nervous!"

"I can imagine. Yo-" Before he could end his sentence, someone knocked on Kurts door and he interrupted him to go and open it.

"Just wait a second until I-" The last words got stuck in his throat as he opened the door a bit and saw Barry, standing there and grinning like an idiot.

"I really hate you. Come in, you stupid idiot." Kurt didn't even let Barry the chance to move on his own and instead pulled him in and closed the door behind him. "Yeah, I love you too." "Shut up. What the hell are you doing here? You are the one who doesn't want anyone of my glee club to know that we are friends and that you are -sometimes at least- nice to people."

"That hurt a bit." "Oh c'mon. Sebastian was a douche." "...That feels like I have two personalities..." "...You're right but that is not the point! Why are you here?!"

"Because of you of course." Barry replied and sat on Kurts bed, the grin still on his face, which made Kurt roll his eyes. This stupid -but admittedly cute- grin.

"And what will you do, when my roommate is coming?"

"Then I'll say that after the incident with Karofsky happened I apologized to you one more a few days after my official apology, we got to know each other and hey I saw you go up here when I checked in the room three doors away and wanted to say hi."

Karofsky, right...

The New Direction sat at Lima Beans around some small tables and drank their coffee while talking about their experiences with Michael Jackson when suddenly, Barry appeared behind Artie.

Kurt looked up to him and just thought "What is he doing here?!" but didn't say anything at first.

They talked, Barry behaved strongly like Sebastian (he even insulted him!) and then with a slightly devilish looking grin, he walked away and let them sit there with the concern about not being able to do Michael Jackson.

Later, when they parted, Kurt looked down on his phone.

B: Sorry. Just wanted to mess with them a bit. Had to keep my cover so big sorry for the insult.

K: You're an idiot and a bit of an asshole.

B: Sorry, really. But have you seen what Blaine did?

K: No...?

B: Exactly. Someone bluntly insults his boyfriend and he does. nothing. Also he lets information slip to his former glee club! And do you know how long he talked about you guys doing MJ? 10 whole minutes! ... and some seconds, but who is counting?
B: Me apparently.

K: You truly are an idiot. Why do I even try to keep up with you?

B: Because you secretly are still in love with me?

K: No, it's not that.... hmmm...

B: Who's the idiot now?

K: Still you.

A few days after this they had a dance and sing off with bad by Michael Jackson and suddenly, at the end of all of it was a slushy and screaming.

They texted after it when Kurt was on the way from the hospital to school:

B: That was definitely not my intention. It's rock salt in there to keep it cold.

K: He might loose an eye! Are you fucking kidding me?!

B: It was just a prank that got out of hand!

K: That doesn't apologize what you did!

No one talked to one other after that. Not until Kurt asked the Warbler to come to their school (through Jeff and Nick, not Barry) but even after Kurt threw Barry the only prove they had to him, Barry ignored him.

It was frustrating.

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