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I decided I wanted to get to the bottom of what Eliza was trying to say, I wanted to truly know what this pack thought of my father

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I decided I wanted to get to the bottom of what Eliza was trying to say, I wanted to truly know what this pack thought of my father. 

Just thinking of what Eliza was trying to insinuate downstairs made my teeth grit as I held back a growl. For a moment, my wolf wanted to rip her apart for what she said, for how she was trying to attack my father-- my Alpha. 

It was instinct to protect my Alpha, she had unintentionally attacked him and I felt the need to attack in his honor. 

But it wasn't the first time that someone had said something sour about my father, the first day I was here, my own mate had spoken ill of him. 

Calling my pack vile, calling him vile. 

What things could my pack have done that caused people to believe that they were vile, that my own loving father that had raised me for nineteen years was vile?  

I wanted to know what people thought of my pack, I wanted to know what my pack has apparently been hiding from me.  

I waited in Theo's room for what it seemed like for hours, and more pack members have come back home. 

I thought about the words I had spoke to Theo before he had left-- was I too harsh? I had openly called him a monster, my own mate. And as Eliza said, he does the things he does to protect his pack. 

Killing wasn't uncommon within werewolves, there was always wars going on and it's a kill or be killed moment. But Theo was different, he was known for killing, torturing and for being a full-blown cold-hearted bastard. People are terrified of him.

I'm terrified of him.

If he would kill a random rogue for no reason, what stops him from killing me if I push him limits--  I'm not sure the mate bond is strong enough to stop him.

Suddenly, I was ripped from my thoughts by the sound of footsteps coming towards the door. 


When Theo had finally came back to his room, he was hesitant I could feel it. He didn't make a move towards me at first, I could tell that he was thinking about what had gone on earlier-- I still felt unforgiving about his actions towards my father but I bit my tongue. 

I made my decision, I chose to stay with Theo and I chose to give him a chance. 

For my mother. 

"How are you feeling, Holly?" I chose to ignore his question, but the way my name rolled from his mouth sent a involuntary shiver down my spine. 

"What do you know about my father?" I refused to look Theo in the eyes, I stayed sat on the side on the bed while he stood near me looking down at me. 


"What do you know about my father?" I repeated. I felt the bed beside me dip as Theo sat down next to me, causing my wolf to squirm within at the thought of being so close to our mate. 

"Holly," By the tone of his voice I knew he wasn't going to tell me anything. I shot up from the bed, my eyes finally meeting his. 

"Tell me." I ordered and for a moment I noticed Theo's eyes darken. 

"Don't order me around, Holly." His voice was noticeably deepened however it didn't affect me. I knew his wolf was slowly coming out, it wanted me to be submissive as he was an Alpha-- but he wasn't mine. 

"Then tell me what you know about my father?" Theo sighed, his eyes slowly fading back to the swirling blue it truly was. 

"I don't think it's my place to say." I wanted to rip my own hair out. 

"I have the right to know."

"I didn't say you didn't." Theo made a move to touch my arm but I pulled away, making distance between us that made my wolf growl. Theo paused, there was evident hurt in his eyes but that quickly faded. 

"Then tell me." The more it was put off the more I wanted to know about my family, about my father, about my pack. 

The first time that Theo and I made met, he called my pack vile and I wanted to know why. He said that my pack was experimenting on his brother,  however he could have been lying to pit me against my own family. 

"You called my pack vile, why?" Theo advanced towards me and I made no move to back away, his scent got stronger the closer he got and I tried my hardest not swoon at the smell. Despite not knowing Theo long enough, being able to feel the mate bond intensified my need for him to be near.

"Don't ask questions when you don't want to know the answers." He warned. "Trust me Holly, you don't want to know the answers." I could feel his hand inching to my arm and the hairs on my body stood up when his hand was laying gently on my skin. My breath had involuntary stuttered and only hoped that Theo didn't notice. 

"I'm not a child, just tell me already!" My voice was noticeably raised and Theo's eyes had momentarily darkened at my tone. 

He really needs to get his wolf in control. 

"I don't want to taint your idea of the perfect pack you believe you have." Theo spat out the word 'perfect', it was clear he didn't think high of my pack-- I mean, we were rival packs for years and one simple mate bond was not going to change that. 

I thought about it for a while. 

Did I really want to ruin how I saw my pack? The thought of my pack lying to me for years was already effecting me but did I really want to ruin what I believed of my pack-- of my family? 

"Theo," I looked up to Theo, his eyes capturing me as they searched for any emotion they could possibly find. "Tell me." 

Theo sighed, moving away from and sitting back down on to the bed with me following behind. 

Something told me that this story was something that I needed to sit down for. 

a little filler chapter beforehand! holly definitely needs to sit down for this

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a little filler chapter beforehand! holly definitely needs to sit down for this.

guess what? college is officially over for me which means months of spare to time, to continue to write and post! I still have a lot of pre-written chapter from camp nano that I will be posting but I will also be writing along with that so expect more and more chapters to come. 

it's safe it say that this story will be my longest I have ever written and I'm excited for all of you to see what I have to show.

remember to tell me what you think so far! x

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