43 | mama

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I was sitting in the living room when I got the call. After had been a couple of days since my father's funeral and I was chatting away from Eliza on the couch. 

Part of me missed the conversations I used to have with Lia when she came to Black Dawn with Jack, but I knew that wasn't going to last long. She was officially the Luna of Golden Redemption, as was Jack the officially Alpha of Golden Redemption.

Their ceremony was the day after my father's death, the pack automatically needed a new leader and my mother was in no shape to lead a pack so big. 

"And I don't even know what's taking him so long!" I rolled my eyes at Eliza's exclaim, throwing her hands in the arm.

"Maybe he's nervous," I suggested to her, she waved her hands at the suggestion and shook her head before face-palming. 

We were discussing the lack of attention Grey was giving Eliza's dream to be married. They have been together for years ago and Eliza believes it's time for a proposal. 

"Why though?" She scoffed. "It's not like I'm going anywhere," She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. I let out a little chuckle, earning myself a hard glare from the Bridezilla- to-be. 

Before I could reply to her, the phone Theo had bought for me began to ring, the phone shaking violently on the table. My brows furrowed-- the phone was new, not many people knew the number. 

I glanced at the caller ID and my face brightened as I read Jack's ID. Immediately I answered the phone, leaning back on the couch as Eliza flicked through her magazine. 

"Jack!" I exclaimed on the phone, my mood lifting instantly. I hadn't spoken to my brother in a hot second. The last I saw him was at our father's funeral two days ago.

"Hey Holly," I immediately knew something was wrong, his tone didn't match the excitement mine held. I shot up in my position, sitting straight as I directed my full attention on the phone. 

"Jack, what's wrong?" I asked, my body automatically racked with nerves. Life wasn't going too well lately, a part of me wasn't surprised that Jack called with bad news. 

I heard his sigh on the other side of the phone, my heart skipping a beat while I waited for his response. His voice was shaky. "It's Mum," 

His words instantly made my heart stop. 

"She's not doing well, Holly. It's bad." I could feel myself shaking as I listened to the silence on the other side of the phone. 

My mother. 

It broke my heart in two thinking of my mother in pain. It must be from the mate bond shattering, that along with her constant illness wasn't going to be good for her. I knew that, but I could only pray that that wasn't going to be the problem. 

"How bad?" My voice was just as shaky as his. I could tell he was worried. 

"Very bad," I heard a sniffle on the other side, he was crying. "Holly, I think you should come to see her before--"

"Jack!" I hissed at him through the phone, my fingers tightening around it. "Don't you dare--"

"Holly!" He snapped back at me, cutting me off mid-sentence. "It's time to face facts here, she might not make it this time it's different. She's weaker and she doesn't want to fight it anymore." My eyes widened further at his words, I could feel them burning with tears as I stared down at the ground.

"What do you mean she doesn't want to fight it?" My mother always fought her illness, it was reoccurring but she was always able to get back from it after a while-- why was it any different now? 

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