05 | favourite crisps

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"Where is my brother?" 

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"Where is my brother?" 

I haven't seen my brother in months, hell no one has-- he was taken by her pack. He was ripped from our home, away from him family, his mate, everything. 

I never expected to find my mate, heck I never expected to kidnap my mate. I was meant to woo her off her feet and instead, I send a few of my best fighters against her pack just to kidnap her for a trade. 

She must be so disgusted in me, who kidnaps their mate? Why did she have to be the Alpha's daughter, were all the other jobs taken or something? 

But I'm not complaining about her, she is a beauty. Her voice was so sweet and angelic, even when she was fuming with rage and anger against my men and I. 

And the moment where she held my hand to stop me from murdering Grey, I felt the tingles and the sparks. The same tingles and sparks elders would boast about when you finally meet your mate. It was the first time we ever touched, and she was the one to touch me willingly. 

Even though deep down I even it was only so she wouldn't see a massacre, it still made me feel loved-- even if she did hate me. 

She hates me, I know that for a fact. I've been destroying her pack, but in all fairness her pack was been doing the exact same when my father was in charge and continues to do so while I am in charge. 

With my father murdered, I thought everything would change I thought the rivalry would end there-- but no. It continued, and I was responsible for fixing the mistakes my blood-thirsty father made when he was Alpha. 

"How do you know for sure that it was my pack that took him?" Her voice broke me from my thoughts. It was obvious she was asking a question that didn't want answered by the way her face fell. It would break her, even I know that. 

I knew that it was her pack, for a fact, but she doesn't need to know the facts at the moment, not when shes not ready for the answer she would get. It would destroy her to know what her pack has been doing-- and it was clear by the expression on her face that she knew nothing about it. 

Was she too fragile to know?

"I'm going to bring your food up, you must be starving." I gave her a weak smile, before slowly walking to the door. 

I wanted her to call for me, for her to ask me to stay, just like the female mates do in almost every werewolf fan fiction my little sister would force me to read. 

But she didn't, I knew she wouldn't. The fact she made no effort to stop me bruised my wolf. 

He howled, calling for his mate. But we weren't accepted, even though she hasn't rejected us yet, we weren't accepted either. I ignored my wolf's pleads to go to back to our mate, I shouldn't. 

I was almost out the door, when I stopped. I wanted her to know, I didn't want her to hate me for life, for taking one very close to her. I needed her to know that I wasn't everything that was said about me, I was some of it, but some was utter bullshit and I wanted to set a false fact straight.

"I never killed your uncle." I didn't wait for her respond, I didn't even expect a respond before walking out of the room, off to get her some food. 

When I walked in to the kitchen, Grey was in the room. I was still pissed at the boy. He injected wolfsbane in my mate's veins. I wanted to break him, at least make him bleed just a little bit but I knew my precious mate wouldn't like it-- or maybe she would, she looked pretty furious. 

Speaking about my mate, I didn't even know her name. How pathetic am I? Not only did I kidnap her from her own home, but I didn't bother to learn her name. I was the worst mate ever, and this was the start. 

"Alpha." Grey noticed me and instantly bowed down. Grey was my best friend, he only bowed when he was in risk of getting thrown about like a rag doll. I rolled my eyes at him, before heading for the fridge.

"Get up mate, I'm not pissed." I spoke through gritted teeth. One of the biggest lies I have ever said He never meant to hurt her but I was still pissed that he did. 

"I didn't mean to hurt her, I never knew she was your mate." Grey sighed, sitting back up his stool, eating out of an open packet of his favourite crisps.

I wonder what my unnamed mate's favourite crisps are.

"I know, it's alright I get it. Neither did I." I let out a puff, shaking my head. I sighed at my lack of knowledge about my mate, still appalled at how I met her. 

I took out a unopened loaf of bread, leaving out the first slice. I wanted to make my mate a nice sandwich but I completely forgot to ask her if she was allergic to anything so I am going to do it by instinct. 

If I kill my own mate, I will be so pissed. 

I ended up making her grilled cheese sandwich, with a side of Grey's favourite crisps. I also got a cup of tropical juice on the tray, right next to plate of food. 

She had the appetite of a human right now, I can't throw a buffet in her face and expect her to eat it now. Gotta start small.  

I went upstairs to the room that held my very own mate. When I opened the door she looked up instantly, her eyes wide in shock.

"You're back?" She asked, her eyes travelling from mine to the tray of food I was holding.

"I got the food like I was promised." I smiled at her, setting the tray on her lap. She stared at the tray with a blank look on her face, did she not like the food? If she didn't like the food, I would instantly go downstairs and make her a brand new tray of food, and repeat until I fed her food she actually liked.

"These are my favourite." Her angelic voice rung in my eyes as a proud smile spread its way on my face. My mate smiled at me, before digging in to the food.  

A pang of jealously hit me that her favourite crisps were the same as Grey's.


After a few minutes, she was done, frowning at her empty plate.

"It's all gone." She pouted, she was extra adorable when she pouted it was unbelievable. We both were in comfortable silence for a while, as she put the tray on the bedside table beside her. Even though the silence was comfortable, it was slowly killing me.

I should have gotten her more food.

"What's your name?" My question broke the silence. Her eyes met mine and there was something in her eyes that I couldn't detect. What was that?

She was quiet for a little while, had I made her uncomfortable? 

I knew I should of shut up and like the silence ring for a little longer until I had an excuse to leave to a 'meeting'. My thoughts were filled with doubts about myself but they soon stopped when her angelic voice rang one more time.

"Holly. My name is Holly." She smiled at me, looking at out of the window.


I fucking loved it.

I fucking loved it

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