35 | the mark

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I sat on the bed watching as Theo began packing himself a small bag.

"Why do you even need to pack for this? It's not like you're going to stay the night," I snarked, sounding somewhat bitter. Let's be honest, I was a little bitter in this moment.

This was after Theo had previously told me that I was not allowed to go with him to Golden Redemption. I so badly wanted to go, my wolf and I feared that something might happen to Theo on the trip and we wouldn't be there. 

He let out a small chuckle under his breath, turning his head in my direction while still taking out a pair of shorts. 

"I don't exactly wish to be stark naked if I have to shift back, now do I?" I let out a low growl, the idea of other women seeing him naked burning up my wolf. Theo's brows raised at the noise that erupted within me, a chuckle coming from him. "Don't be jealous now, Love."

My wolf purred at the endearment, but I simply rolled my eyes. 

"Don't sweet talk me," I grumbled, crossing my arms as I stared directly in front of me, the blank television screen staring back at me. I hear Theo sigh and from the corner of my eye, I noticed him moving from his wardrobe. 

"Don't be like that," I could almost hear him pouting and I took all of my might not to turn my head to him. 

I continued to ignore him, pouting slightly. In response, he sighed again before sitting on the bed next to me.

I huffed, turning my head in the opposite direction of him, my face facing the en-suite door. I still wasn't giving him the satisfaction of myself giving in. 

"You know you can't come with us, Holly. It's too dangerous," I continued to pout, my brows furrowing in irritation. Theo then slid his hand on my thigh-- the sparks causing me to jump slightly. As much as I was displeased by his decision, I left his hand there-- it was so warm to the touch. 

"No actually, I don't." I retorted. "How can it be okay for you, but too dangerous for me?" I asked.


I spun my head around to face him, his eyes widened at the speed of my reaction as I cut him off before he could continue his sentence.

"Is it because you think I'm too weak? A woman can't do a man's job, huh?" I growled lowly and narrowed my eyes in a glare that, if it could, would kill. 

"What?" Theo stuttered, gobsmacked. "God, no!" He spoke fast, shaking his head violently at the suggestion. "Why would you think that? Bloody hell, Holly." He sighed loudly, his head falling into his hands for a moment as he facepalmed. 

Again, I pouted at him. "Then what?"

I didn't feel comfortable staying at Black Dawn when my only home that I've ever had is being ambushed. I was thankful that in that previous meeting, we finally came up with something that limited the amount of people injured. 

They were going to use both Jack and Lia as bait to retrieve Cardella and Adrian. 

See, even Lia could go-- but I couldn't. Obviously, Jack wasn't too happy to use Lia at bait and he insisted that it was he was to go but Lia wouldn't budge. She claimed that they would need two "hostages" to get both Ella and Adrian as well as the fact that she refused to lead her mate into danger without her by his side. 

See, she gets it so why doesn't Theo? I continued to pout angrily, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Holly, baby," Theo began, turning his body from the torso up so that he was facing me completely, before placing the palm on his hand into my cheek. Instinctively, I leaned into his touch almost calming. Almost. 

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