31 | necklace?

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I didn't know what to say in the beginning, even after all of the things I've learnt about my father I still prayed that this wasn't true. 

"Do you really think my father has something to do with this?" I instinctively bit my bottom lip as I looked up at Theo, my angry demeanour quick to fade. 

After everything, deep down I still had a love for my father. Up until this point, everything that has been said to me has all been some sort of rumour for me-- never had I seen his wrongdoings in person.

Theo sighed, squeezing one of my hands in his with his other gently cupping my cheek. Instinctively, I leaned my face further into his palm, his scent calming me down slightly. 

"It's the only thing that makes sense, I'm sorry Holly." He then leaned down and pressed his forehead on to mine, our noses inches away. He placed both hands on each side of my face, his thumb caressing the skin. 

It helped to breathe his scent in, it calmed the nerves within me. If my father was the one doing this, I couldn't let any feelings get in the way. 

As much as I hated it, he was the enemy in this scenario. Just thinking about it burned my eyes as I felt tears brewing. I took a heavy breath in, trying harder to calm myself. 

Theo saw my facial expression, causing his own to soften further. 

"Baby," He spoke softly, his tone reassuring. He lifted his head and placed a lingering kiss upon my forehead, leaving his lips there long. He pulled back, pressing his head back on mine and using his thumbs to wipe any tears that spilt. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be taking time away from Ella." I cleared my throat, forcing myself to pull away from Theo's touch. I wiped my face dry. "I want to be in that meeting." Theo raised an eyebrow at me.

"Holly no, I just told you--"

"I don't care," I stood my ground. I knew that hearing my father's wrongdoings would hurt, but this wasn't the time to be vulnerable. I wasn't going to like this stop me from doing what should be done. "I'm going to be in this meeting, it is my responsibility and I'm not going to let someone else's actions stop me from doing so," I stated, holding my head high as I spoke. 

I walked closer to the door of the meeting room, my hand instantly meeting with the door handle. Before opening the door, I turned back at my mate; "Are you going to come in, or stay sulking outside the door?" I asked, tilting my head in the direction of the room.

For a moment, Theo stared at me with eyes focused purely on my face-- I couldn't completely read his expression. 

Soon enough, his facial expression softened as a small smile spread on his face. I could read his expression this time-- proud.

With that, he followed me through the door and into the meeting. 

I sat in the kitchen with Jack, silence filling the room. The meeting had already ended and both Jack and I were drained. 

The meeting was entirely about our father kidnapping Cardella and how we could get her back. 

While Theo wanted to go after them instantly, it was agreed that that would be a bad idea-- if that would have worked, Adrian-- Theo's brother-- would be with us right now. 

At this moment right now, there were trackers sniffing out the woods for even the slightest scent left behind. 

I cleared my throat, moving from my slumped position. "Do you really think Dad did this?" I asked Jack, who was laying his head on his arms that were crossed on the island below him. He sighed, pressing the side of his head on his forearms as he glanced back at me.

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