18 | relax big bro

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Holly Daniels

I was back on another adventure.  Not my fault Theo constantly leaves me alone and I get bored easily. 

But this time I was more cautious, I knew that there were more pack members that were home and I wasn't sure if I was ready to be greeted by them just yet-- Theo and I haven't even established our relationship yet, or if there was a relationship to begin with.

In all honestly, both my wolf and I were tired of fighting. All my wolf wanted was to be close to our mate, she wanted nothing else but to with Theo while I was trying to avoid the bond. I wanted-- no, I tried to tell myself that I wanted nothing to do with Theo but I was tired.

I was tired of fighting the bond, it would only grow stronger the closer we were and the longer we were together. 

Hell, we spent what felt like forever in each-other's arms and not one moment that we sat there did I feel to move, did I want to move. I felt safe in his arms, no matter how many times I told myself that I couldn't trust him, that I shouldn't trust him. 

Theo was my mate, and it was time I accepted it. It was time I looked over how we met, no matter how questionable, and it was time that I finally accepted my fate-- and that was to do with him. 

Walking out of the room, I was questioning whether or not it was a good idea to be roaming the halls of a pack house where no one knew who I was or why I was there. There were so many people here I began to wonder how many pack members truly lived him. 

The (pack name) held many people and they were known to be one of the biggest packs out there, so there was undoubtedly more than one pack house, but how many were in this one? 

Just as I was stuck in my thoughts, a shoulder smashed into mine as I walked causing me to stumble back almost losing balance. 

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I heard the other person shriek, she began rambling about how sorry she was for banging in to me. When I had gotten steady, I looked up to see a girl in front of me with her eyes wide as she apologised over and over again.

It was an understandment to say she was beautiful, she had long shiny black hair that cascaded on each of her shoulders, her skin looked indescribably smooth. She had freckles that sat on the top of her nose then sprayed towards her cheeks however it was her eyes that caught me;

A familiar electric blue was staring right back at me. 

"Are you okay?" I shook out of my trance, nodding my head at the frantic girl. 

"Yes, I'm absolutely fine don't worry." I gave her a smile, my reassurance giving the girl in front of me something to smile about. "It was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." The girl scoffed playfully, her hand swatting in the air.

"Bull, I wasn't paying attention one bit!" She let out a small giggle, before pausing and looking at me-- almost scanning me. "I don't believe that we've ever met, and I've met everyone." She laughed again. 

Damn she's giggly. 

 I gave her another smile, not knowing what to do with my face. I told you,I'm not good with new people. 

"I'm Holly." I held my hand out to her which she gracefully took, a wide smile spread across her face as she fully greeted me.

"I'm Cardella, but call me Ella-- Cardella makes me sound like some evil princess." My eyes widened at the mention of her name. 


That was the person that Grey had mentioned was missing to Theo earlier today-- she was Theo's sister. 

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