34 | meetings, meetings

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I was in the longest meeting of my life-- it almost made me start to regret the pressure I put on Theo to let me part of the conversation. 

I slumped in my seat, rolling my eyes as I listened to Jack and Theo's seventh spat of the day.

"How are you going to be Future Alpha with your half-arsed sugges--" 

"How are you the current Alpha with your lack of protect--" 

"Oh please, if it wasn't for your fathe--" 

"Is that the best you can come up with? No wonder your sist--"

Theo snarled loudly, slamming his fists on the table, leaning his body closer to Jack who was on the other side of the table. "Watch what comes out of your mouth next, Mutt." 

I watched with tired eyes, leaning my chin on my fist as I pressed my elbow into the cushiony chair aim. I picked the most comfortable chair-- obviously. 

Jack's brows raised and I watched as he gritted his teeth. He stood up slowly, matching Theo's height exactly and narrowed his eyes directly at him. "Mutt?" He seethed, repulsed at Theo's choice of words. 

In response, my mate rolled his eyes, pushing his closed fists off the table and crossing his arms over his chest. "Mutt." He repeated smugly, almost as if he was proud of something. 

Jack let out a snarl. "That's it!" He yelled, throwing his hands down-- his claws quick to grow out from his fingertips. 

I had to cut in, this was getting embarrassing to watch. 

I purposefully groaned loudly, catching the attention of both the Alpha males in front of me. "Put your dicks away already," I spat out, irritated. "Can we please have ten minutes without one of you raging war with the other? Please!" I almost shrieked out, taking time to give both of them a glare of my own. 

"Children," I said under my breath, rolling my eyes as I pushed my back of the chair, seating straight. 

Both Theo and Jack grumbled nonsense before they both sat back down on their seats-- which was on either side of me, unsurprisingly. 

They really didn't like each other right now, god knows when and if it will ever change. 

Slowly, the meeting resumed. 

The meeting only involved the close circle of Theo's-- and Jack obviously. Sitting in the room was Theo, Jack, Grey, the Gamma who I've only just learnt actually has a name-- too bad I've already forgotten it-- and surprisingly Kai, one-half of the twins I met at the BBQ where Theo introduced me to his pack. 

Kai happened to be one of the best Trackers in the pack, so it wasn't surprising that Theo would trust him. This was actually the first time I've seen him without his twin sister Kara, every time I saw them they were almost always joined by the hip. 

Throughout the meeting, each person came up with their own strategy to attack Alpha Hayden's pack. 

Each proposition brought forward lacked, not to mention they were incredibly dangerous to the members of the pack that were innocent. 

Each idea was detailed in blood and gore, it was as if the men in the room had completely forgotten that 96% of that pack was innocent and how no idea what my Father has been doing all these years-- why should they suffer for something they had no part in?

The Gamma huffed, tiredness clear in his eyes-- we have been in this meeting for hours, obviously, 60% of the meeting was just arguments but that was beside the point. 

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