21 | she cared

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Theo Hampton

It had been a few days since the day in my office with Holly, and I've been stuck here ever since. There were papers covering my desk head to toe, with even more papers stacked on the floor of my office-- it was the time to say that I was obviously drowning in them.

During these few times I couldn't help but think of Holly and maybe that was stalling my progress on the paperwork that I had to get down. But this paperwork wasn't like any other random paperwork that I would have to get down day-by-day. 

This all had to do with the wolfs-bane incident that we had with Holly and we still had no idea who was breaking in to my room and injecting her with this poison without my acknowledgement.  

It bolted my blood it know that someone had broken into the pack's restricted weapons and had raided all of our wolfs-bane but as to go as far as to break into the top floor-- which was lock protected-- break into my room-- which was also lock protected and was so at the time of the break ins-- and then inject my mate. It drove my wolf crazy.

Every single time that Grey comes here with more paperwork, my wolf wants to kill him because I know everything that he will give me will have something to do with Holly. 

I've had hunters and trackers try to find out who had gotten into my bedroom but there were stuck with no scent whatever. 

That only meant that the person behind it had a witch to cover their scent for them-- which only made my wolf even angrier.

I wasn't someone new that I didn't like witches, not one bit. They are sketchy and overall fucking annoying. Every witch I know gets on every single one of my nerves and I absolutely cannot stand them. 

They get in the way and they think that they can do whatever they want just because they can make water float-- fucking brats. 

I couldn't help let out a growl when I heard a knock on the door. My wolf wanted to jump out and tear up whoever was at the door apart but he paused when he caught the scent of the culprit-- Holly. 

"Come in!" I called out before seeing the door open allowing Holly to walk in.

I couldn't help but gaze at Holly while she walked up to me. She was beautiful, in every sense of the word-- as well as innocent. I made me angry just thinking of how unknowingly innocent she was as I thought about how she was hidden from the truth of her family.

Her family were a dark group of people, her pack followed blindly to people with such a dark mind and Holly followed just as blindly. It almost drove my wolf to insanity to know that her family didn't believe she was good enough to know the truth. 

"What do you need, love?" I smiled up at my mate, who looked brighter than she did when she first arrived. 

In the last few days I had barely saw her, which made me feel less than great as all I wanted to do with have her in my arms as we slept but sleeping wasn't an opinion when it came to her safety. 

However, while I wasn't in her company she was filling up for time getting to know people. While Holly kept her distance most of the time-- it was clear that she wasn't as comfortable with me yet as I would want her to be-- Grey would come in to my office and force me to take a mini break, no matter how small, and would tell me how Holly was slowly and surely being more friendly to the people around her. 

Unlike the first day she was here, she now liked Grey and didn't mind his presence but as well as that she was getting close to his mate, Eliza. 

Seeing Grey and Eliza's love throughout the years made me yearn for it myself, I never wanted a mate because I didn't want to risk losing her-- I didn't want to feel the pain of losing someone you loved all over again. But when Grey met Eliza four years ago, I saw something change in him and somehow it changed me slightly. I wanted someone to hold like Grey held Eliza, it made me want to have someone to love. 

"I was just checking to see how you are, if you need anything?" Her voice was angelic to my ears, and my wolf purred at the sound of it. Being stuck in my office for days was not only be stressing me out to the limit but it was also keeping me away from Holly which ached my heart. I still had so much to do for her to fully trust and love me because I knew it wasn't going to happen with the click of my fingers.

For the past few days, Holly would pop her head in the door once or twice and ask if I was doing okay which warmed my heart. She cared.

It ached me that I wasn't spending my time showing her around and letting her get familiar with the house she chose to stay in, I had to get Grey and Eliza to cover for me while I filled in all this work. As much as it urked me that it wasn't me that was holding her hand while we walked down the patio of the house-- I was doing all of this to protect her.

"It's doing fine my dear, how are you though? I'm sorry I haven't been around much." I stood up from my desk and made my way to her, placing a gentle kiss upon her head. My wolf wanted to cheer due to the fact she was no longer cringing away from us and rejecting our affection. 

My hand quickly found it's place tangled in her hair as I swirled loose strays from her pony tail around my finger, a faint smile falling on my face as I did so. 

Just being in her presences for seconds alone was already making my sour mood lift. 

I caressed her face gently, letting my hand stay planted on her cheek as she unconsciously leaned closer into my touch. A small smile found it's way her on face while her eyes fluttered shut as she sighed in my touch. "It's okay, I understand that you've been busy." Her eyes opened up, the colour swirling in her eyes-- staring directly into mine. 

"Say, has Grey told you about the BBQ yet?" I spoke, my thumb gently rubbing gently in my cheek. She shook her head no. "The pack holds a BBQ every three months in the local park so that everyone can socialize and catch up. Having such a large pack, it's hard to keep in touch with everyone so we hold a BBQ so that isn't a problem." 

She hummed in response her eyes fluttering closed again. My wolf let out a purr at her constant response to my touch. 

"Come with me." At my words her eyes opened away, her head snapping away from my hand.


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