41 | human strength

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I felt myself becoming groggy as I began to wake up. My eyes slowly inching open and a sliver of light entering my sights. I groaned at the brightness, eyes weren't used to the sudden light.

I squinted at the light before forcing my eyes open. I found myself still in the attic, but this time I was all alone. I looked around the room to see no one in sight. 

No Kara, No Kai. 

My mind flashed back to everything they had told me and I felt myself burning with rage once more-- they were after my mother.

I wasn't going to let them get her, no matter what.

I lanked on the chains that held onto my wrists. I couldn't feel a burning sensation which only told me that my wolf was fast asleep. How much wolfsbane did they use on me? 

I felt myself breathing heavier the more I pulled on the metal, but I didn't have enough human strength to even budge it. 

My only chance is to trick them. 

I didn't know how long I was out of even how much wolfsbane the twins used on me. If I could push my wolf enough for her to nudge awake as soon as the wolfsbane wears off I may have a chance-- Kara caught me by a few seconds last time. 

I tried pushing myself off the chair, but quickly stopped after noticing the noise it was making. Surely that would alert them I was awake? They would just come in here and dose me further with wolfsbane to ensure I wouldn't wake my wolf up. I cringed. 


My mind drifted back to when Kara and Kai were standing in the room, they told me one thing they shouldn't have. The room was soundproof, I could make as much noise as I could and they wouldn't have the faintest of ideas of what I was doing. 

I looked down at the chair I was chained in. It was wooden-- how did I not notice that beforehand? I cursed myself for being so weak when I first woke up with the twins around, I simply sat and watched as they ran their mouths off. 

I was stronger than that-- even without my wolf. Humans are noticeably weaker than Weres but it wasn't all about physical strength. I was mentally strong as well, and I had a motive to do so. 

My mother. 

They will not touch her-- over my dead body. 

"Come on Holly, you can do this." I whispered to myself, shutting my eyes tight as I swung onto the chair further. My human body wasn't going to enjoy this. I didn't know how much I could take in this state. 

I felt fear bubble within me again as my mind drifted. I could die-- the twins could find me and kill me. I couldn't fight against two strong Weres in this condition, could I? 

I bit down on my bottom lip unconsciously as I continued to think about it. 

I have to stop thinking like this. 

I am a future Luna-- I will be Luna soon. Did that mean I had the mental strength a Luna has, did it mean that even my human state I had the power to use my strength as Luna to win? 

I huffed heavier and heavier, trying to break the barrier between my wolf and I. Come on, I called out in my mind but only being met with silence. She was far from me and it ached on the inside.

 My mind drifting to Theo for a moment as I idiotically attempted our mind-link. 

Obviously, no answer. 

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