29 | future luna

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I was relaxing with Lia and Eliza when it happened-- our mates in a meeting of their own discussing their plan to attack Dad's pack.  

"I don't know why you don't just walk in there yourself, you are the Luna after all," Lia grumbled, bored out of her mind while she stretched on the couch, with both Eliza and I laying on the bed facing Lia. 

After I spoke to Jack about our father, both the Weres didn't know what to do with the information but one thing was for sure-- they didn't feel safe going back to Golden Redemption, they didn't feel like they could trust their own Alpha after everything they had been told.

And Theo happened to understand that completely-- with persuasion from me of course. Theo wasn't completely thrilled with the idea of other members of his rival pack being in the same house as his own however he calmed down when I explained they were family to me. 

I huffed lightly, resting my head on the palms of my hands with my elbows firmly against the bed. "I'm not officially the Luna though," I grumbled. She was right though, I should be in that meeting with them but I still wasn't officially initiated into the pack as their Luna.

"But," Eliza pushed her body up from the bed using her arms from behind her. "How come your brother is allowed in the meeting, but you aren't?" She grumbled. "You're our Luna, he's technically the enemy." 

Lia growled lowly at her words, instinctively going to protect her mate. Eliza rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean any harm." Lia's growls slowly quietened before she huffed, turning on the couch so she was no longer facing us.

Childish-- the both of them.

Neither of them was completely comfortable with each other yet, so I automatically felt unease being in the middle. 

I cleared my throat, getting the attention of both of the Weres beside me; "He is the future Alpha of Golden Redemption, he probably has information." 

"Still," Eliza continued. "You're important to the pack, you should be in that meeting." I sighed in response, turning on my back so I faced the ceiling.

She was right. Not only am I to be the future Luna of this pack but the meeting was ultimately about my own father, shouldn't I be in there? 

"You're right," I huffed, lifting myself up from the bed before pushing off. "I should be in there, I have the right to be sitting right next to Theo. I'm going to be Luna I might as well start acting like one!" I hollered, the confidence in me almost glowing off me. 

Lia sit up from the couch and cheered for me, giving me a small clap. "Yes girl, you do that!" Her little contribution to the conversation made me smile, her giddiness almost contiguous. 

Before I could make the moves for the door, Faith comes charging in-- her face red and you could smell the fear coming off of her. 

Eliza's eyes went wide as she jumped from her position, instantly making her way to Faith's side. "Fai--"

"Tell me one of you have seen Ella!" She barked at us. 

Lia looked at me, a confused look plastered on her face, "Ella?" 

"Cardella, Theo's sister and Faith's mate." I spoke up, stepping closer. "Faith, what is going on? Where's Ella?" Even though Faith and I didn't have the best start, we made up pretty quickly-- I couldn't be mad at her, she was Ella's mate and one of Theo's closest friends after all. 

My heart was heavy as I asked the question about Ella, if something was to happen to her I don't know what Theo would do. 

"I--I--" Faith stuttered, Eliza was quick to her side, attempting to comfort her. 

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