Chapter 13- Two Pieces

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'Pop singer Demi Lovato spotted at children's park in Arkansas with a younger girl. The girl looks a little like the X Factor judge and we can't help but wonder, are they related? Does Demi have another sister, or are they just completely unrelated and we're reading too far into this? Leave a comment below telling us what you think.'

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the short TVNews article as I scrolled through it. There was a small paragraph and a picture of Demi setting me on top of the monkey bars. I hadn't even seen anyone take a picture though, and that kind of disturbed me.

Rolling over in bed, I copied the link and opened a new message, sending it to Demi. Hopefully, she didn't mind.

A couple minutes later my phone beeped and the light on it flashed, signaling that Demi had texted back. 'Aw hear that we look alike :)'

I couldn't help but smirk at her comment as well. Demi was so pretty and skinny. It was a huge compliment to be related to her. If only I actually was as pretty as her.

There's a girl in the window, tears rolling down her face.

Then, another message came in through my phone again as I was getting up for the morning. 'Hey. I have sound check today. How would you feel about coming with?'

Oh my God! Really? Oh, wait... 'Demi, I have school today.'

'After school, dummy," My aunt replied immediately. 'I'll pick you up after your last class and we can go then.'

'Okay.' I texted back, not even thinking about dance class. I guess it would be okay if I missed just one day.

I set my phone down as another message came through. I could read it after I got ready. Alexa would be waking up soon. I really didn't want to deal with the blonde terror today. Or any day for that matter.


After taking a really quick shower I put on a band tee shirt and some dark jeans for a slight change from my normal long sleeve tops. I just also made sure to wear enough bracelets that my cuts weren't at all visible.

We're only lost children, trying to find a friend.

There were a million different thoughts whispering in my head... but two are screaming. Demi's taking me to sound check with her, and I'm still 67lbs. So fat.

The thoughts are still going, even as I climb into Nolan's car, Alexa complaining about one thing or the other.


"Miller, can you stay to talk to me after class, please?" My teacher requested, or more like ordered, minutes before the last bell of the day was set to ring leaving nothing for me to do except nod in compliance.  

Trying to find our way back home.

"You used to be such a good student, Maxine, what's going on?" My social studies teacher, Mr. Sloan asked as he held up my latest test... I had gotten a 39%.

I just shrugged in response, looking at my pale hands rather than the balding man in front of me.

Mr. Sloan sighed. "You know I'm going to have to tell your parents right? Here at Pinewood Middle, we value education and I have a duty to report anything under a 65%."

I just nodded for the millionth time that day, still not looking up. The bell had rung about five minutes ago and while everyone else was gone I was just trying to get through this without breaking down. I just want to go see Demi already, I know she's outside waiting.

"Fine, you're dismissed. I expect better from you from here on. I'm very disappointed, Maxine." Too bad,  cause I don't have anything left to give.


"Hey, Max, ready to go?" My aunt asked, looking over as I climbed into the passenger's seat of her car. She was sporting a huge grin.

"Yeah," I nodded, my smile not as big or as easy as her's.

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you.

Demi seemed to notice that something was off, but she didn't make any comments on it which I was grateful for.

We never fall apart.

After a couple minutes of comfortable silence in the over-expensive car that the pop-star had rented, Demi turned the radio down slightly and spoke up. "Ever been to a sound check before?" 

I just shook my head. I had never even been to a concert.

Demi faked a surprised expression. "Really? They're always really fun and there's usually a couple of people there. Although now it will be even more fun cause I'll have my little niece with me," the singer teased, ruffling my hair.

I just glared at Demi. "Hey! I'm not little!"

"So, I finally get a reaction, huh?" Demi asked sarcastically but not in a mean way as she pulled into a parking lot. "Only took the entire car ride to get more than one word out of you. Sorry to break it to you, M, but 4'5" is pretty short."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Demi chuckled as she stepped out of the car and into the sunlight, tossing on a pair of shades. "Come on, we're gonna be late."


"Cause we fit together, we fit together right. These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away," Demi belted out the lyrics to Two Pieces at her sound check as I sat off to the side, backstage, alternating between watching her and trying to focus on my maths homework.

I didn't even notice that she was done singing until a voice behind me made me jump.

"The answer's 95.27, I think..."

"Demi!" I gasped in surprise, letting out my breath in one big whoosh as I turned around to face her. "You scared me."

"Sorry, Mad Max," Demi smiled, does she ever not smile, not sounding at all sorry. "Your mom just texted and said she needed you home for something though so we gotta get going, Munchkin."

We'll never fall apart.

"Okay," I agreed as I slammed the textbook shut. My mom wants me home? No way this is ending well for me.

Cause we fit together like two pieces of a broken heart.


Author's Note: Hey guys! So we've got a slightly longer chapter here. I guess we can call it a slightly late apology for the delay for the previous chapter as well as this one. Since the school year's coming to a close, I've been stressing over exams lately, so you can blame the American school system for the fact that this chapter is late. Anyways, I want to say thank you to everyone who's been reading and voting! It means so much to me, but I would like to say a special thank you to Littlemixglory1! You are amazing, thank you so much for voting on every chapter! I logged on and the votes had gone from 29 to 41 because of you! So thank you so much to everyone, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please, vote and comment! Tell me what you think!

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