Chapter 17- Made in the USA

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"How's your back, baby girl?" I woke up at around 7 AM to my phone ringing.

"Fine, it doesn't hurt anymore. I think I just strained it," I responded as I rolled over. Truthfully, my back kind of still hurt, but it was easily bearable. I seem to always strain a muscle whenever I do tumbling. I really need to start stretching my back more. 

"So, feel like come with me then?" My aunt asked as I heard someone say something on the other side of the line and Demi hush them.

"Coming where?" I mumbled, still sleepy even though this was the same time I woke up almost every day.

"The concert, silly."

"Oh!" I gasped, suddenly remembering. At first, I got really excited that Demi wanted me to come but then my mood dropped back down. Demi was leaving tomorrow once the show was over. "Okay."

"What's wrong?" Demi asked at the tone of my voice as the sound in the background stopped completely. I could only assume that she had moved to a different area.

"Nothing!" I rushed out, putting on a fake smile and hoping she didn't press any further.

"Okay, I'll pick you and up in about an hour, alright?" Demi still sounded unconvinced, but at least she had let it drop.

"Okay," I agreed with a nod even though she couldn't see it before ending the call. I need the perfect outfit for today!

You're always reading my mind like a letter.

Slowly, I crept downstairs, trying not to wake anyone or disturb them if they were awake.

The water from the shower head was scalding hot as I quickly scrubbed my skin with vanilla body wash, ignoring the stinging on my stomach.

Towel-clad and back in my room, I was quick to pull on a dark purple set of underclothes before standing in front of my closet, trying to find an outfit.

It took a while, but finally, I decided on a pair of dark wash jeans, a knee length black skirt, and a dark purple long-sleeved shirt that matched my bra.

After tossing the towel in my hamper and changing, I checked the time on my iPod. I had about ten minutes before Demi would get here.

Out from under my bed, I reached past my one suitcase and grabbed a black How to Train Your Dragon book-bag. Okay, so I may be a little obsessed with toothless.

I tossed my iPod, earbuds, charger, flip phone, and a hand therapy ball into the bag before sliding on my black hi-tops and leaving my room, shutting the door behind me.

When I'm cold your there like a sweater.

While I waited for my aunt to arrive, I listened to Made in the USA on my iPod and messed around with the hand therapy ball. I had gotten it a couple months ago when I pulled a muscle in my hand, but now that I was okay, the purple ball mostly served as a stress ball.

Just as the song ended, I heard the doorbell ring and I shot up, earbuds falling out of my ears in the process. I quickly threw them, still attached to my iPod back in my bag before going to answer the door.

'Cause that's the way you like to do.

"Ready to go?" Demi asked with her infamous smile as I pulled the front door open and I just nodded, lightly gripping the purple ball in my left hand.

That's the way you like.


Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you guys liked the chapter! It's getting close to Demi leaving back for LA... what do you think will happen when she does? Anyways, I hope you guys are liking the story so far and tell me if there's anything you want to see happen. And as always, please vote and comment! I'll talk to you guys soon!

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Echoes in the Darkness | Demi Lovatoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें