chapter 5

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"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

- Albert Einstein


I couldn't determine whether Harry just wanted to tease me or pin me against the wall right then and right there.

It wasn't like I would mind, because I sure as hell wouldn't, but I had to keep in mind that we were in a public place.

As if right on cue, a little girl ran up to us. Her light blonde hair was neatly tugged into pigtails and her big blue eyes shone with happiness.

She patiently waited in front of us until we gave her our full attention. She shifted on her feet, clearly nervous to speak to foreign adults. "Excuse me, sir?"

Her high-pitched voice shook a little and she insecurely picked at the ropes around her waist.

Harry shot me a grin and went down on one knee to be on the girl's eyelevel. "Yes, love?"

"Could you please take a picture of my momma and I?" She sweetly asked, holding a pink camera in the hand that wasn't anxiously playing with the rope.

"Of course," Harry smiled and took the camera from her hands. The girl walked over to a woman smiling gratefully at the two of us and stood with her in front of one of the climbing walls.

Harry pressed the button two times while making funny faces, causing the girl to laugh uncontrollably.

After he was done, the girl ran over to us and threw her arms around Harry's neck who was still kneeling. He held her tight and tried to balance the added weight on his knees.

"Thank you," the girl timidly spoke and ran back to her mom, the camera tied around her wrist.

Harry watched her walk off, a smile engraved on his face.

He was good with kids, I could tell as much. The way he looked at this small girl and the way Leo swooned over him were evidence enough.

I took in the happy look in Harry's eyes. It warmed my heart to see the happiness encasing him like a warm blanket.

His emerald eyes had this sparkle that made you involuntarily get lost in them. His heart-shaped lips were slightly parted, letting small puffs of air gushing out. They were so kissable.

Lost in thoughts, I licked mine, just thinking about all the passionate and heated kisses we have shared in the past two months.

His jawline was sharp and well-defined, freshly shaven now but sometimes decorated with a stubble that my fingertips just couldn't get enough of.

He was beautiful. Harry was so, so beautiful, from the inside out. He was the most gorgeous human being I had ever laid my eyes on, yet he wasn't arrogant and using it to his advantage.

That was what made him beautiful from the inside too. He was generous and caring, a great lover, a brother and a protector in one.

He was cheeky and adorable. His dimples always showed when he told a joke that he thought was too funny when in reality, it was so cheesy that it actually made me laugh, too.

"Knock knock," he grinned down on me.

I rolled my eyes. Not another knock-knock joke. "Who's there?" I sighed, playing along only because it made him happy.

There was a slight pause before he answered. "No one!"

He deserved a smack on the head. With a baseball hat. But I loved him to pieces. That little idiot.

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