chapter 43

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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

- Lao Tzu


Zoey’s POV

“I can’t believe it,” I breathed, taking a step into the parking lot and inhaling the sweet smell of flowers that started to blossom already.

It wasn’t quite spring yet, but the nice March weather made me feel better than I had in a while.

Harry looked down at me with a small smile on his lips. It had taken him some time to act naturally around me again, and sometimes he still had that far-off look in his eyes as if he couldn’t believe I was still alive.

Everything after I had woken up was a blur. I remembered hearing Harry’s voice, then there was a lot of commotion, and then I fell asleep again.

The days became clearer after that, as more time passed. A few days later, I was able to eat a bit, and my mother had said that the color was returning to my cheeks.

Now, a few weeks later, I was allowed to go home. I still had to take some pharmaceuticals, but otherwise I was back to my former self.

It had taken exactly nine days for me to beg Harry to sneak Mc Donald’s into the hospital. He only managed to do so when I left the intensive care unit.

Our future had been a big question mark only weeks, maybe even months, ago. But right now, everything seemed to fall into place.

Harry would go back to work at the end of the month again, whereas I had to repeat my first year of my training to be a nurse as I had missed too much.

I was getting compensation for pain and suffering from now on until I was 25. It wasn’t that much, but seeing as I didn’t have a job at the moment, it was necessary for me.

Amelie was safely locked away and even though she was perilous, she would never harm us again.

For once, I felt like there was nothing threatening to tear us apart. Harry and I could finally be happy and move on.

I regretted missing his birthday, but there was honestly nothing I could have done. Maybe I should have woken up earlier.

It was scary to think that the doctors had given up on me, that I was basically clinically dead to them. In my opinion, this just showed once again that you couldn’t trust anyone.

My parents had gone back to work earlier on, and it was easier to convince Lisa and Phoebe to go back to school as well. But not Harry. No, he never left my side.

At one point he even started taking showers with me in the hospital which ended up in an awkward encounter when a nurse entered my room and saw that we both were only halfway dressed and had wet hair.

But no one questioned him. No one kicked him out when he spent the nights in the small hospital bed with me. They kind of accepted us together, as if we were Siamese twins.

Harry opened the car door for me and put my bags in the backseat. He waited until I had put my seatbelt on, then leaned down and pecked me on the lips. After closing the door on my side, he jogged around the car and got in himself.

“I’m coming home, I’m coming home. Tell the world I’m coming home,” I half-sang, half-shouted.

Harry winced visibly next to me and turned on the radio to drown out my awful singing.

“We probably have to clean up a lot,” I said, stifling a yawn.

“Why? You already did that on Christmas and I wasn’t home enough to trash the place again.” He gave me a cheeky grin to which I only groaned.

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