Chapter 1

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It's Saturday night, and Harry and I are planning on going to the club with the rest of our band mates. It's just an ordinary night, nothing to celebrate; all of us just want to have some fun.

As I open my closet, I look at the vast array of shirt options. I already had on black skinny jeans and white Vans, and I wanted to pair them with a button down shirt. Opting for a navy blue, long sleeved button-down with small, white sailboats sewed in a pattern all over the shirt, I took it off the hanger and stood in front of the full-length mirror. Once the shirt was all buttoned up, I realized that I had dressed somewhat like my boyfriend, and let out a small chuckle.

When I roll up my sleeves, Harry walks into our shared bedroom, and I smile at him. However, he doesn't smile back. In fact, he doesn't even glance at me. He walks right past me and slams our bathroom door shut. Faced with confusion, I start to think of why he didn't smile or say anything. 'Was he mad, or did he just not see me?' I shake off the encounter and walk over to where my phone is charging.

I notice I had gotten a few missed calls and texts from Niall. The texts said:

Tommo, I need to talk to you

Where are you? Answer me

Have you seen Harry yet?

Confused yet again, I take my phone downstairs and dial Niall's number. Niall picks up the phone after 3 rings.

"Hey mate, are you alright?" I hesitantly ask.

"Is Harry home?" Niall wonders.

"Yeah, he just got home. Why?"

"Did you talk to him at all?"

"No, he headed straight to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. What happened?" Niall sighs before answering me.

"Well, management called Harry to a meeting today to tell him that the rumors about you two are getting out of hand and that there are pictures going around of you two kissing." I nervously gulp as chills of worry surge through my body. Harry and I always try our best to keep what happens behind closed doors behind closed doors, so I don't know how anybody could have gotten those pictures. Hell, even Liam, Niall, and Zayn all try their best to keep mine and Harry's relationship private to avoid this.

"What does that mean? Why did management not call me in as well?" There are hundreds of questions and thoughts racing through my brain.

"They wanted to tell you two separately; I think they might call you in later. I'm not sure what they're going to do, but they might tell you if they call you."

"Thanks for letting me know, Nialler." I sigh. With that, we say our goodbyes and hang up. As if on cue, I get a call from management. I stare at the ringing phone in trepidation, wondering if this will change everything as I know it, then I answer.

"Louis? We need you to come into the office; we need to talk to you."

"Alone?" I ask, acting as if I don't know why I'm being called in.

"Yes, Louis. Alone. Please be here as soon as possible."

"Right, I will. Bye." My hands are shaking as I hang up the phone. I go upstairs to get my keys, and I look over at the still locked bathroom door. Was Harry alright? Should I go in? "Hazza? I'm taking the car out for a bit, I won't be long." I call. No response. I shake my head to clear my thoughts, and I head down the stairs and to my car.


I hope you liked chapter 1! I'll upload a new chapter every week :)


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