Chapter 26

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Mentions self harm


*One week later*
If this is what heartbreak feels like, I don't want any part of it. Seriously, running me over with a bus would hurt less. Ever since Harry officially broke up with me, I've been sleeping in the guest room in Harry and I's flat. Also, I haven't been eating like I should, I've been crying far too much, and I've never listened to more shitty breakup songs or smoked more cigarettes in my life. I chose to continue living with Harry, but that doesn't mean it's not awkward. We usually keep our distance from each other, which can be quite hard when there's only one shower and my clothes are still in my closet in our bedroom. Also, because we finished our second tour in the beginning of January of this year, we're on break and in the process of writing and recording our third album. That means that the five of us are spending a lot of time together in the same room for long periods of time; it's not a fun combination when the boy who broke your heart, but you still love, is constantly around you.

"Good morning." Harry yawns as he sleepily makes his way down the stairs.

"Morning." I quietly reply as I take another spoonful of my cereal.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I didn't." I sigh.

"Again?" Harry asks, sounding surprised. I simply shrug before changing the subject.

"Zayn said he'd drive me today." I inform Harry. Ever since Harry and I broke up, there have been 5 writing sessions; I've been driving myself or either Liam, Niall, or Zayn would pick me up if I didn't want to drive to the studio.

"Okay." Harry shrugs as he begins to prepare his breakfast. After Harry grabs his toast out of the toaster, he sits down next to me at the kitchen table. "How come you can't sleep?" Harry wonders.

"They say heartbreak can keep you up at night." I say in a petty tone under my breath as I take a sip of water.

"I'm sorry baby, it's for the better of the band. I know it's hard but you're doing so good." Harry says with a sympathetic smile.

"Pet names are for couples, Harry. I have to get dressed." I mumble as I shuffle to the sink to wash my bowl and cup.


After writing, Zayn drove me back home and decided to stay for a little bit. We're currently sat in the guest room and smoking weed.

"How's it been living with your ex?" Zayn asks as he lights the joint hanging from my mouth.

"Honestly, it kinda sucks. The only times we really see each other are when we're eating, showering, or when I'm getting clothes out of my closet. I miss him, Zayn, but I'm also kinda mad at him. Harry seems fine, though..." I trail off before taking a second hit and handing the joint to Zayn.

"Oh, that reminds me. Do you remember when Harry and I left during writing today?"

"Yeah what about it?" I nonchalantly ask.

"He brought me to the bathroom and he started crying and saying that he misses you."

"That twat." I shake my head in frustration. "He's the one who broke up with me." I point out.

"Lou, you shouldn't be so hard on him, he's trying. He thought it was what management wanted and you know how he wants to make everyone happy." Zayn sympathetically defends.

"Yeah but still, I'm not happy then. I've probably slept a total of 14 hours this whole fucking week, and I've almost gone through 2 packs of cigarettes!" I exclaim in aggravation. After my little rant, Zayn and I pass the joint back and fourth in comfortable silence for a few minutes before hearing a faint knock at the door.

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