Chapter 20

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"Baby, just stay right here, can you do that for me? I have to take care of something." I tell Harry in the sweetest voice possible, while at the same time feeling like there is smoke coming out of my ears. I gently set Harry down on the stairs and give him a quick kiss on the nose before storming off into the kitchen. "You know," I start, approaching Lucas and Jared, "you two have some nerve showing up at our house."

"Sir, we thought it would be best to have the meeting now, before things get worse." Lucas explains in a calm tone, almost too calm. I scoff and look to Zayn for help.

"Why couldn't you just call?" Zayn protests.

"Well, after hearing what happened to Harry, we decided that calling again wasn't the best idea." Jared nonchalantly replies.

"So you thought this was better?" I roll my eyes and shake my head, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Louis, let's just hear what they have to say." Liam says in an attempt to calm me down.

"I don't want to hear what they have to say! I don't care! I've had enough!" I exclaim in a fit of rage.

"What's going on? Who are they?" A small voice asks from the threshold of the kitchen. Lucas darts toward Harry and extends his hand.

"Ah, Mr. Styles, what a pleas-"

"Don't you go near my boy!" I growl, forcefully laying a hand on Lucas' shoulder. I immediately walk over to Harry and hold his hand in mine. "This is Lucas and Jared baby, the ones you spoke to on the phone earlier."

"Oh." Harry glumly replies, looking down to his feet. "What are they doing here, Lou?" He whispers in my ear as he is now halfway standing behind me, burying his nose down into my shoulder.

"It's alright, love, they won't be staying long." I reply, loud enough so Jared and Lucas can hear me.

"If we could get this meeting over with then no, we won't have to stay very long." Jared says. Everyone is either sitting or standing around the kitchen table, and I decide Harry and I should join them. I start to walk forward with Harry by gently pulling him along; Harry doesn't want me to, and he makes that clear.

"No!" Harry shouts.

"We'll be right back." I inform the group. Taking Harry's uninjured hand, I hastily lead him to the living room, away from everyone else. Harry looks me in the eyes like he's confused as to why I pulled him aside.

"Go on." I challenge, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"What?" Harry raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"You're being needy."

"Am not."

"Are too!"

"No I'm not!" Harry stamps his foot on the ground.

"I'm not doing this with you, Harry! Those men are here for a reason, and that's because we fucked up. Why don't we stop acting like children and join the meeting, yeah?" I sternly say, trying to remain calm.

"Maybe I wouldn't act 'childish' if you didn't constantly baby me." Harry murmurs under his breath, secretly hoping I didn't hear him.

"What was that?" I retort in a daring tone, taking a step towards Harry.

"Nothing." Harry sniffles.

"Maybe I feel the need to baby you because you constantly act like one!" At this point we are both going back and forth, raising our voices with each word.

"Hey, hey, hey! Enough!" Zayn barks with authority. At some point he walked over to calm us down, but Harry and I were too busy arguing to notice. "Why don't you both stop acting like children so we can get this meeting started! I mean seriously, what's gotten into you?" He states, making it clear he's fed up with our fighting.

"We're not finished, Harold." I glare. As I turn away, I hear sniffles coming from Harry, followed by Zayn saying comforting words to him. Part of me wants to rush back and cover him in apology kisses and hugs, but the other, more stubborn part of me wants to continue the argument later. Jared and Lucas are sat on two chairs brought in to the living room from the kitchen, and Liam is sat on the couch across from them. I huff and take the spot next to Liam, and Niall follows suit. A few moments later, Harry and Zayn come in the room. Zayn takes the seat next to Niall, and Harry feebly sits next to Zayn. As Harry sits down, I notice that his eyes are red and puffy and his cheeks are stained with tears. It hurts me to know that I'm the reason for those tears, but Harry probably wouldn't like it if I were to go and sit next to him.

"Alright, boys, shall we begin?" Jared asks, clearing his throat. We all grumble in consent, God only knowing how long this dreaded meeting will take.


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