Chapter 21

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After Lucas and Jared drone on and on about how Harry and I are "singlehandedly ruining the image of the band by being 'reckless'" for what seems like hours, they finally leave. Now it's just the 5 of us, still sitting in the same spots on the couch that we were sitting in during the meeting. I wasn't even listening to what Lucas and Jared were saying half the time; I was worried about Harry. Is he mad at me? Is he still upset?

"Lou, you alright?" A faint voice calls me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

"Mate, you've been tapping your foot and biting your nails for the last 10 minutes." Niall states.

"What's on your mind, Tommo?" Liam wonders.

"Li, you're not my therapist." I shrug.

"Maybe I should be. I reckon I might need to be your marriage counselor in a few minutes too if you and Harry don't sort this out." He jokes. I give a half-assed laugh, which causes Liam to chuckle.

"Harry, can we go talk somewhere?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

"Right here is fine." Harry curtly replies. I can tell he's still upset, it's written all over his face and strung throughout his voice.

"Fine." I agree.

"Just no yelling again, alright?" Zayn says. Harry and I both agree. Before we start, I walk over and squat in front of Harry so that I don't have to talk over Niall and Zayn. I slowly reach my hand out so I don't startle the fragile boy, then gently rest my hand on his knee when he doesn't react. Harry finally looks into my eyes as soon as my hand touches his knee. I look back into his still puffy and glassy eyes; I really messed up this time. He's cried far too much these past days, and I need to be doing more to help him.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I start.

"It's fine." Harry sniffles, fumbling with his hands.

"No, it's not fine. It wasn't fair of me to say what I said to you before the meeting. We all react to overwhelming situations differently, and you were just handling it in your own way. I should have been there for you, but I was against you, and I'm really sorry for doing that."

"It's alright, Lou, we're all under a lot of stress right now." Harry reassures me as he gives me a small smile. "Come here." He says, beckoning me to move closer to him. I smile and stand up, moving closer to him. I hug him tightly as I move onto the couch, causing him to fall back so that he's leaning against the back of the couch. My arms are wrapped tightly around him; I'm practically on top of him but we're too busy kissing to notice. When we pull away, I cuddle in close to Harry. My arms are loosely draped over Harry's shoulders, and my legs are laying across his thighs. Harry has one of his arms resting on my knee, and his other arm is holding me close to him. "Lou, what do you mean 'I was handling an overwhelming situation in my own way'?" Harry whispers in my ear. Before I answer, I stop and think to come up with an answer that doesn't upset him.

"Well, we're all different, and having been with you for 3 years, I sort of know how you react to things. For example, when you're drunk you get all cuddly, when you're happy you move around a lot and smile at everyone and everything, and when you're stressed out or scared, you, uh, kind of...fuck it. The best way to put it is that you act little, like a sub." The last part almost comes out as a question, because I'm not sure I explained it right.

"What the fuck?" This catches Harry completely off guard, and I can't help but burst into laughter. Harry's face goes red with embarrassment.

"Aww, Hazza, it's alright. You know I'll always take care of you. I'm right here, honey." I earnestly say as I comfortingly place my hand on the side of Harry's neck. Suddenly, Liam clears his throat, and Harry and I look to the boys; all three of them are looking at us.

"What? We're having a moment here." I question, a bit defensively.

"We would just like to keep our dinners down, is all." Zayn jokes. I flip off the three of them, then turn back to look at Harry.

"Kiss me, you fool." Harry smiles. Harry and I dramatically start making out to annoy the boys, and it works. When we pull away, we are both panting and have red lips. I smirk at Harry, and he blushes.

"If you'd have done that in front of Lucas and Jared they would have fainted." Niall snorts.

"Imagine how Lucas and Jared would feel if they knew how good I fucked you this morning." I whisper in Harry's ear, smirking. Harry blushes as he lets out a small whimper, remembering this morning's events.

"Hello? Earth to Lou and Haz?" Liam calls. I shake my head to clear it of thoughts of what I wanted to do to Harry and look over to the boys.

"What?" I ask, a bit annoyed that they ruined a moment with my boyfriend.

"We were just talking about the meeting, but clearly you two weren't listening." Zayn informs us. I roll my eyes before turning back to Harry, gingerly intertwining our fingers together.

"I'm serious!" Liam starts, "how do all of you feel about what they said?" I immediately feel bitterness take over me just at the thought of the meeting.

"I'm fucking sick of management trying to tell me and Harry how to live. It's been 3 years, 3 fucking years! Why can't everyone just accept that Harry and I are together and he's not off fucking some random girl? All they ever do it hurt us, and I'm tired of their bullshit." I snap.

"Clearly Louis doesn't feel good about it." Niall says under his breath.

"How do you boys feel about it?" Harry asks Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Harry starts to rub my back to get me to calm down, but it hardly helps. "You're alright, love. Just be here with me now, yeah? They can't hurt us here, Lou, I promise." Harry quietly reassures me, trying to catch my gaze. When I look into his endearing eyes, every negative emotion I have is wiped away and replaced with calm ones. I take a few deep breaths with Harry's guidance in order to fully calm down before returning to the conversation.

"I think it's getting pretty late, lads." Liam says. We all agree and all of us chat a little more while we wait for a car for Liam, Niall, and Zayn to drive them home. After about 10 minutes, the car arrives, and we all stretch as we slowly make our ways to the front door.

"Bye, see you tomorrow!" I tiredly, but happily call. The three boys wave to me and I shut the door once the car drives off into the dark night. "It's just me and you now, curly, what do you wanna do?" I ask Harry, gently stroking his cheekbone.

"Netflix in bed?" Harry shyly asks.

"Of course, babe. Movie?"

"Mhmm." Harry hums as he nods his head. We race upstairs, me letting Harry win obviously, and we strip down to our boxers and shirts and cuddle close together on our bed as we start searching for movies.

"Do you wanna go scary, comedy, action...?" I list. Harry giggles as he points to 'romantic comedy'. "Ughhh, Harry, do we have to?" I groan. I look over at Harry who is pouting, which he knows I can't say no to. "Fine. But only because you had a stressful day, alright Haz?" Harry cheers and looks through the numerous movies. Harry gasps and quickly points to The Notebook, one of his all time favorite movies. "Baby boy, you've seen this one a million times. Don't you wanna watch something new?" I question. Harry shakes his head. and I reluctantly click on the movie. I move the laptop to the right of Harry, and he turns to lay on his side. After I take my shirt off, I bring the covers up to our shoulders. I lay a sweet kiss behind Harry's ear, before spooning him close to me, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "You are my world, there's nothing I won't do to protect you."


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