Chapter 22

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"Harry? Where are you?" I call. It's a very cold February morning, and my cuddle buddy wasn't in bed when I woke up. After putting sweatpants and an oversized hoodie on, I start to search the house for my boyfriend. When I walk into the kitchen, I see Harry standing at the sink with his hands resting on the counter. His back is facing me, so he doesn't hear me walk into the kitchen. "Morning Haz." I smile as I wrap my arms around Harry in a warm hug. Harry stiffens under me, and I let go. "You okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Louis, it's not gonna work..." Harry trails.

"What do you mean?" I ask again, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Honey, management wants us apart. We can't be together. It's what's best for the band."

"Harry," tears form in my eyes, blurring my vision, "what are you talking about? I know it's not always easy, but you know we always find a way. Baby, please don't do this." I plead.

"Don't you understand! Our relationship isn't helping anything! No one can know we're together. Doesn't that make you think that us being together is wrong?" Harry shouts. At this point, I am holding back sobs. Where did this come from? He was fine last night.

"Who made you think this?"

"Nobody. I realized Lucas and Jared were right all along, and it was stupid not to listen to them."

"Are you breaking up with me?" I ask just above a whisper.

"Do I need to make it more obvious?" Harry hisses. I rapidly shake my head 'no' to avoid more yelling from Harry.

"Harry, please don't do this." I plead.
"It's too late; I already made plans to stay with Zayn. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish packing." Harry says with finality in his voice. He walks right past me and up the stairs, leaving me on the kitchen floor, sobbing my heart out and screaming for him to come back.

"Lou!" I hear a faint voice calling. I muffle my sobs to hear the voice better.
"Lou, baby come back." I immediately recognize Harry's voice. Anger and hurt flow through my veins at his words.

"You left me!" I exclaim. Suddenly, I feel lighter and lighter, until wake up with a jolt, trembling and drenched in cold sweat. Harry is laying facing me, and he is peppering my face with light kisses as he strokes my arm.

"I've got you. Take deep breaths baby." He soothes.

"Get off of me!" I rage, hot tears flowing freely down my cheeks. Harry flinches and quickly moves away from me. I instantly regret yelling at Harry, but I just need space right now.

"I'm gonna get a drink of water." Harry mumbles. As he walks out of the room and down the stairs, I look to him. Although I can't see his face, I can tell he is upset. I sigh and bury my head in my hands after wiping my tears.

"What the hell's happening to us?" I curse aloud. Ever since Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and I went out nearly a month ago, everything has seemingly gone to shit. In reality, all that's wrong is management cracking down on me and Harry, but it feels like my whole world is falling apart around me. First management tells me and Harry to stay away from each other, then Harry gets beaten up for being with me, and then pictures of us kissing have been released, which we will inevitably be confronted with. And to put the icing on the cake, we got a home visit from management themselves.

After shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I look around the dark room, then reach for my phone to check the time. I shield my eyes from the blinding bright light and quickly lower my screen's brightness. I un-shield my eyes and read the large white digits on my screen: 2:01 a.m..

Instead of falling asleep I decide to wait for Harry to come back. I scroll through the messages on my home screen, and it's not good. 'You have got to be kidding me.' I think as I see about 30 messages from Niall. Unlocking my phone, I click on the messages and slowly read each one.

Nialler: Shit

Nialler: Mark was driving us back to our apartments and I heard him talking to management on the phone

Nialler: From what Mark was saying, Jared and Lucas are pissed off with you and Harry

Nialler: I think they're going to do something, but I don't know what

Nialler: Wake up!!! This is important!

After reading the 30 texts from Niall, tears are streaming down my face once again. Of course. Of fucking course. As if everything isn't falling apart, this happens! Can't we just have one normal day? With a loud scream, I chuck my phone across the room in frustration. As if on cue, Harry walks back into our room. He's wearing a black oversized hoodie, which I assume he put on when he got up to get water.

"Lou, are you alright?" Harry asks, crossing his sweater paw arms in front of him for comfort. Looking to Harry with puffy eyes, I simply shake my head 'no'. I bring my knees up to my chest, and Harry sits close to me on the bed. "Hey, don't do that hun." Harry sweetly says as he gingerly takes my hand away from my mouth so I stop biting my nails. Before I am able to protest and proceed biting my nails, he quickly replaces my hand with his soft pink lips. I place a shaky hand on his neck as we kiss, and rest my forehead on his when we pull apart. "What was your dream about sweetheart?" Harry asks as he wipes a stray tear from my cheek with his thumb.

"It's nothing." I sigh, turning away from Harry and rubbing my eyes with balled fists.

"You're upset so it was clearly someth-"

"Harry, I said it's fine!" I snap, cutting Harry off. Harry flinches once again at my sudden change in tone. When I see this, I wince at the realization that I frightened Harry...again.

"I'm sorry Haz, I'm just really stressed. Can we please just go back to bed?" I say in a soft tone. Harry shakes his head 'yes' and slips under the covers. When we are both laying down under the warm blankets, Harry looks at me. In his eyes, he looks lost in thought. "Hazza?" I attempt to get his attention.

"Huh?" He says, shaking his head clear of his thoughts.

"What were you thinking about, hmm?" I gently ask as I brush a strand of hair away from his face.

"How do you wanna cuddle?"

"What? I don't really think about it. It just kinda happens, don't you think?" I smile at the boy's innocence. Harry just shrugs in response. "Come here." I open my arms, inviting Harry to move closer. Both of us are laying on our sides, facing each other; when Harry moves closer to me, we're sort of cuddling in a sideways hug with our legs intertwined. My left arm is wrapped around to his back in order to hold him close to me, and my right arm is loosely tangled in his hair. Harry picks up his head to give me a quick kiss on the jaw. In seemingly half the time, he is once again cuddled into me, but this time he is fast asleep.


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